Cambridge IELTS 2 Listening Test 3

Section 1: Questions 1-10

Questions 1-4
  1. The respondent works in
    1. the professions
    2. business
    3. other
  2. The respondent has a salary of
    1. £ 0-15,000 a year
    2. £ 15,000-35,000 a year
    3. over £35,000 a year
  3. The respondent watched TV for
    1. relaxation
    2. entertainment
    3. information
  4. Every day the respondent watches TV for
    1. 30 min – 1 hour
    2. 1 hour – 2 hours
    3. more than 2 hours
Questions 5-7

Choose TWO letters A-E

  1. The respondent mainly watches TV
    1. in the early morning
    2. around midday
    3. in the afternoon
    4. in the early evening
    5. at night
  2. 6. On the new channel the respondent would like to see more
    1. children’s programmes
    2. documentaries
    3. local service programmes
    4. travel programmes
    5. health programmes
  3. The respondent would advise the new channel to
    1. spend more money on drama
    2. train their broadcasters to higher standards
    3. improve sound quality
    4. broadcast interviews with famous people
    5. talk more to customers
Questions 8-10

Circle the correct letter A-C.

  1. The respondent feels that adverts should occur only
    1. 10 minutes
    2. 15 minutes
    3. 20 minutes
  2. The respondent would like to attend special promotions if
    1. expenses are paid
    2. he is invited specially
    3. they are held locally
  3. The respondent would like to receive
    1. no mail
    2. requested mail
    3. all mail

Section 2: Questions 11-14

Questions 11-14

Circle FOUR letters A-G.

Which FOUR activities of the Union are mentioned by the speaker?

  1. raising money for good causes
  2. political campaigning
  3. running a new agency
  4. running a supermarket
  5. providing cheap tickets
  6. helping with accommodation
  7. providing catering services
Questions 15 and 16

Circle TWO letters A-E.

Which TWO of the following can you get advice about from the Union?

  1. immigration
  2. grants
  3. medical problems
  4. personal problems
  5. legal matters
Questions 17-20

Write the appropriate letters A-C against questions 17-20.

What are the locations of the following places in Radford?

  1. part of the Metro Tower Building
  2. in the main square in the centre of the town
  3. some distance from the centre of the town
  1. the hi-tech fitness centre 
  2. the ice rink 
  3. the new cinema 
  4. the Theatre Royal 

Section 3: Questions 21-30

Questions 21-23

Complete the notes below.


Hand-in-date: (21) ……………………….
Length: (22) ………………………. to 
Extra programme offered on: (23) ……………………….

Question 24-26

Complete the table below.


31 Januarybasic bibliography
7 February(24)………………..
February – March(25)……………….
(26)……………….to……………….write up work
21 Mayhand in work
Questions 27-30

What is Dr Simon’s opinions on the following points?

Tick column A if he is in favour
Tick column B if he has no strong opinion either way
Tick column C if he is against

27. Buying a computer…..…..…..
28. Reading previous year’s dissertation…..…..…..
29. Using questionnaires as main research instrument…..…..…..
30. Interviewing tutors…..…..…..

Section 4: Questions 31-40

Questions 31-37

Circle the correct letters A-C.

  1. The driest continent is
    1. Australia
    2. Africa
    3. Antarctica
  2. The evaporation rate in Australia is
    1. lower than Africa
    2. higher than Africa
    3. about the same as Africa
  3. Rainfall in Australia hardly penetrates the soil because
    1. the soil is too hard
    2. the soil is too hot
    3. plants use it up
  4. In sandy soils water can
    1. evaporate quickly
    2. seep down to rock
    3. wash the soil away
  5. Water is mainly pumped up for
    1. people to drink
    2. animals to drink
    3. watering crops
  6. Natural springs are located
    1. in unexplored parts of Australia
    2. quite commonly over all Australia
    3. in a few areas of Australia
  7. Underground water supplies
    1. 18% of Australia’s water
    2. 48% of Australia’s water
    3. 80% of Australia’s water
Questions 38-40

Circle THREE letters A-E.

Which THREE of the following uses of dam water are mentioned?

  1. providing water for livestock
  2. watering farmland
  3. providing water for industry
  4. controlling flood water
  5. producing hydro-electric power
Cambridge IELTS 2 Listening Test 3 Section 1 Answers
  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. B
  5. A, E
  6. A, C
  7. C, E
  8. B
  9. C
  10. B
Cambridge IELTS 2 Listening Test 3 Section 2 Answers
  1. A
  2. C
  3. E
  4. G
  5. B
  6. E
  7. C
  8. A
  9. A
  10. B
Cambridge IELTS 2 Listening Test 3 Section 3 Answers
  1. 21 May
  2. 18000-20000
  3. research methods
  4. plan
  5. research
  6. march to may
  7. A
  8. A
  9. C
  10. B
Cambridge IELTS 2 Listening Test 3 Section 4 Answers
  1. C
  2. B
  3. C
  4. B
  5. B
  6. C
  7. A
  8. B
  9. D
  10. E


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