Category: IELTS Listening Tests

  • Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test 4

    Part 1: Questions 1-10

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    Cycle tour leader: Applicant enquiry

    Name: Margaret Smith

    About the applicant:
    • Wants a (1)  ………………………. job
    • Will soon start work as a (2) ……………………….
    • Has led cycle trips in (3) ……………………….
    • Interested in being a leader of a cycling trip for families
    • Is currently doing voluntary work with members of a (4) ………………………. club
    • Available for five months from the 1st of (5) ……………………….
    • Can’t eat (6) ……………………….

    Contact details
    • Address: 27 (7)  ………………………. Place, Dumfries
    • Postcode: (8) ……………………….

    • Interview at 2.30 pm on (9) ……………………….
    • Will plan a short (10) ………………………. about being a tour guide

    Part 2: Questions 11-20

    Questions 11-14

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    Visiting the Sheepmarket Area

    1. Which is the most rapidly growing group of residents in the sheepmarket area?
      1. young professional people
      2. students from the university
      3. employees in the local market
    2. The speaker recommends the side streets in the sheepmarket for their
      1. international restaurants
      2. historical buildings
      3. arts and crafts
    3. Clothes designed by entrants for the Young Fashion competition must
      1. be modelled by the designers themselves
      2. be inspired by aspects of contemporary culture
      3. be made from locally produced materials
    4. Car parking is free in some car parks if you
      1. stay for less than an hour
      2. buy something in the shops
      3. park in the evenings or at weekends
    Questions 15-20

    Label the map below.

    Write correct letter A-I next to questions 15-20.

    1. the Reynolds House 
    2. the Thumb 
    3. the Museum 
    4. the Contemporary Art Gallery 
    5. the Warner Gallery 
    6. 20. Nucleus 

    Part 3: Questions 21-30

    Questions 21-24

    Complete the table below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.


    Stages of presentationWork still to be done
    Introduce Giannetti’s book containing a (21)……………of adaptationsorganize notes
    Ask class to suggest the (22)………………….adaptationsno further work needed
    Present Rachel Malchow’s ideasprepare some (23)………………..
    Discuss relationship between adaptations and (24)………………… the time of making the filmno further work needed
    Questions 25-30

    What do the speakers say about each of the following films?

    Choose SIX answers from below and write the correct letter A-G next to questions 25-30.


    1. clearly shows the historical period
    2. contains only parts of the play
    3. is too similar to another kind of film
    4. turned out to be unpopular with audiences
    5. presents the play in a different period from the original
    6. sets the original in a different country
    7. incorporates a variety of art forms


    1. Ran 
    2. Much Ado About Nothing 
    3. Romeo and Juliet 
    4. Hamlet 
    5. Prospero’s Books 
    6. Looking for Richard 

    Section 4: Questions 31-40

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

    Noise in Cities
    Past research focused on noise level (measured in decibels) and people’s responses.

    Noise ‘maps’
    • Show that the highest noise levels are usually found on roads
    • Do not show other sources of noise e.g. when windows are open or people’s neighbours are in their (31) ……………………….
    • Ignore variations in people’s perceptions of noise
    • Have made people realize that the noise is a (32)  ………………………. issue that must be dealt with

    Problems caused by noise
    • Sleep disturbance
    • Increase in amount of stress
    • Effect on the (33)  ………………………. of school children

    Different types of noise
    Some noises can be considered pleasant e.g. the sound of a (34) ………………………. in a town
    To investigate this, researchers may use methods from (35) ………………………. sciences

    What people want
    Plenty of activity in urban environments which are (36) ………………………. but also allow people to relax

    But architects and town planners
    • Do not get much (37) ………………………. in acoustics
    • Regards sound as the responsibility of engineers

    Understanding sound as an art form
    We need to know
    • How sound relates to (38) ……………………….
    • What can be learnt from psychology about the effects of sound
    • Whether physics can help us understand the (39)  ………………………. of sound

    Virtual reality programs
    • Advantage: predict the effect of buildings
    • Current disadvantage: they are (40) ……………………….

    Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test 4 Section 1 Answers
    1. temporary
    2. doctor
    3. africa
    4. youth
    5. May
    6. cheese
    7. Arbuthnot
    8. DG74PH
    9. tuesday
    10. talk
    Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test 4 Section 2 Answers
    1. A
    2. C
    3. B
    4. B
    5. H
    6. C
    7. F
    8. G
    9. I
    10. B
    Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test 4 Section 3 Answers
    1. classification
    2. worst
    3. slides
    4. issues
    5. F
    6. A
    7. E
    8. C
    9. G
    10. B
    Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test 4 Section 4 Answers
    1. gardens
    2. political
    3. work/ study
    4. fountain
    5. social
    6. lively
    7. training
    8. culture
    9. nature
    10. silent
  • Cambridge IELTS 6 Listening Test 3

    Part 1: Question 1-10

    Complete the form below.



    Application for a: Current bank account
    Type of current account: The (1) ……………………………. account
    Full name of applicant: Pieter Henes
    Date of birth: (2) ……………………………. 
    Joint account holders: No
    Current address: (3) …………………………….   Exeter
    Time at current address: (4) ……………………………. 
    Previous address: Rielsdorf 2, Utrecht, Holland
    Telephone: work (5) ……………………………. 
    Occupation: (6) ……………………………. 
    Identity (security): Name of his (7) …………………………….   :Siti
    Opening sum: (8) …………………………….  £  to be transferred from Fransen Bank, Utrecht
    Statements: Every (9) ……………………………. 
    Requests: Supply information about the bank’s (10)  ……………………………. service

    Part 2: Question 11-20

    Question 11-13

    Choose the correct letter A, B and C.


    1. When the writer Sebastian George first saw Rosewood House, he
      1. thought he might rent it
      2. felt it was too expensive for him
      3. was unsure whether to buy it
    2. Before buying the house. George had
      1. experienced severe family problems
      2. struggled to become a successful author
      3. suffered a serious illness
    3. According to the speaker, George viewed Rosewood House as
      1. a rich source of material for his books
      2. a way to escape from his work
      3. a typical building of the region
    Question 14-17

    Label the map below.

    Write correct letters A-J next to questions 14-17.


    1. Pear Alley …………………………….
    2. Mullberry Garden …………………………….
    3. Shop …………………………….
    4. Tea Room …………………………….
    Question 18-20

    Complete the sentences below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY.


    1. You can walk through the  that goes along the river bank.
    2. You can go over the  and then into a wooded area.
    3. On your way back, you could also go up to the 

    Part 3: Question 21-30

    Question 21-24

    Complete the sentences below.



    1. For their assignment, the students must investigate one part of the 
    2. The method the students must use to collect data is 
    3. In total, the students must interview  people.
    4. Jack thinks the music preferences of  listeners are similar.
    Question 25-30

    Complete the notes below.


    Age group of interviewee
    • 25 or under
    • 45 or over

    Music preferences
    • Pop
    • (25)  ……………………………. 
    • Folk
    • Easy listening
    • (26) ……………………………. 

    Medium for listening to music
    • Radio
    • CD
    • TV
    • (27) ……………………………. 

    Source of music
    • Music shops
    • (28) ……………………………. 
    • Internet

    Places for listening to music
    • Disco
    • Pub
    • (29) ……………………………. 
    • Concert Hall
    • (30) ……………………………. 

    Part 4: Question 31-40

    Question 31-34

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.


    1. According to the speaker, it is not clear
      1. when the farming economy was introduced to Ireland
      2. why people began to farm in Ireland
      3. where the early Irish farmers came from
    2. What point does the speaker make about breeding animals in Neolithic Ireland?
      1. Their numbers must have been above a certain level
      2. They were under threat from wild animals
      3. Some species died out during this period
    3. What does the speaker say about the transportation of animals?
      1. Livestock would have limited the distance the farmers could sail
      2. Neolithic boats were loo primitive to have been used
      3. Probably only a few breeding animals were imported
    4. What is the main evidence for cereal crops in Neolithic Ireland?
      1. the remains of burnt grain in pots
      2. the marks left on pots by grains
      3. the patterns painted on the surface of pots
    Question 35-40

    Complete the sentences below.

    Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS each answer.


    1. Ploughs could either have been pulled by  or by cattle.
    2. The farmers needed homes which were permanent dwellings.
    3. In the final stages of axe-making  and  were necessary for grinding and polishing.
    4. Irish axes were exported from Ireland to  and England.

    • The colonisers used clay to make pots.

    1. The  of the pots was often polished to make them watertight.
    2. Clay from  areas was generally used.
    3. Decoration was only put around the  of the earliest pots.
    Cambridge IELTS 6 Listening Test 3 Section 1 Answers
    1. select
    2. 27-1-1973
    3. 15 riverside
    4. weeks
    5. 616295
    6. engineer
    7. mother
    8. 2,000
    9. month
    10. internet
    Cambridge IELTS 6 Listening Test 3 Section 2 Answers
    1. C
    2. A
    3. C
    4. H
    5. F
    6. B
    7. D
    8. field
    9. footbridge
    10. viewpoint
    Cambridge IELTS 6 Listening Test 3 Section 3 Answers
    1. entertainment industry
    2. telephone interviews
    3. 30
    4. male and female
    5. jazz
    6. classical
    7. concerts
    8. department stores
    9. club
    10. opera house
    Cambridge IELTS 6 Listening Test 3 Section 4 Answers
    1. C
    2. A
    3. A
    4. B
    5. people
    6. water AND sand (in either order)
    7. scotland
    8. outside
    9. local
    10. tops
  • Cambridge IELTS 13 Listening Test 1

    Part 1: Questions 1-10

    Complete the form below.



    Cookery ClassesFocusOther Information
    The food
    how to (1)………………and cook with seasonal products– small classes
    – also offers (2)………..classes
    – clients who return get a (3)…………discount
    cookery school
    food that is (4)………………– includes recipes to strengthen your (5)…………..
    – they have a free (6)……………every Thursday
    The (7)…………….
    mainly (8)…………….food– located near the (9)…………..
    – a special course in skills with a (10)………………is sometimes available

    Section 2: Questions 11-20

    Questions 11-13

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    Traffic Changes in Granford

    1. Why are changes needed to traffic systems in Granford?
      1. The number of traffic accidents has risen.
      2. The amount of traffic on the roads has increased.
      3. The types of vehicles on the roads have changed.
    2. In a survey, local residents particularly complained about
      1. dangerous driving by parents.
      2. pollution from trucks and lorries.
      3. inconvenience from parked cars.
    3. According to the speaker, one problem with the new regulations will be
      1.  raising money to pay for them.
      2.  finding a way to make people follow them.
      3.  getting the support of the police.
    Questions 14-20

    Label the map below. Write the correct letter A-I next to questions 14-20.

    proposed traffic changes in Granford

    Cambridge IELTS 13 Listening Test 1 proposed traffic changes in Granford Questions 14-20 map
    1. New traffic lights 
    2. Pedestrian crossing 
    3. Parking allowed 
    4. New ‘no parking’ sign 
    5. New disabled parking spaces 
    6. Widened pavement 
    7. Lorry loading/ unloading restrictions 

    Section 3: Questions 21-30

    Questions 21-25

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    1. Why is Jack interested in investigating seed germination?
      1. He may do a module on a related topic later on
      2. He wants to have a career in plant science
      3. He is thinking of choosing this topic for his dissertation
    2. Jack and Emma agree the main advantage of their present experiment is that it can be
      1.  described very easily
      2.  carried out inside the laboratory
      3.  completed in the time available
    3. What do they decide to check with their tutor?
      1. whether their aim is appropriate
      2. whether anyone else has chosen this topic
      3. whether the assignment contributes to their final grade
    4. They agree that Grave’s book on seed germination is disappointing because
      1. it fails to cover recent advances in seed science
      2. the content is irrelevant for them
      3. its focus is very theoretical
    5. What does Jack say about the article on seed germination by Lee Hall?
      1. the diagrams of plant development are useful
      2. the analysis of seed germination statistics is thorough
      3. the findings on seed germination after fires are surprising
    Questions 26-30

    Complete the flow chart below.

    Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter A-H next to questions 26-30.

    Stages in the experiment
    Select seeds of different (26)………………….and sizes
    Measure and record the (27)………………and size of each one
    Decide on the (28)……………….to be used
    Use a different (29)………………..for each seed and label it
    After about 3 weeks record the plant’s (30)……………
    Investigate the findings

    Section 4: Questions 31-40.

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

    Effects of urban environment on animals

    Recent urban developments represent massive environmental changes. It was previously thought that only a few animals were suitable for city life e.g.
    • The (31) ………………………. Because of its general adaptability
    • The pigeon – because walls of city buildings are similar to (32) ……………………….
    In fact, many urban animals are adapting with unusual (33) ……………………….

    Recent research
    • Emilie Snell-Rood studied urbanized mammal specimens from museums in Minnesota
    o She found the size of their (34)  ………………………. had increased
    o She suggests this may be due to the need to locate new sources of
      ………………………. and to deal with new dangers
    • Catarina Miranda focused on the (36) ………………………. of urban and rural blackbirds.
    o She found urban birds were often braver but were afraid of situations that were
    • Jonathan Atwell studies how animals respond to urban environments
    o He found that some animals respond to (38) ………………………. by producing lower levels of hormones.
    • Sarah Partan’s team found urban squirrels use their (39) ………………………. to help them communicate

    Long- term possibilities

    Species of animals may develop which are unique to cities. However, some changes may not be (40) ……………………….

    Cambridge IELTS 13 Listening Test 1 Section 1 Answers
    1. choose
    2. private
    3. 20%
    4. healthy
    5. bones
    6. lecture
    7. arretsa
    8. vegetarian
    9. market
    10. knife
    Cambridge IELTS 13 Listening Test 1 Section 2 Answers

    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. E
    5. D
    6. B
    7. G
    8. C
    9. H
    10. I
    Cambridge IELTS 13 Listening Test 1 Section 3 Answers

    1. A
    2. C
    3. B
    4. C
    5. B
    6. G
    7. C
    8. H
    9. A
    10. E
    Cambridge IELTS 13 Listening Test 1 Section 4 Answers

    1. crow
    2. cliffs
    3. speed
    4. brains
    5. food
    6. behaviour
    7. new
    8. stress
    9. tails
    10. permanent
  • Cambridge IELTS 3 Listening Test 2

    SECTION 1: Questions 1-10

    Questions 1-5

    Complete the table below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    Programme of Activities for First Day

    (1) ………………….Meet the principal and staff
    10:15Talk by (2)……………
    10:45Talk by (3)……………
    (4) ………………….Classroom 5(5) ………………….
    Questions 6-10

    Label the rooms on the map below.

    Choose your answers from the box below and write them next to questions 6-10.

    CLComputer Laboratory
    DODirector’s Office
    MHMain Hall
    SARSelf Access Room
    SCRStudent Common Room
    SRStaff Room
    Cambridge IELTS 3 Listening Test 2 questions 6-10 map of campus/laboratories

    SECTION 2: Questions 11-20

    Questions 11-15

    Complete the table below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

    (11) …………………….
    (12) …………………….. childcare
    . nurseries
    ACADEMIC. (13) …………………….
    . using the library
    (14) …………………….. Individual interests
    . (15) …………………….
    Questions 16-20

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NUMBERS OR NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.


    OfficerJackie (16) ……………….
    AddressStudent Welfare Office13 Marshall Road
    Telephone number(17)……………..…
    Opening hours9.30am-6pm (weekdays)
    (18)………………………Ring or visit office for (19)……………….……(Saturdays)N.B. At peak times there may be a
    (20) ……………..

    SECTION 3: Questions 21-30

    Questions 21-24

    Choose the correct letters A-C.

    1. At the start of the tutorial, the tutor emphasises the importance of
      1. interviews.
      2. staff selection.
      3. question techniques.
    2. An example of a person who doesn’t ‘fit in’ is someone who
      1. is over-qualified for the job.
      2. lacks experience of the tasks set.
      3. disagrees with the rest of the group.
    3. An important part of teamwork is having trust in your
      1. colleagues’ ability.
      2. employer’s directions.
      3. company training.
    4. The tutor says that finding out personal information is
      1. a skill that needs practice.
      2. avoided by many interviewers.
      3. C already a part of job interviews.
    Questions 25-29

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

    Personality Questionnaires

    • completed during (25) ………………..
    • used in the past by the (26) ……………………….
      and the (27) ……………………….
      nowadays used by (28) ……………………….
      of large
      questions about things like: working under pressure or
      keeping deadlines
    • written by (29) ……………………….
      candidates tend to be truthful
      who say
    Question 30

    Choose the correct letter A-C.

    1. What is the tutor trying to do in the tutorial?
      1. describe one selection technique
      2. criticise traditional approaches to interviews
      3. illustrate how she uses personality questionnaires

    SECTION 4: Questions 31-40

    Questions 31 and 32

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    Project Profile
    Name of student:
    Type of school: (31) ……………………….
    Age of pupils: (32) ……………………….

    Questions 33 and 34

    Label the diagrams.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

    Introduction to Hat-Making

    Cambridge IELTS 3 Listening Test 2 question 33-34 Introduction to hat making
    Questions 35-37

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.


    Stage A: Refer to research and design a hat (35) ……..
    Stage B: Make a small-scale (36)………
    … hat


    • material: paper
    • colours: 37
    • glue: must not show

    Questions 38-40

    Indicate who made the hats below. Write the appropriate letter A-E next to each name.

    1. Theresa……
    2. Muriel…………..
    3. Fabrice
    Cambridge IELTS 3 Listening Test 2 section 4 questions 38-40 types of hats
    Cambridge IELTS 3 Listening Test 2 section 1 amswers
    1. (the) Main Hall NOT Hall
    2. (the) Director (of) (Studies) / DOS
    3. (the) Student(s) Advisor/Adviser
    4. eleven/11 o’clock / 11.00 (am)
    5. placement/English (test)
    6. L / Library
    7. MH / Main Hall
    8. CL / Computer Laboratory
    9. SR / Staff Room
    10. SCR / Student Common Room
    Cambridge IELTS 3 Listening Test 2 section 2 amswers
    1. (overseas)(student(s’)) (tuition) fees
    2. (the) domestic (area)
    3. (essay(s’)) deadlines NOT ressay(s)
    4. social (life)
    5. outings // trips
    6. KOUACHI
    7. 3269940
    8. ten/10(am)-/to 4/four(pm)
    9. (an) appointment(s)
    10. waiting list
    Cambridge IELTS 3 Listening Test 2 section 3 amswers
    1. B / staff selection
    2. C / disagrees with the rest of the group
    3. A / colleagues’ ability
    4. C / already a part of job interviews
    5. selection (procedure)
    6. IN EITHER ORDER (the) (ancient) Chinese (the) military // army
    7. IN EITHER ORDER (the) (ancient) Chinese (the) military // army
    8. (almost) two thirds / f
    9. experts NOT expert
    10. A / describe one selection technique
    Cambridge IELTS 3 Listening Test 2 section 4 amswers
    1. secondary
    2. 14 / fourteen (year olds/old)
    3. overlap / overlapping ACCEPT over(-)lap / over(-)lapping
    4. underside / underneath / bottom NOT side
    5. on paper / in two dimensions
    6. 3 / three(-)dimensional / 3(-)D
    7. MUST STATE ALL THREE white, grey/gray, brown
    8. C
    9. D
    10. A
  • Cambridge IELTS 14 Listening Test 2

    Section 1: Questions 1-10

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


    Personal Information

    Name: Julie Anne …….Garcia……

    Contact phone: (1) ……………………….
    Date of birth:    (2) ………………………. , 1992
    Occupation works as a: (3) ……………………….
    Insurance company:  ………………………. (4)  Life insurance

    Details of the problem
    Type of problem: pain in her left (5) ……………………….
    When it began: (6) ……………………….  ago
    Action already taken:     has taken painkillers and applied ice

    Other information
    Sports played:  belongs to a (7)  ………………………. club
    goes (8) ………………………. regularly

    Medical history:                                  injured her (9) ………………………. last year
    no allergies
    no regular medication apart from (10) ……………………….

    Section 2: Questions 11-20

    Questions 11–15

    Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

    Visit to Branley Castle

    1. Before Queen Elizabeth I visited the castle in 1576,
      1. repairs were carried out to the guest rooms.
      2. a new building was constructed for her.
      3. a fire damaged part of the main hall.
    2. In 1982, the castle was sold to
      1. the government.
      2. the Fenys family.
      3. an entertainment company.
    3. In some of the rooms, visitors can
      1. speak to experts on the history of the castle.
      2. interact with actors dressed as famous characters.
      3. see models of historical figures moving and talking.
    4. In the castle park, visitors can
      1. see an 800-year-old tree.
      2. go to an art exhibition.
      3. visit a small zoo.
    5. At the end of the visit, the group will have
      1. afternoon tea in the conservatory.
      2. the chance to meet the castle’s owners.
      3. a photograph together on the Great Staircase.
    Questions 16–20

    Label the plan below.

    Write the correct letter A-H next to questions 16-20.

    Cambridge IELTS 14 Listening Test 2 Visit to Branley Castle questions 16-20
    1. Starting point for walking the walls 
    2. Bow and arrow display 
    3. Hunting birds display 
    4. Traditional dancing 
    5. Shop 

    Section 3: Questions 21-30

    Questions 21–24

    Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

    Woolly mammoths on St Paul’s Island

    1. How will Rosie and Martin introduce their presentation?
      1. with a drawing of woolly mammoths in their natural habitat
      2. with a timeline showing when woolly mammoths lived
      3. with a video clip about woolly mammoths
    2. What was surprising about the mammoth tooth found by Russell Graham?
      1. It was still embedded in the mammoth’s jawbone.
      2. It was from an unknown species of mammoth.
      3. It was not as old as mammoth remains from elsewhere.
    3. The students will use an animated diagram to demonstrate how the mammoths
      1. became isolated on the island.
      2. spread from the island to other areas.
      3. coexisted with other animals on the island.
    4. According to Martin, what is unusual about the date of the mammoths’ extinction on the island?
      1. how exact it is
      2. how early it is
      3. how it was established
    Questions 25–30

    Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H, next to Questions 25-30.

    What action will the students take for each of the following sections of their presentation?


    1. make it more interactive
    2. reduce visual input
    3. add personal opinions
    4. contact one of the researchers
    5. make detailed notes
    6. find information online
    7. check timing
    8. organise the content more clearly

    Sections of presentation

    1. Introduction 
    2. Discovery of the mammoth tooth 
    3. Initial questions asked by the researchers 
    4. Further research carried out on the island 
    5. Findings and possible explanations 
    6. Relevance to the present day 

    Section 4: Questions 31–40

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

    The history of weather forecasting

    Ancient cultures
    • many cultures believed that floods and other disasters were involved in the creation of the world
    • many cultures invented (31) ……………………….  and other ceremonies to make the weather gods friendly
    • people needed to observe and interpret the sky to ensure their (32) ……………………….
    • around 650 BC, Babylonians started forecasting, using weather phenomena such as
    • by 300 BC, the Chinese had a calendar made up of a number of (34) ………………………. connected with the weather

    Ancient Greeks
    • a more scientific approach
    • Aristotle tried to explain the formation of various weather phenomena
    • Aristotle also described haloes and (35) ……………………….

    Middle Ages
    • Aristotle’s work considered accurate
    • many proverbs, e.g. about the significance of the colour of the (36) ………………………. , passed on accurate information.

    15th-19th centuries
    • 15th century: scientists recognised value of (37) ……………………….  for the first time
    • Galileo invented the (38) ……………………….
    • Pascal showed relationship between atmospheric pressure and altitude
    • from the 17th century, scientists could measure atmospheric pressure and temperature
    • 18th century: Franklin identified the movement of (39) ……………………….
    • 19th century: data from different locations could be sent to the same place by

    Cambridge IELTS 14 Listening Test 2 Section 1 Answers
    1. 219 442 9785
    2. 10(th) October
    3. manager
    4. Cawley
    5. knee
    6. 3 weeks
    7. tennis
    8. running
    9. shoulder
    10. vitamins
    Cambridge IELTS 14 Listening Test 2 Section 2 Answers
    1. B
    2. C
    3. C
    4. B
    5. A
    6. H
    7. D
    8. F
    9. A
    10. E
    Cambridge IELTS 14 Listening Test 2 Section 3 Answers
    1. B
    2. C
    3. A
    4. A
    5. E
    6. D
    7. A
    8. H
    9. G
    10. C
    Cambridge IELTS 14 Listening Test 2 Section 4 Answers
    1. dances
    2. survival
    3. clouds
    4. festivals
    5. comets
    6. sky
    7. instruments
    8. thermometer
    9. storms
    10. telegraph

  • Cambridge IELTS 5 Listening Test 3

    Part 1: Questions 1-10

    Complete the form below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    Customer Enquiry
    Make: Lida

    Engine size: (1) ………………………
    Model: Max
    Type of gears: (2) ………………………
    Preferred color: (3) ……………………… blue

    Customer wishes to arrange (4) ………………………
    Part exchange? Yes

    Name: Wendy (5) ………………………
    Title: (6) ………………………
    Address: (7) ……………………… hampshire GU8 9EW
    Contact number: (for (8) ……………………… only) 0798257643

    Make: Conti
    Model: Name: (9) ……………………… Year: 1994
    Mileage: maximum 70,000
    Color: metallic grey
    Condition: (10) ………………………

    Part 2: Questions 11-20

    Questions 11 and 12

    Choose TWO letters A-E.

    What TWO advantages does the speaker say Rexford University has for the students he is speaking to?

    1. higher than average results in examinations
    2. good transport links with central London
    3. near London Airport
    4. special government funding
    5. good links with local industry
    Questions 13-15

    Choose the table below.

    Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.

    • When application is received, confirmation will be sent
    • Application processing may be slowed down by
    – postal problems
    – delays in sending (13) ………………………
    • University tries to put international applicants in touch with a student From the same
    (14) ……………………… who can give information and advice
    – on academic atmosphere
    leisure facilities
    – English (15) ……………………… and food
    what to peak

    Questions 16-20

    Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

    1. The speaker says international students at UK universities will be
      1. offered accommodation with local families.
      2. given special help by their lecturers.
      3. expected to work independently.
    2. What does the speaker say about university accommodation on campus?
      1. Most places are given to undergraduates.
      2. No places are available for postgraduates with families.
      3. A limited number of places are available for new postgraduates.
    3. Students wishing to live off-campus should apply
      1. several months in advance.
      2. two or three weeks in advance.
      3. at the beginning of term.
    4. The university accommodation officer will
      1. send a list of agents for students to contact.
      2. contact accommodation agencies for students.
      3. ensure that students have suitable accommodation.
    5. With regard to their English, the speaker advises the students to
      1. tell their lecturers if they have problems understanding.
      2. have private English lessons when they arrive.
      3. practise their spoken English before they arrive.

    Section 3: Questions 21-30

    Choose the table below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    Feedback Form
    Course: Communication in Business
    Course code: CB162
    Dates: From (21) ………………………  to (22) ………………………

    Please give your comments on the following aspects of the course:

    Good PointsSuggestions for improvement
    Course organisation(23) ………………………
    useful to have (24) ……………………… at beginning of course
    – too much work in (25) ……………………… of the course, could be more easily balanced
    Course delivery– good (26) ………………………– some (27) ……………………… sessions went on too long
    Materials and equipment– good (28) ………………………– not enough copies of key texts available
    – need more computers
    Testing and evaluations– quick feedback from oval presentations
    – marking criteria for oral presentations known in advance
    – too much (29) ………………………
    – can we know criteria for marking final exam?
    Other comments– excellent (30) ………………………

    Section 4: Questions 31-40

    Questions 31-35

    Complete the sentences below.

    Use NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


    1. By 2008, carbon dioxide emissions need to be  lower than in 1990.
    2. Recycling saves energy and reduces emissions from landfill sites and 
    3. People say that one problem is a lack of ‘‘ sites for household waste.
    4. Glass designed to be utilised for  cannot be recycled with other types of glass.
    5. In the UK,  tons of glass is recycled each year.
    Questions 36-40

    Choose the table below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


    MaterialCompanyProduct that the company manufactures
    GlassCLA Aggregatesmaterial used for making (36) ………………………
    PaperMartin’soffice stationery
    PaperPapersave(37) ………………. for use on farms
    PlasticPacrite(38) ………………… for collecting waste
    PlasticWaterford(39) ………………….
    PlasticJohnson & Jones(40) …………………..
    Cambridge IELTS 5 Listening Test 3 section 1 answers
    1. 1.4 litres
    2. automatic
    3. light
    4. credit
    5. Harries
    6. doctor
    7. Alton
    8. messages
    9. lion
    10. reasonable
    Cambridge IELTS 5 Listening Test 3 section 2 answers
    1. C
    2. E
    3. references
    4. country
    5. weather
    6. C
    7. C
    8. A
    9. B
    10. C
    Cambridge IELTS 5 Listening Test 3 section 3 answers
    1. 5 May
    2. 16 July
    3. was clear
    4. course outline
    5. 2 half
    6. teaching
    7. group discussion
    8. handouts
    9. written work
    10. student support
    Cambridge IELTS 5 Listening Test 3 section 4 answers
    1. 12.5%
    2. incineration plants
    3. drop-off
    4. cooking
    5. 500,000
    6. roads
    7. soil conditioner
    8. containers
    9. pencils
    10. business cards

  • Cambridge IELTS 4 Listening Test 1

    Section 1: Questions 1-10

    Questions 1-4

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


    • Example
      • Number of trips per month 5
    • Visit places which have:
      • historical interest
      • good (1) …………………………..
      • (2) …………………………..
    • Cost: between £5.00 and £15.00 per person
    • Note: special trips organised for groups of (3)  ………………………….. people
    • Time: departure – 8.30 a.m and return – 6.00 p.m.
    • To reserve a seat: sign name on the (4) …………………………..3 days in advance
    Questions 5-10

    Complete the table below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    PlaceDateNumber of SeatsOptional Extra
    St Ives(5) …………………………..16Hep Worth Museum
    London16th February45(6) …………………………..
    (7) …………………………..3rd March18S.S. Great Britain
    Salisbury18th March50Stonehenge
    Bath23rd March16(8) …………………………..
    For further information: Read the (9) ………………………….. or see Social Assistant: Jane (10) …………………………..

    Section 2 – Questions 11-20

    Questions 11-13

    Complete the sentences below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


    1. Riverside Village was a good place to start an industry because it had water, raw materials and fuels such as ………………………….. and …………………………..
    2. The metal industry was established at Riverside Village by ………………………….. who lived in the area.
    3. There were over ………………………….. water-powered mills in the area in the eighteenth century.
    Questions 14-20

    Label the plan below.

    Write NO MORE THAN two WORDS for each answer.

    Cambridge IELTS 1 Academic Writing Test 4 Academic Writing Test 4 Task 1 choreleywood village

    Section 3 – Questions 21-30

    Questions 21 and 22

    choose the correct letter a, b or c.

    1. Melanie says she has not started the assignment because  
      1. she was doing work for another course.
      2. it was a really big assignment.
      3. she hasn’t spent time in the library.
    2. The lecturer says that reasonable excuses for extensions are
      1. planning problems.
      2. problems with assignment deadlines.
      3. personal illness or accident.
    Questions 23-27

    Choose your answers from the box and write the letters A-G next to questions 23–27.

    What recommendations does Dr Johnson make about the journal articles?

    1. must read
    2. useful
    3. limited value
    4. read first section
    5. read research methods
    6. read conclusion
    7. don’t read

    Example Answer

    Anderson and Hawker A


    1. Jackson: …………………………..
    2. Roberts: …………………………..
    3. Morris: …………………………..
    4. Cooper: …………………………..
    5. Forster: …………………………..
    Questions 28-30

    Label the chart below.

    Choose your answers from the box below and write the letters A–H next to questions 28–30.

    Population studies: Reasons for changing accommodation

    cambridge IELTS 4 Listening Test 1 Section 3 Population studies Reasons for changing accommodation cahrt

    Possible reasons 

    1. must read 
    2. useful 
    3. limited value 
    4. read first section 
    5. read research methods 
    6. read conclusion 
    7. don’t read 
    8. don’t read 

    Section 4: Questions 31-40

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.


    • Two areas of focus:
      • the effect of vegetation on the urban climate
      • ways of planning our (31) ………………………….. better
    • Large-scale impact of trees:
      • they can make cities more or less (32) …………………………..
      • in summer they can make cities cooler
      • they can make inland cities more (33) …………………………..
    • Local impact of trees:
      • they can make local areas
        • more (34) …………………………..
        • cooler
        • more humid
        • less windy
        • less (35) …………………………..

    Comparing trees and buildings

    • Temperature regulation:
      • trees evaporate water through their (36) …………………………..
      • building surfaces may reach high temperatures
    • Wind force:
      • tall buildings cause more wind at (37) ………………………….. level
      • trees (38) ………………………….. the wind force
    • Noise:
      • trees have a small effect on traffic noise
      • (39) …………………………..  frequency noise passes through trees
    • Important points to consider:
      • trees require a lot of sunlight, water and (40) ………………………….. to grow
    Cambridge IELTS 4 Listening Test 1 section 1 answers
    1. shopping
    2. guided tours
    3. more than 12
    4. notice board
    5. 13 february
    6. tower of London
    7. Bristol
    8. American museum
    9. student newspaper
    10. yentob
    Cambridge IELTS 4 Listening Test 1 section 2 answers
    1. coal and firewood
    2. local craftsmen
    3. 160
    4. woodside
    5. ticket office
    6. gift shop
    7. workshop
    8. showroom
    9. cafe
    10. cottages
    Cambridge IELTS 4 Listening Test 1 section 3 answers
    1. A
    2. C
    3. read research methods
    4. useful
    5. don’t read
    6. read conclusion
    7. limited value
    8. noisy neighbours
    9. uncooperative landlord
    10. environment
    Cambridge IELTS 4 Listening Test 1 section 4 answers
    1. cities
    2. windy
    3. humid
    4. shady
    5. dangerous
    6. leaves
    7. ground
    8. reduce
    9. low
    10. space

  • Cambridge IELTS 5 Listening Test 4

    Section 1: Questions 1-10

    Complete the form below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


    Name: Jenny Chan
    Present address: Sea View Guest House, (1) ………………..
    Daytime phone number: 2237676
    [Best lime to contact is (2)  ………………..]
    Age: 19
    Intended length of stay: (3) ………………..
    Occupation while in UK: student
    General level of English: (4) ………………..
    Preferred location: in the (5) ………………..
    Special diet: (6) ………………..

    Other requirements:
    • own facilities
    • own television
    • (7) ………………..
    • to be (8) ……………………………. 

    Maximum price: (9) ……………….. £  a week
    Preferred starting date: (10) ………………..

    Part 2: Questions 11-13

    Complete the sentences below using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

    1. The next meeting of the soccer club will be in the  in King’s Park on 2 July.
    2. The first event is a 
    3. At the final dinner, players receive 
    Questions 14-17

    Complete the table below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    CompetitionNumber of teamsGames beginTraining Session (in King’s Park)
    Junior(14)………………..8.30 am(15) ………………..
    Senior(16)………………..2.00 pm(17)……………….
    Questions 18-20

    Complete the table below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    Name of Office BearerResponsibility
    Robert Young: Presidentto manage meetings
    Gina Costello: Treasurerto (18)………………….
    David West: Secretaryto (19)………………….
    Jason Dokic: Head Coachto (20)………………….

    Part 3: Questions 21-24

    Complete the notes below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.


    Problem: been affected by– drop in (21)……………..
    – growing (22)……………..
    – delays due to a strike
    Cause of problems:– high (23)……………..
    – lack of good (24)…………………
    Questions 25-27

    Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

    1. What does Karin think the company will do?
      1. look for private investors
      2. accept a takeover offer
      3. issue some new shares
    2. How does the tutor suggest the company can recover?
      1. by appointing a new managing director
      2. by changing the way it is organised
      3. by closing some of its retail outlets
    3. The tutor wants Jason and Karin to produce a report which
      1. offers solutions to Box Telecom’s problems.
      2. analyses the UK markets
      3. compares different companies.
    Questions 28-30

    Which opinion does each person express about Box Telecom?

    Choose your answers from the box and write the letters A-F next to questions 28-30.

    1. its workers are motivated
    2. it has too little investment
    3. it will overcome its problems
    4. its marketing campaign needs improvement
    5. it is old-fashioned
    6. it has strong managers
    1. Karin 
    2. Jason 
    3. The tutor 

    Part 4: Questions 31-36

    Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

    1. During the first week of term, students are invited to
      1. be shown round the library by the librarian
      2. listen to descriptions of library resources
      3. do an intensive course in the computer centre
    2. The speaker warns the students that
      1. internet materials can be unreliable
      2. downloaded information must be acknowledged
      3. computer access may be limited at times
    3. The library is acquiring more CDs as a resource because
      1. they are a cheap source of information
      2. they take up very little space
      3. they are more up to date than the reference books
    4. Students are encouraged to use journals online because
      1. the articles do not need to be returned to the shelves
      2. reading online is cheaper than photocopying articles
      3. the stock of printed articles is to be reduced
    5. Why might some students continue to use reference books?
      1. they can be taken away from the library
      2. they provide information unavailable anywhere else
      3. they can be borrowed for an extended loan period
    6. What is the responsibility of the training supervisor?
      1. to supervise and support library staff
      2. to provide orientation to the library facilities
      3. to identify needs and inform section managers
    Questions 37-40

    Which section of the university will help postgraduate students with their dissertations in the following ways?

    1. the postgraduate’s own department or tutor
    2. library staff
    3. another section of the university

    Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to questions 37-40.

    1. training in specialised computer programs 
    2. advising on bibliography presentation 
    3. checking the draft of the dissertation 
    4. providing language support 
    Cambridge IELTS 5 Listening Test 4 section 1 answers
    1. 14 hill road
    2. between 9 and 9.30
    3. 1 year
    4. intermediate
    5. north-west
    6. vegetarian
    7. garden
    8. only guest
    9. 100
    10. 23 march
    Cambridge IELTS 5 Listening Test 4 section 2 answers
    1. clubhouse
    2. picnic
    3. prizes
    4. ten
    5. wednesday afternoons
    6. four
    7. sunday afternoons
    8. collect fees
    9. end newsletter
    10. supervise team
    Cambridge IELTS 5 Listening Test 4 section 3 answers
    1. sales
    2. competition
    3. interest rates
    4. training
    5. A
    6. B
    7. A
    8. C
    9. B
    10. D
    Cambridge IELTS 5 Listening Test 4 section 4 answers
    1. B
    2. A
    3. A
    4. C
    5. A
    6. B
    7. B
    8. A
    9. B
    10. C

  • Cambridge IELTS 2 Listening Test 1

    Section 1: Questions 1-10

    Questions 1-5

    Complete the form below.

    Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.


    First Names: Louise Cynthia

    Address: (1) ……………………

    Post code: (2) ……………………
    Telephone: 98356712(home), (3) …………………… (work)              

    Driver’s licence number: (4) ……………………
    Date of birth: 25th (5) ……………………, 1977

    Questions 6-8

    Circle THREE letters A-F.

    What types of films does Louise like?

    1. Action
    2. Comedies
    3. Musicals
    4. Romance
    5. Westerns
    6. Wildlife
    Questions 9 and 10

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

    1. How much does it cost to join the library? 
    2. When will Louise’s card be ready? 

    Section 2: Questions 11-13

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

    Expedition Across Attora Mountains

    Leader: Charles Owen
    Prepared a (11) ……………………….  for the trip
    Total length of trip (12) ……………………….
    Climbed highest peak in (13) ……………………….

    Questions 14 and 15

    Circle the correct letter A-C.

    1. What took the group by surprise?
      1. the amount of rain
      2. the number of possible routes
      3. the length of the journey
    2. How did Charles feel about having to change routes?
      1. He reluctantly accepted it
      2. He was irritate by the diversion
      3. It made no difference to him
    Questions 16-18

    Circle THREE letters A-F.

    What does Charles say about his friends?

    1. He met them at one stage on the trip
    2.  They kept all their meeting arrangements
    3.  One of them helped arrange the transport
    4.  One of them owned the hotel they stayed in
    5.  Some of them travelled with him
    6.  Only one group lasted 96 days
    Questions 19 and 20

    Circle TWO letters A-E.

    What does Charles say about the donkeys?

    1. He rode them when he was tired
    2. He named them after places
    3. One of them died
    4. They behaved unpredictably
    5. They were very small

    Section 3: Questions 21-30

    Questions 21-25

    Complete the table below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

    Day of arrivalSunday(21)………………..
    Number of books to read(23)……………….(24)………………..
    Day of first lectureTuesday(25)………………..
    Questions 26-30

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

    1. What is Jane’s study strategy in lectures? 
    2. What is Tim’s study strategy for reading? 
    3. What is the subject of Tim’s first lecture? 
    4. What is the title of Tim’s first essay? 
    5. What is the subject of Jane’s first essay? 

    Section 3: Questions 31-40

    Questions 31-36

    Complete the table below.

    Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    CourseType of course: Durations and levelEntry requirements
    Physical fitness instructorExample: 6 months certificateNone
    Sports administrator(31)…………………….(32)………………in sports administration
    Sports psychologist(33)…………………..Degree in psychology
    Physical education trainerFour years degree in education(34)…………………
    Recreation officer(35)…………………..None
    Questions 36-40

    Complete the table below.

    Write the appropriate letters A-G against question 36-40.

    JobMain Role
    Physical Fitness Instructor(36) ………..
    Sports Administrator(37) ………..
    Sports Psychologist(38) ………..
    Physical Education Teacher(39)………..
    Recreation Officer(40) ………..


    1. the coaching of teams
    2. the support of elite athletes
    3. guidance of ordinary individuals
    4. community health
    5. the treatment of injuries
    6. arranging matches and venues
    7. the rounded development of children
    Cambridge IELTS 2 Listening Test 1 Section 1 Answers
    1. black
    2. 2085
    3. 94561309
    4. 2020BD
    5. July
    6. B
    7. D
    8. F
    9. $25
    10. next week
    Cambridge IELTS 2 Listening Test 1 Section 2 Answer
    1. route book
    2. 900 miles
    3. North America
    4. A
    5. C
    6. B
    7. C
    8. E
    9. B
    10. D
    Cambridge IELTS 2 Listening Test 1 Section 3 Answer
    1. (on) friday
    2. biology
    3. 57
    4. 43
    5. wednesday
    6. records them
    7. skimming
    8. French Revolution
    9. why study history
    10. animal language
    Cambridge IELTS 2 Listening Test 1 Section 3 Answers
    1. 4 month certificate
    2. employment/ job
    3. one year diploma
    4. none
    5. 6 month certificate
    6. C
    7. F
    8. B
    9. G
    10. D

  • Cambridge IELTS 4 Listening Test 3

    Section 1 – Questions 1-10

    Questions 1-4

    Complete the form below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.


    Name: Sara Lim
    Age: 23
    Length of time in Australia: (1) …………………………..
    Present address: Flat 1, 539, (2)………………………….. Road Canterbury 2036
    Present course: (3)………………………….. English
    Accommodation required from: (4)………………………….. 7th September

    Questions 5-7

    Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

    1. Sara requires a
      1. single room
      2. twin room
      3. triple room
    2. She would prefer to live with a
      1. family
      2. single person
      3. couple
    3. She would like to live in a
      1. flat
      2. house
      3. studio apartment
    Questions 8-10

    Complete the sentences below.

    Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.

    1. The  will be $320.
    2. She needs to pay the rent by cash or cheque on a  basis.
    3. She needs to pay her part of the  bill

    Section 2: Questions 11-14

    Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

    1. When is this year’s festival being held?
      1. 1-13 January
      2. 5-17 January
      3. 25-31 January
    2. What will the reviewer concentrate on today
      1. theatre
      2. dance
      3. exhibitions
    3. How many circuses are there in the festival?
      1. one
      2.  two
      3. several
    4. Where does Circus Romano perform?
      1. in a theatre
      2. in a tent
      3. in a stadium
    Questions 15-20

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

    WhereType of performanceHighlightsType of audience
    Circus Romanoclowns and acrobatsmusic and (15)…………………………..(16)…………………………..
    Circus Electrica(17)…………………………..dancers and magiciansaerial displays(18)…………………………..
    Mekong Water Puppets(19)…………………………..puppetsseeing the puppeteers at end(20)…………………………..

    Section 3: Questions 21-30

    Choose the correct letter, A. B or C.

    1. The man wants information on courses for
      1. people going back to college
      2. postgraduate students
      3. business executives
    2. The ‘Study for Success’ seminar lasts for
      1. one day
      2. two days
      3. three days
    3. In the seminar the work on writing aims to improve
      1. confidence
      2. speed
      3. clarity
    4. Reading sessions help students to read
      1. analytically
      2. as fast as possible
      3. thoroughly
    5. The seminar tries to
      1. prepare learners physically
      2. encourage interest in learning
      3. develop literacy skills
    6. A key component of the course is learning how to
      1. use time effectively
      2. stay healthy
      3. select appropriate materials
    7. Students who want to do the ‘Study for Success’ seminar should
      1. register with the Faculty Office
      2. contact their Course Convenor
      3. reserve a place in advance
    8. The ‘Learning Skills for University Study’ course takes place on
      1. Monday, Wednesday and Friday
      2. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
      3. Monday, Thursday and Friday
    9. A feature of this course is
      1. a physical training component
      2. advice on coping with stress
      3. a detailed weekly planner
    10. The man chooses the ‘Study for Success’ seminar because
      1. he is over forty
      2. he wants to start at the beginning
      3. he seeks to revise his skills

    Section 4: Questions 31-40

    Questions 31 & 32

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    New Union Building

    Procedures to establish student opinion:
    • students were asked to give written suggestions on the building’s design
    • these points informed the design of A (31) …………………………..
    • (there were (32) ………………………….. respondents)
    • results collated and report produced by Union Committee

    Questions 33-37
    Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.


    Site OneSite TwoSite Three
    Locationcity centre near faculty of (33)…………………………..outskirts near parkout of town near the (34)……………
    Advantages and/ or disadvantagesproblems with (35)…………………………..and. ………close to (36)……………access to living quarters, large site so more (37)…………………
    Question 38

    Choose TWO letters A-G.

    Which TWO facilities did the students request in the new Union building?

    1. a library
    2. a games room
    3. a student health centre
    4. a mini fitness centre
    5. a large swimming pool
    6. a travel agency
    7. a lecture theatre
    Question 39

    Choose the correct letters A, B and C.

    Which argument was used AGAINST having a drama theatre?

    1. It would be expensive and no students would use it
    2. It would be a poor use of resources because only a minority would use it
    3. It could not accommodate large production of plays
    Question 40

    Choose TWO letters A-F.

    40. Which TWO security measures have been requested?

    1. closed circuit TV
    2. show Union card on entering the building
    3. show Union card when asked
    4. sport searched of bags
    5. permanent security office on site
    Cambridge IELTS 4 Listening Test 3 section 1 answers
    1. 5 year
    2. forest
    3. academic
    4. thursday
    5. B
    6. B
    7. A
    8. deposit
    9. monthly
    10. telephone
    Cambridge IELTS 4 Listening Test 3 section 2 answers
    1. C
    2. A
    3. C
    4. B
    5. lights
    6. adults
    7. studio theatre
    8. whole family
    9. city gardens
    10. young children
    Cambridge IELTS 4 Listening Test 3 section 3 answers
    1. A
    2. B
    3. C
    4. A
    5. B
    6. A
    7. C
    8. B
    9. B
    10. B
    Cambridge IELTS 4 Listening Test 3 section 4 answers
    1. questionnaire
    2. about 2000
    3. education
    4. halls of residence
    5. traffic and parking
    6. lecture rooms
    7. facilities
    8. D and F
    9. B
    10. A and C

  • Cambridge IELTS 5 Listening Test 2

    Section 1: Questions 1-10

    Complete the notes below.


    Library Information

    Minimum joining age: 18 years

    For registration, must take
    • two (1) ………………….  and
    • two forms of I.D. e.g. driving licence, (2) ………………….

    Cost to join per year (without current student card): (3) …………………. £ 
    Number of items allowed: (members of public) (4) ………………….
    Login times: four weeks
    Fines start at (5) …………………. £ 
    Computers can be booked up to (6) …………………. hours in advance
    Library holds most national papers,  (7) …………………. , and magazines need (8) ………………….to use photocopier

    Creative Writing class
    • tutor is John (9) …………………. and
    • held on (10) …………………. evenings

    Section 2: Questions 11-15

    Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.


    1. In 1993 Dan Pearman went to Ecuador
      1. as a tourist guide
      2. as part of his studies
      3. as a voluntary worker
    2. Dan’s neighbour was successful in business because he
      1. employed carpenters from the area
      2. was the most skilled craftsman in the town
      3. found it easy to reach customers
    3. Dan says the charity relies on
      1. getting enough bicycles to send regularly
      2. finding new areas which need the bicycles
      3. charging for the bicycles it sends abroad
    4. What does Dan say about the town of Rivas?
      1. It has received the greatest number of bikes
      2. It has almost as many bikes as Amsterdam
      3. Its economy has been totally transformed
    5. What problem did the charity face in August 2000?
      1. It couldn’t meet its overheads
      2. It had to delay sending the bikes
      3. It was criticized in the British media
    Questions 16 and 17

    Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    1. How much money did the charity receive when it won an award? 
    2. What is the charity currently hoping to buy? 
    Questions 18-20

    Which THREE things can the general public do to help the charity Pedal Power?

    1. organise a bicycle collection
    2. repair the donated bikes
    3. donate their unwanted tools
    4. do voluntary work in its office
    5. hold an event to raise money
    6. identify areas that need bikes
    7. write to the government
    Section 3: Questions 21-30

    Choose the table below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


    Enjoyed:– using the camera
    – going to British (21)……………
    contact with students doing other courses (has asked some to (22)……….with him)
    Most useful language practice:– listening to instructions
    – learning (23)…………. vocabulary
    listening to British students’ language because of:
    – normal speed
    – large amount of (24)…………….
    General usefulness:– operating video camera
    – working with other people:
    – learning about (25)…………
    – compromising
    (26)…………people who have different views
    the importance of (27)………………..
    Things to do differently in future:– decide when to (28)………….each stage at the beginning
    – make more efforts to (29)……………….with the camera
    do not make the film too (30)………………………

    Section 4: Questions 31-40

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    • more than (31) …………………. times as big as the UK
    • most of the area is classified as (32) ………………….

    • (33) …………………. is integrated with technical support
    • stations contain accommodation, work areas, a kitchen, a (34) …………………. and a gym
    • supplies were brought to Zero One station by sledge from a (35) …………………. at the edge of the ice 15 km away
    • problem of snow build-ups solved by building stations on (36) …………………. with adjustable legs

    • average daily requirement for an adult in Antarctica is approximately (37) …………………. kilocalories
    • rations for field work prepared by process of freeze-drying

    The most important research focuses on climate change, including
    – measuring changes in the ice-cap (because of effects on sea levels and (38) ………………….
    – analysing air from bubbles in ice to measure (39) …………………. caused by human activity

    Many openings for (40) …………………. people including
    – research assistants, administrative and technical positions

    Cambridge IELTS 5 Listening Test 2 section 1 answers
    1. photos
    2. bank statement
    3. 125 per year
    4. 8
    5. 1.50
    6. 48
    7. local papers
    8. cards
    9. grantigham
    10. friday
    Cambridge IELTS 5 Listening Test 2 section 2 answers
    1. C
    2. C
    3. A
    4. C
    5. A
    6. pound 75,000
    7. computers
    8. C
    9. E
    10. F
    Cambridge IELTS 5 Listening Test 2 section 3 answers
    1. home
    2. come to dinner
    3. technical
    4. slang
    5. cooperating
    6. persuading
    7. editing
    8. complete
    9. experiment
    10. long
    Cambridge IELTS 5 Listening Test 2 section 4 answers
    1. 58
    2. desert
    3. science
    4. small hospital
    5. ship
    6. platforms
    7. 3500
    8. currents
    9. pollution
    10. young

  • Cambridge IELTS 13 Listening Test 3

    Section 1: Questions 1-10

    Complete the notes below.


    Moving to Banford City

    Linda recommends living in suburb of: Dalton

    • Average rent: (1) ………………………. £  a month

    • Linda travels to work by (2) ……………………….
    • Limited (3) ……………………….  in city centre
    • Trains to London every (4) ………………………. minutes
    • Poor train service at (5) ……………………….

    Advantages of living in Banford
    • New (6) ………………………. opened recently
    • (7) ………………………. has excellent reputation
    • Good (8)  ………………………. on Bridge Street

    Meet Linda
    • Meet Linda on (9)  ………………………. after 5.30 pm
    • In the (10) ………………………. opposite the station

    Section 2: Questions 11-20

    Questions 11-16

    Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter A-G next to questions 11-16

    What advantages does the speaker mention for each of the following physical activities?


    1. not dependent on season
    2. enjoyable
    3. low risk of injury
    4. fitness level unimportant
    5. sociable
    6. fast results
    7. motivating

    Physical Activities

    1. using a gym 
    2. running 
    3. swimming 
    4. cycling 
    5. doing yoga 
    6. training with a personal trainer 
    Questions 17 and 18

    Choose TWO letters A-E.

    For which TWO reasons does the speaker say people give up going to the gym?

    1. lack of time
    2. loss of confidence
    3. too much effort required
    4. high costs
    5. feeling less successful than others
    Questions 19 and 20

    Choose TWO letters A-E,

    Which TWO pieces of advice does the speaker give for setting goals?

    1. write goals down
    2. have achievable aims
    3. set a time limit
    4. give yourself rewards
    5. challenge yourself

    Section 3: Questions 21-30

    Questions 21-24

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    Project on using natural dyes to colour fabrics

    1. What first inspired Jim to choose this project?
      1. textiles displayed in an exhibition
      2. a book about a botanic garden
      3. carpets he saw on holiday
    2. Jim eventually decided to do a practical investigation which involved
      1. using a range of dyes with different fibres
      2. applying different dyes to one type of fibre
      3. testing one dye and a range of fibres
    3. When doing his experiments Jim was surprised by
      1. how much natural material was needed to make the dye
      2. the fact that dyes were widely available on the internet
      3. the time that he had to leave the fabric in the dye
    4. What problem did Jim have with using tartrazine as a fabric dye?
      1. it caused a slight allergic reaction
      2. it was not a permanent dye on cotton
      3. it was ineffective when used on nylon
    Questions 25-30

    Choose SIX answers from the options below and write correct letter A-H next to questions 25-30

    What problem is identified with each of the following natural dyes?


    1. it is expensive
    2. the color is too strong
    3. the color is not long lasting
    4. it is very poisonous
    5. it can damage the fabric
    6. the color may be unexpected
    7. it is unsuitable for some fabrics
    8. it is not generally available

    Natural dyes

    1. turmeric 
    2. Beetroot 
    3. Tyrian purple 
    4. Lowood 
    5. cochineal 
    6. metal oxide 

    Section 4: Questions 31-40

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

    The sleepy lizard (tiliqua rugose)

    • They are common in western and south Australia
    • They are brown but recongisable by their blue (31) …,………………….
    • They are relatively large
    • Their diet consists mainly of (32) ……………………….
    • Their main predators are large birds and (33) ……………………….

    Navigation study
    • One study found that lizards can use the (34) ………………………. to help them navigate

    Observations in the wild
    • Observations show that these lizards keep the same (35) ………………………. for several years

    What people want
    • Possible reasons:
    o To improve the survival of their young (but little (36) ………………………. has been noted between parents and children)
    o To provide (37) ………………………. for female lizards

    Tracking study
    • A study was carried out using GPS systems attached to the (38) ………………………. of the lizards
    • This provided information on the lizards’ location and even the number of
      ………………………. taken
    • It appeared that the lizards were trying to avoid one another
    • This may be in order to reduce chances of (40) ……………………….

    Cambridge IELTS 13 Listening Test 3 section 1 answers
    1. 850
    2. bike
    3. parking
    4. 30
    5. weekend(s)
    6. cinema
    7. hospital
    8. dentist
    9. thursday
    10. cafe
    Cambridge IELTS 13 Listening Test 3 section 2 answers
    1. F
    2. D
    3. A
    4. B
    5. C
    6. G
    7. B
    8. C
    9. B
    10. D
    Cambridge IELTS 13 Listening Test 3 section 3 answers
    1. C
    2. A
    3. A
    4. B
    5. C
    6. F
    7. H
    8. D
    9. A
    10. E
    Cambridge IELTS 13 Listening Test 3 section 4 answers
    1. tongue(s)
    2. plants
    3. snakes
    4. sky
    5. partner(s)
    6. contact
    7. protection
    8. tail(s)
    9. steps
    10. injury/ injuries