Category: Academic Reading Tests

  • Cambridge IELTS 4 Academic Reading Test 3

    Reading Passage 1 MICRO ENTERPRISE CREDIT FOR STREET YOUTH ‘I am from a large, poor family and for many years we have done without breakfast. Ever since I joined the Street Kids International Program I have been able to buy my family sugar and buns for breakfast. I have also bought myself decent second hand…

  • Cambridge IELTS 12 Academic Reading Test 2

    Reading Passage 1 The Risks Agriculture Faces In Developing Countries A Two things distinguish food production from all other productive activities: first, every single person needs food each day and has a right to it; and second, it is hugely dependent on nature. These two unique aspects, one political, the other natural, make food production highly…

  • Cambridge IELTS 13 Academic Reading Test 3

    Reading Passage 1 The Coconut Palm For millennia, the coconut has been central to the lives of Polynesian and Asian peoples. In the western world, on the other hand, coconuts have always been exotic and unusual, sometimes rare. The Italian merchant traveller Marco Polo apparently saw coconuts in South Asia in the late 13th century,…

  • Cambridge IELTS 13 Academic Reading Test 1

    Reading passage 1 Case Study: Tourism New Zealand Website New Zealand is a small country of four million inhabitants, a long-haul flight from all the major tourist-generating markets of the world. Tourism currently makes up 9% of the country’s gross domestic product, and is the country’s largest export sector. Unlike other export sectors, which make…

  • Cambridge IELTS 13 Academic Reading Test 2

    Reading Passage 1 Bringing Cinnamon to Europe Cinnamon is a sweet, fragrant spice produced from the inner bark of trees of the genus Cinnamomum, which is native to the Indian sub-continent. It was known in biblical times, and is mentioned in several books of the Bible, both as an ingredient that was mixed with oils…

  • Cambridge IELTS 12 Academic Reading Test 4

    Reading Passage 1 The History of Glass From our earliest origins, man has been making use of glass. Historians have discovered that a type of natural glass – obsidian – formed in places such as the mouth of a volcano as a result of the intense heat of an eruption melting sand – was first…

  • Cambridge IELTS 12 Academic Reading Test 1

    Reading passage 1 Nutmeg – A Valuable Spice The nutmeg tree, Myristica fragrans, is a large evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia. Until the late 18th century, it only grew in one place in the world: a small group of islands in the Banda Sea, part of the Moluccas – or Spice Islands – in…

  • Cambridge IELTS 12 Academic Reading Test 1

    Reading Passage 1 Cork Cork – the thick bark of the cork oak tree (Quercus suber) – is a remarkable material. It is tough, elastic, buoyant, and fire-resistant, and suitable for a wide range of purposes. It has also been used for millennia: the ancient Egyptians sealed then sarcophagi (stone coffins) with cork, while the…

  • Cambridge IELTS 13 Academic Reading Test 4

    Reading Passage 1 Cutty Sark: the fastest sailing ship of all time The nineteenth century was a period of great technological development in Britain, and for shipping the major changes were from wind to steam power, and from wood to iron and steel. The fastest commercial sailing vessels of all time were clippers, three-masted ships…

  • Cambridge IELTS 12 Academic Reading Test 3

    Reading passage 1 Flying tortoises A Forests of spiny cacti cover much of the uneven lava plains that separate the interior of the Galapagos island of Isabela from the Pacific Ocean. With its five distinct volcanoes, the island resembles a lunar landscape. Only the thick vegetation at the skirt of the often cloud-covered peak of Sierra…

  • Cambridge IELTS 14 Academic Reading Test 4

    Reading Passage 1 The secret of staying young Pheidole dentata, a native ant of the south-eastern U.S., isn’t immortal. But scientists have found that it doesn’t seem to show any signs of aging. Old worker ants can do everything just as well as the youngsters, and their brains appear just as sharp. ‘We get a…

  • Cambridge IELTS 14 Academic Reading Test 2

    Reading Passage 1 Alexander Henderson Alexander Henderson was born in Scotland in 1831 and was the son of a successful merchant. His grandfather, also called Alexander, had founded the family business, and later became the first chairman of the National Bank of Scotland. The family had extensive landholdings in Scotland. Besides its residence in Edinburgh,…