Category: IELTS Listening Tests

  • Cambridge IELTS 6 Listening Test 4

    Part 1: Questions 1-10

    Complete the notes below.


    Title of conference: Future directions in computing
    Three day cost: (1) ………………………………… £ 
    Payment by (2) …………………………………  or on arrival
    Conference centre
    • (3)  …………………………………£  per night
    • Near to conference rooms
    Guest house
    • (4)  …………………………………£  per night
    • Approximately (5) …………………………………  walk from conference centre
    Further documents to be sent:
    • (6)  …………………………………
    • An application form
    Conference centre is on (7)   …………………………………Park road next to (8)  …………………………………
    Taxi costs (9)  …………………………………£  or take bus number (10)   …………………………………from station.

    Part 2: Questions 11-13

    Which team will do each of the following jobs?

    Choose THREE answers from the box and write the correct letter A-D next to questions 11-13

    1. checking entrance tickets 
    2. preparing refreshments 
    3. directing car park traffic 


    1. the blue team
    2. the yellow team
    3. the green team
    4. the red team
    Questions 14-20

    Complete the table below.



    9.30 amTalk by Anne Smith– information about pay
    – will give out the (14)…………..forms
    10.00 amTalk by Peter Chang– will discuss conference centre plan
    – will explain about arrangements for (15)……………and fire exits
    10.30 amCoffee break– go to staff canteen on the (16)……………
    11.00 amVideo presentation– go to (17)……………..
    – video title: (18)……………..
    12.00Buffet lunch– go to the (19)……………….. on 1st floor
    1.00 pmMeet the (20)……………
    3.00 pmFinish

    Part 3: Questions 21-25

    Complete the summary below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

    The school of education libraries

    The libraries on both sites provide internet access and have a variety of (21) ……………………….. materials on education. The Castle Road library has books on sociology together with (22) ……………………….. and other resources relevant to the majority of (23) ……………………….. school subjects.

    The Fordham library includes resources for teaching in (24) ………………………..  education and special needs. Current issues of periodicals are available at both libraries although (25) ……………………….. issues are only available at Fordham.

    Questions 26 and 27
    Answer the questions below.


    1. Which books cannot be renewed by telephone or email? 
    2. How much time is allowed to return recalled books? 
    Questions 28-30

    Choose THREE letters, A-G.

    Which THREE topics do this term’s study skills workshops cover?

    1. An introduction to the Internet
    2.  How to carry out research for a dissertation
    3.  Making good use of the whole range of library services
    4.  Planning a dissertation
    5.  Standard requirements when writing a dissertation
    6.  Using the Internet when doing research
    7.  What books and technical resources are available in the library

    Part 4: Questions 31-34

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    1. When did Asiatic lions develop as a separate sub-species?
      1. about 10,000 years ago
      2. about 100,000 years ago
      3. about 1,000,000 years ago
    2. Pictures of Asiatic lions can be seen on ancient coins from
      1. Greece
      2. The Middle East 
      3. India
    3. Asiatic lions disappeared from Europe
      1. 2,500 years ago
      2. 2,000 years ago 
      3. 1,900 years ago
    4. Very few African lions have
      1. a long mane
      2. a coat with varied colours 
      3. a fold of skin on their stomach
    Questions 35-40

    Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER.


    1. The sanctuary has an area of approximately  square kilometers
    2. One threat to the lions in the sanctuary is 
    3. The ancestors of the Gir Sanctuary lions were protected by a 
    4. A large part of lions’  consists of animals belonging to local farmers
    5. The lions sometimes  especially when water is short
    6. In ancient India a man would fight a lion as a test of 
    Cambridge IELTS 6 Listening Test 4 Section 1 Answers
    1. 75
    2. check/cheque
    3. 15
    4. 25
    5. 10 minute(s’)/min(s’)
    6. conference park
    7. south
    8. library
    9. 5
    10. 21 A
    Cambridge IELTS 6 Listening Test 4 Section 2 Answers
    1. D
    2. A
    3. C
    4. tax
    5. security
    6. ground floor
    7. lecture room 311
    8. safety at work
    9. main hall
    10. team leaders
    Cambridge IELTS 6 Listening Test 4 Section 3 Answers
    1. reference
    2. textbooks
    3. secondary
    4. primary
    5. back
    6. overdue books
    7. 7 working days
    8. C OR E OR F (in any order)
    9. C OR E OR F (in any order)
    10. C OR E OR F (in any order)
    Cambridge IELTS 6 Listening Test 4 Section 4 Answers
    1. B
    2. A
    3. B
    4. C
    5. 1450
    6. disease
    7. (wealthy) prince
    8. diet
    9. attack humans
    10. leadership
  • Cambridge IELTS 14 Listening Test 4

    Section 1: Questions 1-10

    Questions 1–7

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD AND/ OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    Enquiry about booking hotel room for event

    Andrew is the Events Manager

    Adelphi Room
    – number of people who can sit down to eat: (1) ……………………….
    – has a gallery suitable for musicians
    – can go out and see the (2) ……………………….  in pots on the terrace
    – terrace has a view of a group of (3) ……………………….

    Carlton Room
    – number of people who can sit down to eat: 110
    – has a (4) ……………………….
    – view of the lake

    Master of Ceremonies:
    – can give a (5)  ………………………. while people are eating
    – will provide (6) ………………………. if there are any problems

    Accommodation: in hotel rooms or (7) ……………………….

    Questions 8–10

    Choose THREE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to Questions 8-10.

    What is said about using each of the following hotel facilities?


    1. included in cost of hiring room
    2. available at extra charge
    3. not available

    Hotel facilities

    1. outdoor swimming pool 
    2. gym 
    3. tennis courts 

    Section 2: Questions 11-20

    Questions 11-16

    Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H, next to Questions 11-16.

    What information does the speaker give about each of the following excursions?


    1. all downhill
    2. suitable for beginners
    3. only in good weather
    4. food included
    5. no charge
    6. swimming possible
    7. fully booked today
    8. transport not included


    1. dolphin watching 
    2. forest walk 
    3. cycle trip 
    4. local craft tour 
    5. observatory trip 
    6. horse riding 
    Questions 17 and 18

    Choose TWO letters A-E.

    Which TWO things does the speaker say about the attraction called Musical Favourites?

    1. You pay extra for drinks.
    2. You must book it in advance.
    3. You get a reduction if you buy two tickets.
    4. You can meet the performers.
    5. You can take part in the show.
    Questions 19 and 20

    Choose TWO letters, A-E.

    Which TWO things does the speaker say about the Castle Feast?

    1. Visitors can dance after the meal.
    2. There is a choice of food.
    3. Visitors wear historical costume.
    4. Knives and forks are not used.
    5. The entertainment includes horse races.

    Section 3: Questions 21-30

    Questions 21 – 25

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    1. What does Trevor find interesting about the purpose of children’s literature?
      1. the fact that authors may not realise what values they’re teaching
      2. the fact that literature can be entertaining and educational at the same time
      3. the fact that adults expect children to imitate characters in literature
    2. Trevor says the module about the purpose of children’s literature made him
      1. analyse some of the stories that his niece reads.
      2. wonder how far popularity reflects good quality.
      3. decide to start writing some children’s stories.
    3. Stephanie is interested in the Pictures module because
      1. she intends to become an illustrator.
      2. she can remember beautiful illustrations from her childhood.
      3. she believes illustrations are more important than words.
    4. Trevor and Stephanie agree that comics
      1. are inferior to books.
      2. have the potential for being useful.
      3. discourage children from using their imagination.
    5. With regard to books aimed at only boys or only girls, Trevor was surprised
      1. how long the distinction had gone unquestioned.
      2. how few books were aimed at both girls and boys.
      3. how many children enjoyed books intended for the opposite sex.
    Questions 26 – 30

    Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to Questions 26-30.

    What comment is made about each of these stories?


    1. translated into many other languages
    2. hard to read
    3. inspired a work in a different area of art
    4. more popular than the author’s other works
    5. original title refers to another book
    6. started a new genre
    7. unlikely topic


    1. Perrault’s fairy tales 
    2. The Swiss Family Robinson 
    3. The Nutcracker and The Mouse King 
    4. The Lord of the Rings 
    5. War Horse 

    Section 4: Questions 31–40

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

    The hunt for sunken settlements and ancient shipwrecks

    • was a village on coast of eastern Mediterranean
    • thrived until about 7,000 BC
    • stone homes had a courtyard
    • had a semicircle of large stones round a (31) ……………………….
    • cause of destruction unknown – now under the sea
    • biggest settlement from the prehistoric period found on the seabed
    • research carried out into structures, (32) ………………………. and human remains

    • used in the oil industry, e.g. to make (33) ……………………….
    • problems: they were expensive and (34) ……………………….

    • much easier to use, relatively cheap, sophisticated

    • Marzamemi, Sicily: found ancient Roman ships carrying architectural elements made of
    (35) ……………………….

    Underwater internet:
    • (36) ……………………….  is used for short distance communication, acoustic waves for long distance
    • plans for communication with researchers by satellite
    • AUV can send data to another AUV that has better (37) ……………………….  , for example

    Planned research in Gulf of Baratti:
    • to find out more about wrecks of ancient Roman ships, including
    – one carrying (38) ………………………. supplies; tablets may have been used for cleaning the (39) ……………………….
    – others carrying containers of olive oil or (40) ……………………….

    Cambridge IELTS 14 Listening Test 4 Section 1 Answers
    1. 85
    2. roses
    3. trees
    4. stage
    5. speech
    6. support
    7. cabins
    8. C
    9. A
    10. B
    Cambridge IELTS 14 Listening Test 4 Section 2 Answers
    1. G
    2. D
    3. A
    4. E
    5. F
    6. B
    7. B
    8. D (in any order)
    9. A
    10. D (in any order)
    Cambridge IELTS 14 Listening Test 4 Section 3 Answers
    1. A
    2. C
    3. A
    4. B
    5. B
    6. F
    7. E
    8. C
    9. B
    10. G
    Cambridge IELTS 14 Listening Test 4 Section 4 Answers
    1. spring
    2. tools
    3. maps
    4. heavy
    5. marble
    6. light
    7. cameras
    8. medical
    9. eyes
    10. wine

  • Cambridge IELTS 5 Listening Test 1

    Section 1: Questions 1-10

    Questions 1-4

    Complete the notes below.



    Holiday name: Whale watch experience
    Holiday length: 2 days
    Type of transportation: (1) ……………………..
    Maximum group size: (2) ……………………..
    Next tour date: (3) ……………………..
    Hotel name: (4) …………………….. The 

    Questions 5 and 6

    Choose TWO letters A-E.

    Which TWO things are included in the price of the tour?

    1. fishing trip
    2. guided bushwalk
    3. reptile park entry
    4. table tennis
    5. tennis
    Questions 7-10

    Complete the sentences below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    1. The tour costs $ 
    2. Bookings must be made no later than  days in advance.
    3. A  deposit is required.
    4. The customer’s reference number is 

    Section 2: Questions 11-20

    Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

    Brand of cotGood pointsProblemsVerdict
    Baby safeeasy to (11)…………….– did not have any (12)……………
    – babies could trap their (13)………. in the side bar
    Choice cotseasy to (15)…………..– side did not drop down
    – spaces between the bars were (16)…………….
    Mother’s choicebest of cot could be moved– did not have any (18)……………
    – pictures could be removed easily
    Question 20

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY for the answer.

    • Metal should not be rusted or bent
    • Edges of cot should not be (20) ………………………..

    Section 3: Questions 21-30

    Questions 21-23

    Choose the correct letter A, B and C.

    1. Andrew has worked at the hospital for
      1. two years
      2. three years
      3. five years
    2. During the course Andrew’s employers will pay
      1. his fees 
      2. his living costs
      3. his salary
    3. The part-time course lasts for
      1. one whole year
      2. 18 months
      3. two years
    Questions 24 and 25

    Choose TWO letters A-E.

    What TWO types of coursework are required each month on the part-time course?

    1. a case study
    2. an essay
    3. a survey
    4. a short report
    5. a study diary
    Questions 26-30

    Complete the summary below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    Modular Courses

    Students study (26)  ……………………….. during each module. A module takes (27)  ………………………..and the work is very (28)  ……………………….. To get a Diploma each student has to study (29) ………………………..  and then work on (30) ………………………..  in depth.

    Part 4: Questions 31-35

    Complete the sentences below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

    1. According to George Bernard Shaw, men are supposed to understand  economics and finance.
    2. However, women are more prepared to  about them.
    3. Women tend to save for  and a house.
    4. Men tend to save for  and for retirement.
    5. Women who are left alone may have to pay for  when they are old.
    Questions 36-40

    Complete the summary below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    Saving for the future

    Research indicates that many women only think about their financial future when a (36)   ………………………..occurs. This is the worst time to make decisions. It is best for women to start thinking about pensions when they are in their (37) ………………………..  A good way for women to develop their (38)  ……………………….. in dealing with financial affairs would be to attend classes in (39) ………………………..  When investing in stocks and shares, it is suggested that women should put a high proportion of their savings in (40)  ……………………….. In such ways, women can have a comfortable, independent retirement.

    Cambridge IELTS 5 Listening Test 1 section 1 answers
    1. by minibus
    2. 15
    3. april 18
    4. palisades
    5. B
    6. D
    7. 280
    8. 14
    9. 20%
    10. 39745T
    Cambridge IELTS 5 Listening Test 1 section 2 answers
    1. move around
    2. brakes
    3. fingers
    4. satisfactory
    5. put together
    6. too wide
    7. dangerous
    8. wheels
    9. best buy
    10. sharp
    Cambridge IELTS 5 Listening Test 1 section 3 answers
    1. B
    2. A
    3. C
    4. B
    5. D
    6. full-time
    7. one term
    8. intensive
    9. two modules
    10. one topic
    Cambridge IELTS 5 Listening Test 1 section 4 answers
    1. politics
    2. learn
    3. children’s education
    4. a car
    5. nursing care
    6. crisis
    7. early twenties
    8. confidence
    9. money management
    10. low-risk investments

  • Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 4

    Part 1: Questions 1-6

    Complete the form below.



    Surname: Yuichini
    First name: (1) ………………….
    Sex: female
    Passport number: (2) ………………….
    Present address: Room 21C, Willow College
    Length of homestay: approx. (3) ………………….
    Couse enrolled in: (4) ………………….
    Family preferences: no (5) …………………. and no objection to (6) ………………….

    Questions 7-10

    Answer the questions below.


    1. What does the student particularly like to eat? 
    2. What sport does the student play? 
    3. What mode of transport does the student prefer? 
    4. When will the student find out her homestay address? 

    Part 2: Questions 11-20

    Questions 11-14

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    1. What kind of tour is Sally leading?
      1. a bus tour
      2. a train tour
      3. a walking tour
    2. The original buildings on the site were
      1. houses
      2. industrial buildings
      3. shops
    3. The local residents wanted to use the site for
      1. leisure
      2. apartment blocks
      3. a sports centre
    4. The Tower is at the centre of the
      1. nature reserve
      2. formal gardens
      3. Bicentennial Park
    Questions 13-17

    Label the plan below.


    Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 4 QUESTIONS 13-17 WITH ANSWERS MSS LEARNING
    Questions 18-20

    Complete the table below.


    The Mangaroveboardwalk(18)…………………
    Frog Pondoutdoor classroom(19)…………………
    The Waterbird Refuge(20)…………………Bird watching

    Part 3: Questions 21 – 30

    Questions 21 and 22

    Complete the sentences below.

    Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    The presentation will last 15 minutes.
    There will be (21) …………………………  minutes for questions.
    The presentation will not be (22) …………………………

    Questions 23-26

    What do the students decide about each topic for the geography presentation?

    Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to questions 23-26.

    1. They will definitely include this topic.
    2. They might include this topic.
    3. They will not include this topic.
    1. Geographical Location 
    2. Economy 
    3. Overview of Education System 
    4. Role of English Language 
    Questions 27-30

    Complete the table below.


    Information/ visual aidWhere from?
    Overhead projectorthe (27)……………..
    Map of West Africathe (28)……………..
    Map of the islandsa tourist brochure
    Literacy figuresthe (29)……………….
    (30)………………..on school placesas above

    Part 4: Questions 31-33

    Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

    1. The speaker says the main topic of the lecture is
      1. the history of monosodium glutamate
      2. the way monosodium glutamate works 
      3. where monosodium glutamate is used
    2. In 1908, scientists in Japan 
      1. made monosodium glutamate
      2. began using kombu
      3. identified glutamate
    3. What change occurred in the manufacture of glutamate in 1956?
      1. It began to be manufactured on a large scale
      2. The Japanese began extracting it from natural sources
      3. It became much more expensive to produce
    Questions 34-40

    Complete the notes below.


    Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

    • MSG contains
    o Glutamate (78.2%)
    o Sodium (12.2%)
    (34) ………………………… (9.6%)
    • Glutamate is found in foods that contain protein such as (35) …………………………  and (36) …………………………
    • MSG is used in foods in many different parts of the world.
    • In 1908 Kikunae Ikeda discovered a (37) …………………………
    • Our ability to detect glutamate makes sense because it is so (38) …………………………  naturally.
    • John Prescott suggests that:
    o Sweetness tells us that a food contains carbohydrates.
    (39)  tells us that a food contains toxins.
    o Saltiness tells us that a food contains (40) …………………………

    Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 4 Section 1 Answers
    1. Keiko
    2. JO6337
    3. 4 months
    4. (Advanced) English (Studies)
    5. (young) children
    6. pets
    7. seafood
    8. tennis
    9. trains/(the) train
    10. this/that afternoon
    Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 4 Section 2 Answers
    1. C
    2. B
    3. A
    4. B
    5. car park
    6. rose garden
    7. cafe
    8. cycling
    9. biology lesson
    10. viewing shelter
    Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 4 Section 3 Answers
    1. 5
    2. assessed
    3. A
    4. B
    5. A
    6. C
    7. media room
    8. resources room
    9. embassy
    10. statistics/stats
    Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 4 Section 4 Answers
    1. B
    2. C
    3. A
    4. water
    5. meat or cheese (In either order)
    6. meat or cheese (In either order)
    7. 5th/new taste
    8. common
    9. bitterness
    10. minerals
  • Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 1

    Part 1: Questions 1-10

    Complete the notes below.


    Transport from Airport to Milton

    Distance: 147 miles
    • Car hire – don’t want to drive
    • (1) ……………………….. – expensive
    • Greyhound Bus
    o $15 single, $27.50 return
    o Direct to the (2) ………………………..
    o Long (3) ………………………..
    • Airport Shuttle
    (4) ………………………..  service
    o Every 2 hours
    o $35 single, $65 return
    o Need to (5) ………………………..

    Questions 6-10

    Complete the booking form below.



    To: Milton
    Date: (6)……………..No. of passengers: 1
    Bus time: (7)……………pmType of ticket: single
    Name: Jane (8)………………
    Flight No: (9)………………..From: London Heathrow
    Address in Milton: Vacation Motel, 24 Kitchener Street
    Fare: $ 35
    Credit card number: (Visa) (10)…………………..

    Part 2: Questions 11-20

    Questions 11-16

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    1. PS Camping has been organising holidays for
      1. 15 years
      2. 20 years
      3. 25 years
    2. The company has most camping sites in
      1. France
      2. Italy
      3. Switzerland
    3. Which organised activity can children do every day of the week?
      1. football
      2. drama
      3. model making
    4. Some areas of the sites have a ‘no noise’ rule after
      1. 9.30 p.m
      2. 10.00 p.m
      3. 10.30 p.m
    5. The holiday insurance that is offered by PS Camping
      1. can be charged on an annual basis
      2. is included in the price of the holiday 
      3. must be taken out at the time of booking
    6. Customers who recommend PS Camping to friends will receive
      1. a free gift
      2. an upgrade to a luxury tent
      3. a discount
    Questions 17-20

    Write the correct letter A, B or C next to questions 17-20

    What does the speaker say about the following items?

    1. barbeques 
    2. toys 
    3. cool boxes 
    4. mops and buckets 
    1. They are provided in all tents.
    2. They are found in central areas of the campsite.
    3. They are available on requests.

    Part 3: Questions 21-30

    Questions 21-23

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY.


    Individuals bring different:
    • Ideas
    • (21) ………………………..
    • Learning experiences
    Work behavior differences are due to:
    • Personality
    • (22) ………………………..
    Effects of diversity on companies:
    • Advantage: diversity develops (23) ………………………..
    • Disadvantages: diversity can cause conflict

    Questions 24-27

    Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

    1. Janice thinks that employers should encourage workers who are
      1. potential leaders
      2. open to new ideas
      3. good at teamwork
    2. Janice suggests that managers may find it difficult to
      1. form successful groups
      2. balance conflicting needs
      3. deal with uncooperative workers
    3. Janice believes employers should look for job applicants who
      1. can think independently
      2. will obey the system
      3. can solve problems
    4. Janice believes managers should
      1. demonstrate good behavior
      2. encourage co-operation early on
      3. increase financial incentives
    Questions 28-30

    Complete the sentences below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY.

    1. All managers need to understand their employees and recognise their company’s 
    2. When managing change, increasing the company’s  may be more important than employee satisfaction.
    3. During periods of change, managers may have to cope with increased amounts of 

    Part 4: Questions 31-40

    Questions 31-35

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY.


    Preparation for fieldwork trip to Namibia in (31) 
    Rock art in Namibia may be
    • Paintings
    • Engravings
    Earliest explanation of engravings of animal footprints
    They were used to help (32) ……………………….. learn about tracking.

    • Why are the tracks usually (33)  ………………………..?
    • Why are some engravings realistic and other realistic?
    • Why are the unrealistic animals sometimes half (34) ……………………….. ?
    More recent explanation
    Wise men may have been trying to control wild animals with (35) ………………………..

    Questions 36-40

    Complete the sentences below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY.

    1. If you look at a site from a  , you reduce visitor pressure.
    2. To camp on a site may be disrespectful to people from that 
    3. Undiscovered material may be damaged by 
    4. You should avoid  or tracing rock art as it is so fragile.
    5. In general, your aim is to leave the site 
    Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 1 Section 1 Answers
    1. (a) taxi/cab
    2. city centre/center
    3. wait
    4. door-to-door
    5. reserve (a seat)
    6. (the) 17th (of) October
    7. 12.30
    8. Thomson
    9. AC936
    10. 3303 8450 2045 6837
    Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 1 Section 2 Answers
    1. B
    2. A
    3. B
    4. C
    5. C
    6. A
    7. C
    8. A
    9. C
    10. B
    Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 1 Section 3 Answers
    1. attitude(s)
    2. gender/sex
    3. creativity/creativeness
    4. A
    5. B
    6. A
    7. B
    8. culture
    9. profit(s)
    10. stress/strain
    Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 1 Section 4 Answers
    1. April
    2. children
    3. repeated
    4. human
    5. magic
    6. distance
    7. culture
    8. fire(s)
    9. touching
    10. intact
  • Cambridge IELTS 4 Listening Test 4

    Section 1: Questions 1-10

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.


    Venue: (1) …………………………..
    Invitations (Tony)
    Who to invite: John and his wife
    The (2) …………………………..
    All the teachers
    All the (3) …………………………..
    Date for sending invitations: (4) …………………………..
    Present (Lisa)
    Collect money during the: (5) …………………………..
    Suggested amount per person: (6) …………………………..
    Check prices for: CD Players
    (7) …………………………..
    Coffee maker
    Ask guests to bring: snacks
    (8) …………………………..
    (9) …………………………..
    Ask student representative to prepare a: (10) …………………………..

    Section 2:  Questions 11-20

    Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

    1. To find out how much holidays cost, you should press button 
      1. one 
      2. two
      3. three
    2. Travelite currently offer walking holidays
      1. only in Western Europe
      2. all over Europe
      3. outside Europe
    3. The walks offered by Travelite
      1. cater for a range of walking abilities
      2. are planned by guides from the local area
      3. are for people with good fitness levels
    4. On Travelite holidays, people holidaying alone pay
      1. the same as other clients
      2. only a little more than other clients
      3. extra only if they stay in a large room
    5. Entertainment is provided
      1. when guests request it 
      2. most nights
      3. every night
    Questions 16-20

    Complete the table below.


    Length of holidayCost per personSpecial offers included in price
    3 days(16) $…………………………..pick up from the (17)…………………………..
    7 days$ 350– book of (18)…………………………..
    – maps
    14 days(19) $………………………… above plus membership of a (20)…………………………..

    Section 3 : Questions 21-30

    Complete the table below.


    Experiment numberEquipmentPurpose
    Experiment 1(21)…………………………..and a tableto show how things move on a cushion of air
    Experiment 2lots of paperclipsto show why we need standard (22)…………………………..
    Experiment 3(23)…………………………..and a jar of waterto show how (24)…………………………..grow
    Experiment 4cardboard, colored pens and a (25)………………………… teach children about how (26)………………………… made up
    Experiment 5a drill, an old record, a pin, paper, a boltto make a record player in order to learn about recording sound
    Questions 27-30

    Choose your answers from the box and write the letters A-H next to questions 27-30

    What problems do the speakers identify for each experiment?

    Experiment 1: (27) ………………………..
    Experiment 2: (28) ………………………..
    Experiment 3: (29) ………………………..
    Experiment 4: (Example) F
    Experiment 5: (30) ………………………..


    1. too messy
    2. too boring
    3. too difficult
    4. too much equipment
    5. too long
    6. too easy
    7. too noisy
    8. too dangerous

    Section 4 : Questions 31-40

    Complete the notes below.



    Length largest caught: 16 mts
    Weight heaviest: (31)  ……………………….. kgs
    Skeleton cartilages
    Skin texture rough barbs
    Swimming aide fins and (32) …………………………..
    Food gathered from the ocean (33) …………………………..
    Sharks locate food by using their (34) …………………………..

    Questions 35-38
    1. Shark meshing uses nets laid
      1. along the coastline
      2. at an angle to the beach
      3. from the beach to the sea
    2. Other places that have taken up shark meshing include
      1. South Africa
      2. New Zealand 
      3. Tahiti
    3. The average number of sharks caught in nets each year is 
      1. 15
      2. 150
      3. 1,500
    4. Most sharks are caught in
      1. spring 
      2. summer 
      3. winter
    Questions 39 and 40

    Which TWO factors reduce the benefits of shark nets?

    1. nets wrongly positioned
    2. strong waves and currents
    3. too many fish
    4. sharks cat holes in nets 
    5. moving sands
    6. nets too short
    7. holes in nets scare sharks
    Section 1 Answers
    1. shopping / variety of shopping
    2. guided tours
    3. more than 12/ over 12
    4. notice board
    5. 13th February
    6. Tower of London
    7. Bristol
    8. American Museum
    9. student newspaper
    10. Yentob
    Section 2 Answers
    3. local craftsmen
    4. Woodside
    5. Ticket Office
    6. Gift Shop
    7. (main) Workshop
    8. Showroom
    9. Café
    10. cottages
    Section 3 Answers
    1. A
    2. C
    3. E
    4. B
    5. C
    6. FC
    7. D
    8. A
    9. B
    10. G
    Section 4 Answers
    1. cities/environment
    2. windy
    3. humid
    4. shady/shaded
    5. dangerous
    6. leaves
    7. ground
    8. considerably reduce / decrease/filter
    9. low
    10. space / room
  • Cambridge IELTS 4 Listening Test 2

    Section 1: Questions 1-10

    Questions 1-5

    Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

    1. What does Peter want to drink?
      1. tea
      2. coffee
      3. a cold drink
    2. What caused Peter problems at the bank?
      1. The exchange rate was down
      2. He was late
      3. The computers weren’t working
    3. Who did Peter talk to at the bank?
      1. an old friend
      2. an American man
      3. a German man
    4. Henry gave Peter a map of
      1. the city
      2. the bus routes
      3. the train system
    5. What do Peter and Sally decide to order? 
      1. food and drinks 
      2. just food
      3. just drinks
    Questions 6-8

    Complete the notes below using words from the options given below.

    Art gallery

    Tourist attractions open all day: (6) ………………………….. and Gardens
    Tourist attractions NOT open on Mondays: (7) ………………………….. and Castle
    Tourist attractions which have free entry: (8) ………………………….. and Markets

    Questions 9 and 10

    Complete the sentences below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

    1. The first place Peter and Sally will visit is the …………………………..
    2. At the Cathedral, Peter really wants to …………………………..

    Part 2: Questions 11-20

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    1. The Counselling Service may contact tutors if
      1. they are too slow in marking assignments
      2. they give students a lot of work
      3. they don’t inform students about their progress
    2. Stress may be caused by
      1. new teachers
      2. time pressure
      3. unfamiliar subject matter
    3. International students may find stress difficult to handle because
      1. they lack support from family and friends
      2. they don’t have time to make new friends
      3. they find it difficult to socialise
    4. A personal crisis may be caused by
      1. studying for too long overseas 
      2. business problems in the student’s own country
      3. disruptions to personal relationships
    5. Students may lose self-esteem if
      1. they have to change courses
      2. they don’t complete a course
      3. their family puts too much pressure on them
    6. Students should consult Glenda Roberts if
      1. their general health is poor
      2. their diet is too strict
      3. they can’t eat the local food
    7. Students in financial difficulties can receive
      1. assistance to buy books
      2. a loan to pay their course fees
      3. a no-interest loan to cover study expenses
    8. Loans are also available to students who
      1. can’t pay their rent
      2. need to buy furniture
      3. can’t cover their living expenses
    9. The number of students counselled by the service last year was
      1. 214
      2. 240
      3. 2,600
    10. The speaker thinks the Counselling Service
      1. has been effective in spite of staff shortages
      2. in under used by students
      3. has suffered badly because of staff cuts

    Part 3: Questions 21-24

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.


    Part 1 Essay: Title ‘Assess the two methods of (21) ………………………….. in social science research
    Number of words: (22) …………………………..
    Part 2 Small scale study: Choose one method
    Gather data from at least (23)………………………….. subjects
    Part 3 Report on study: Number of words: (24) …………………………..

    Questions 25 and 26

    Choose TWO letters A-E.

    What TWO disadvantages of the questionnaire form of data collection do the students discuss?

    1. The data is sometimes invalid
    2.  Too few people may respond
    3.  It is less likely to reveal the unexpected
    4.  It can only be used with literate populations
    5.  There is a delay between the distribution and return of questionnaires
    Questions 27-30

    Complete the table below.

    Write NO MORE THREE TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    AuthorTitlePublisherYear of publication
    (27)…………………………..sample surveys in social science research
    Wilsoninterviews that workOxford University Press(30)…………………………..

    Part 4: Questions 31 and 32

    Choose the correct letter A, B and C.

    1. Corporate crime is generally committed
      1. against individuals
      2. by groups
      3. for companies
    2. Corporate crime does NOT include 
      1. employees stealing from their company 
      2. unintentional crime by employees
      3. fraud resulting from company policy
    Questions 33-38

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THREE TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    Corporate crime has been ignored by:
    • The (33) ………………………….. e.g. films
    • (34) …………………………..
    • Often more complex and needing (35) …………………………..
    • Less human interest than conventional crime
    • Victims often (36) …………………………..
    • Economic costs
    o May appear unimportant to (37) …………………………..
    o Can make large (38) ………………………….. for company

    Questions 39 and 40

    Choose TWO letters A-F.

    The oil tanker explosion was an example of a crime which

    1. was no-one’s fault
    2. was not a corporate crime
    3. was intentional
    4. was caused by indifference
    5. has tragic results
    6. made a large profit for the company
    Cambridge IELTS 4 Listening Test 2 section 1 answers
    1. C
    2. C
    3. B
    4. B
    5. A
    6. cathedral
    7. markets
    8. garden
    9. art gallery
    10. climb the tower
    Cambridge IELTS 4 Listening Test 2 section 2 answers
    1. C
    2. B
    3. A
    4. C
    5. B
    6. C
    7. A
    8. B
    9. B
    10. A
    Cambridge IELTS 4 Listening Test 2 section 3 answers
    1. collecting data
    2. 1500
    3. 5
    4. 3000-4000
    5. B
    6. C
    7. Mehta
    8. survey research
    9. London University
    10. 1988
    Cambridge IELTS 4 Listening Test 2 section 4 answers
    1. C
    2. A
    3. mass media
    4. academic circles
    5. specialist knowledge
    6. unaware
    7. individual customers
    8. illegal profits
    9. D
    10. E

  • Cambridge IELTS 14 Listening Test 1

    Section 1: Questions 1-10

    Complete the form below.

    Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


    Type of crime: theft

    Personal information

    Example: Name – Louise Taylor

    Nationality:                    (1) ……………………….
    Date of birth:                  14 December 1977
    Occupation:                   interior designer
    Reason for visit:            business (to buy antique (2)  ……………………….)
    Length of stay:               two months
    Current address:           (3) ………………………. Apartments (No 15)

    Details of theft
    Items stolen:                 – a wallet containing approximately (4) ……………………….£ 
    – a (5) 
    Date of theft: (6) ……………………….

    Possible time and place of theft
    Location:     outside the (7) ……………………….  at about 4 pm
    Details of suspect:  – some boys asked for the (8) ………………………. then ran off
    – one had a T-shirt with a picture of a tiger
    – he was about 12, slim build with (9) ………………………. hair

    Crime reference number allocated – (10) ……………………….

    Section 2: Questions 11 – 20

    Questions 11 and 12

    Choose TWO letters, A-E.

    Induction talk for new apprentices

    Which TWO pieces of advice for the first week of an apprenticeship does the manager give?

    1. get to know colleagues
    2. learn from any mistakes
    3. ask lots of questions
    4. react positively to feedback
    5. enjoy new challenges
    Questions 13 and 14

    Choose TWO letters, A-E.

    Which TWO things does the manager say mentors can help with?

    1. confidence-building
    2. making career plans
    3. completing difficult tasks
    4. making a weekly timetable
    5. reviewing progress
    Questions 15 – 20

    Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to Questions 15-20.

    What does the manager say about each of the following aspects of the company policy for apprentices?

    1. It is encouraged.
    2. There are some restrictions.
    3. It is against the rules.

    Company policy for apprentices

    1. Using the internet 
    2. Flexible working 
    3. Booking holidays 
    4. Working overtime 
    5. Wearing trainers 
    6. Bringing food to work 

    Section 3: Questions 21-30

    Questions 21 – 25

    Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

    Cities built by the sea

    1. Carla and Rob were surprised to learn that coastal cities
      1. contain nearly half the world’s population.
      2. include most of the world’s largest cities.
      3. are growing twice as fast as other cities.
    2. According to Rob, building coastal cities near to rivers
      1. may bring pollution to the cities.
      2. may reduce the land available for agriculture.
      3. may mean the countryside is spoiled by industry.
    3. What mistake was made when building water drainage channels in Miami in the 1950s?
      1. There were not enough of them.
      2. They were made of unsuitable materials.
      3. They did not allow for the effects of climate change.
    4. What do Rob and Carla think that the authorities in Miami should do immediately?
      1. take measures to restore ecosystems
      2. pay for a new flood prevention system
      3. stop disposing of waste materials into the ocean
    5. What do they agree should be the priority for international action?
      1. greater coordination of activities
      2. more sharing of information
      3. agreement on shared policies
    Questions 26 – 30

    What decision do the students make about each of the following parts of their presentation?

    Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to Questions 26-30.


    1. use visuals
    2. keep it short
    3. involve other students
    4. check the information is accurate
    5. provide a handout
    6. focus on one example
    7. do online research

    Parts of the presentation

    1. Historical background 
    2. Geographical factors 
    3. Past mistakes 
    4. Future risks 
    5. International implications 

    Section 4: Questions 31 – 40

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

    Marine renewable energy (ocean energy)

    More energy required because of growth in population and (31) ……………………….
    What’s needed:
    • renewable energy sources
    • methods that won’t create pollution

    Wave energy
    Advantage: waves provide a (32)  ………………………. source of renewable energy
    Electricity can be generated using offshore or onshore systems
    Onshore systems may use a reservoir

    • waves can move in any (33) ……………………….
    • movement of sand, etc. on the (34) ………………………. of the ocean may be affected

    Tidal energy
    Tides are more (35) ………………………. than waves
    Planned tidal lagoon in Wales:
    • will be created in a (36)  ………………………. at Swansea
    • breakwater (dam) containing 16 turbines
    • rising tide forces water through turbines, generating electricity
    • stored water is released through (37) ………………………. , driving the turbines in the reverse direction

    • not dependent on weather
    • no (38) ………………………. is required to make it work
    • likely to create a number of (39) ……………………….

    • may harm fish and birds, e.g. by affecting (40) ………………………. and building up silt

    Ocean thermal energy conversion
    Uses a difference in temperature between the surface and lower levels Water brought to the surface in a pipe.

    Cambridge IELTS 14 Listening Test 1 Section 1 Answers
    1. Canadian
    2. furniture
    3. park
    4. 250
    5. phone
    6. 10(th) September
    7. museum
    8. time
    9. blond(e)
    10. 87954 82361
    Cambridge IELTS 14 Listening Test 1 Section 2 Answers
    5. B
    6. B
    7. C
    8. A
    9. A
    10. C
    Cambridge IELTS 14 Listening Test 1 Section 3 Answers
    1. B
    2. A
    3. C
    4. B
    5. A
    6. B
    7. A
    8. F
    9. G
    10. C
    Cambridge IELTS 14 Listening Test 1 Section 4 Answers
    1. industry
    2. constant
    3. direction
    4. floor
    5. predictable
    6. bay
    7. gates
    8. fuel
    9. jobs
    10. migration

  • Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test 3

    Section 1: Questions 1-10

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    Public Library
    The library re-opened last month

    The library now has
    • A seating area with magazines
    • An expanded section for books on (1) ……………………….
    • A new section on local (2) ……………………….
    • A community room for meetings (also possible to (3)  ………………………. there)
    • A new section of books for (4) ……………………….

    For younger children
    • The next Science club meeting: experiments using things from your (5) ……………………….
    • Reading challenge: read six books during the holidays

    For adults
    • This Friday: a local author talks about a novel based on a real (6) ……………………….
    • IT support is available on Tuesday-no (7) ……………………….  is necessary
    • Free check of blood (8) ………………………. and cholesterol levels

    Other information
    • The library shop sells wall charts, cards and (9) ……………………….
    • Evenings and weekends: free (10) ………………………. is available

    Section 2: Questions 11-20

    Questions 11 and 12

    Choose TWO letters A-E.

    Which TWO age groups are taking increasing numbers of holidays with BC Travel?

    1. 16-30 years
    2. 31-42 years
    3. 43-54 years
    4. 55-64 years
    5. over 65 years
    Questions 13 and 14

    Choose TWO letters A-E.

    Which TWO are the main reasons given for the popularity of activity holidays?

    1. clients make new friends
    2. clients learn a useful skill
    3. clients learn about a different culture
    4. clients are excited by the risk involved
    5. clients find them good value for money
    Questions 15-17

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    1. How does BC Travel plan to expand the painting holidays?
      1. by adding to the number of locations
      2. by increasing the range of levels
      3. by employing more teachers
    2. Why are BC Travel’s cooking holidays unusual?
      1. they only use organic foods
      2. they have an international focus
      3. they mainly involve vegetarian dishes
    3. What does the speaker say about the photography holidays?
      1. clients receive individual tuition
      2. the tutors are also trained guides
      3. advice is given on selling photographs
    Questions 18-20

    Complete the table below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.


    LocationMain focusOther comments
    Ireland and ItalyGeneral fitness– personally designed programme
    – also reduces (18)……………
    Greece(19)……………….control– includes exercise on the beach
    MoroccoMountain biking– wide variety of levels
    – one holiday that is specially designed for (20)…………………

    Section 3: Questions 21-26

    Complete the flow chart below.

    Choose SIX answers from the options A-H given below.

    A. PatternsB. NamesC. SourcesD. Questions
    E. EmployeesF. SolutionsG. HeadingsH. Officials


    • Locate and read relevant articles, noting key information and also (21) ………………………. identify a problem or need
    • Select interviewees – these may be site (22) ………………………. , visitors for city (23) ……………………….
    • Prepare and carry out interview. If possible collect statistics.
    • Check whether (24)  of interviewees can be used

    • Select relevant information and try to identify (25) ……………………….
    • Decide on the best form of visuals

    • Give some background writing the main sections
    • Do not end with (26) ……………………….

    Questions 27-30

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    The Horton Castle Site

    1. Natalie and Dave agree one reason why so few people visit Horton Castle is that
      1. the publicity is poor
      2. it is difficult to get to
      3. there is little there of interest
    2. Natalie and Dave agree that the greatest problem with a visitor centre could be
      1. covering the investment costs
      2. finding a big enough space for it
      3. dealing with planning restrictions
    3. What does Dave say about conditions in the town of Horton?
      1. there is a lot of unemployment
      2. there are few people of working age
      3. there are opportunities for skilled worker
    4. According to Natalie, one way to prevent damage to the castle site would be to
      1. insist visitors have a guide
      2. make visitors keep to the paths
      3. limit visitor numbers

    Section 4: Questions 31-40

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

    The effects of environmental change on birds

    Mercury (Hg)
    • Highly toxic
    • Released into the atmosphere from coal
    • In water it may be consumed by fish
    • It has also recently been found to affect birds which feed on (31) ……………………….

    Research on effects of mercury on birds
    • Claire Varian Ramos is investigating:
    o The effects on birds’ (32)  ………………………. or mental processes e.g. memory
    o The effects on bird song (usually learned from a bird’s (33) ………………………. )
    • Findings:
    o Songs learned by birds exposed to mercury are less (34) ……………………….
    o This may have a negative effect on birds’ (35) ……………………….
    • Lab based studies:
    o Allow more (36) ……………………….  for the experimenter

    Implications for humans
    • Migrating birds such as (37)  ………………………. containing mercury may be eaten by humans
    • Mercury also causes problems in learning (38) ……………………….
    • Mercury in a mother’s body from (39)  ………………………. may affect the unborn child
    • New regulations for mercury emissions will affect everyone’s energy (40) ……………………….

    Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test 3 Section 1 Answers
    1. travel
    2. history
    3. study
    4. teenagers
    5. kitchen
    6. crime
    7. appointment/ booking
    8. sugar
    9. stamps
    10. parking
    Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test 3 Section 2 Answers
    1. D
    2. E
    3. A
    4. C
    5. C
    6. B
    7. A
    8. stress
    9. weight
    10. families
    Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test 3 Section 3 Answers
    1. C
    2. E
    3. H
    4. B
    5. A
    6. F
    7. A
    8. C
    9. B
    10. B
    Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test 3 Section 4 Answers
    1. insects
    2. behaviour
    3. father
    4. complex
    5. reproduction
    6. control
    7. ducks
    8. language
    9. food
    10. cost/ price
  • Cambridge IELTS 6 Listening Test 2

    Part 1: Questions 1-5

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    Children’s Art and Craft Workshops
    • Adults must accompany children under (1) ……………
    • Cost: £2.50
    • Workshops held in: Winter House, (2) …………… Street
    • Security device: must push the (3) …………… to open door
    • Should leave car behind the (4) ……………
    • Book workshops by phoning the (5) …………… (on 200765)

    Questions 6-10

    Complete the table below.

    Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

    DateWorkshop titleChildren advised to wearPlease bring (if possible)
    16/11building (6)……………..(7)………………….(8)…………………..
    23/11(9)………………nothing special(10)…………………

    Section 2: Questions 11-14

    Complete the sentences below.

    Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


    1. Local services depart from  railway station.
    2. National services depart from the  railway station.
    3. Trains for London depart every  each day during the week.
    4. The price of a first class ticket includes 
    Questions 15-17

    Complete the form below.

    Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    Type of ticketDetails
    Standard opneno restrictions
    Supersavetravel after 8.45
    Specialtravel after (15)……………….and at weekends
    (16)…………………buy at least six days ahead limited numbers (17)………………essential
    Questions 18-20

    Which THREE attractions can you visit at present by train from Trebirch?

    1. a science museum
    2. a theme park
    3. a climbing wall
    4. a mining museum
    5. an aquarium
    6. a castle
    7. a zoo

    Section 3: Questions 21-30

    Complete the form below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    Target previously agreedWork completedFurther action suggested
    Investigate suitable data analysis software– read IT (21)……………
    – spoken to Jane Prince, Head of the (22)……………
    sign up for some software practice sessions
    Prepare a (23)……………….for survery– completed and sent for reviewadd questions in section three on (24)…………
    Further reading about discipline– read Banerjee
    – N.B. could not find Ericsson’s essays on managing the (25)……………………
    obtain from library through special loans service
    New targetWork completedTiming
    Do further work on Chapter 1 (give the title: Context (26)………………– add statistics on the (27)………… in various zones
    – include more references to works dated after (28)………………
    by the (29)………………….
    Prepare list of main sections for Chapter 2– use index cards to help in oranisationbefore stating the (30)………………..

    Section 4: Questions 31-37

    1. Some photographs of a horse running showed
      1. all feet off the ground
      2. at least one foot on the ground
      3. two feet off the ground
    2. The Scotsman employed by Edison
      1. designed a system to use the technology Edison had invited
      2. used available technology to make a new system
      3. was already an expert in motion picture technology
    3. One major problem with the first system was that
      1. only one person could be filmed
      2. people could only see very short films
      3. the camera was very heavy
    4. Rival systems started to appear in Europe after people had
      1. been told about the American system
      2. seen the American system
      3. used the American system
    5. In 1895, a famous new system was developed by
      1. a French team working alone
      2. a Fernch and German team working together
      3. a German team who invented the word ‘cinema’
    6. Longer filmes were not made at the time because of problems involving
      1. the subject matters
      2. the camera
      3. the film projector
    7. The ‘Lantham Loop’ invention relied on
      1. removing tension between the film reels
      2. adding three more films reels to the system
      3. making one of the film reels more effective
    Questions 38-40

    Complete the sentences below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

    1. The first motion picture was called The 
    2. were used for the first time on film in 1926.
    3. Subtitles were added to The Lights of New York because of its 
    Cambridge IELTS 6 Listening Test 2 Section 1 Answers
    1. 8
    2. (in/on) Tamer
    3. green button
    4. library
    5. education department
    6. castles
    7. old clothes
    8. bottle tops
    9. undersea worlds
    10. silver paper
    Cambridge IELTS 6 Listening Test 2 Section 2 Answers
    1. king street
    2. central
    3. half hour / 30 minutes
    4. refreshments
    5. 10.15
    6. advance
    7. (seat) reservations
    8. C OR D OR G (in any order)
    9. C OR D OR G (in any order)
    10. C OR D OR G (in any order)
    Cambridge IELTS 6 Listening Test 2 Section 3 Answers
    1. catalog(ue)s
    2. computer centre
    3. checklist
    4. teaching experience
    5. classroom
    6. review
    7. schools
    8. ((the) year) 2000
    9. end of term
    10. research
    Cambridge IELTS 6 Listening Test 2 Section 4 Answers
    1. A
    2. B
    3. C
    4. A
    5. A
    6. C
    7. A
    8. great train robbery
    9. sound effects
    10. poor sound quality
  • Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 2

    Section 1: Questions 1-10

    Complete the form below.



    Name: Patrick Jones
    Address: (1) …………………… , Greendale
    Contact number: (2) ……………………
    Size of car engine: 1200cc
    Type of car: Manufacturer: Hewton
    Model: (3) ……………………
    Year: 1997
    Previous insurance company: (4) ……………………
    Any insurance claims in the last five year? Yes
    If yes, give brief details: Car was (5)  in 1999
    Name(s) of other driver(s): Simon (6) ……………………
    Relationship to main driver: (7) ……………………
    Uses of car: Social and (8) ……………………
    Start date: 31st January
    Recommended insurance arrangement: Name of company: (9) ……………………
    Annual Cost: (10) ……………………  $ 

    Part 2: Questions 11-20

    Questions 11 and 12

    Label the map below.


    Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 2 Boat trip road map
    Questions 13-18

    Complete the table below.


    AttractionFurther information
    STOP A:
    Main booking office
    First boat: 8 am
    Last boat: (13)………….pm
    Palace– has lovely (14)……………..
    STOP B:(15)……………..– has good (16)……………….of city centre
    STOP C:Museum– bookshop specializing in the (17)………………of the local area
    STOP D:Entertainment Complex(18)……………….cinema
    – bowling alley
    – video games arcade
    Questions 19 and 20

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    1. How often do the Top Bus Company tours run? 
    2. Where can you catch a Number One Sightseeing Tour from? 

    Section 3: Questions 21-26

    Questions 21-26

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    1. The Antarctic Centre was established in Christchurch because
      1. New Zealand is a member of the Antarctic Treaty
      2. Christchurch is geographically well positioned
      3. the climate of Christchurch is suitable
    2. One role of the Antarctic Centre is to
      1. provide expeditions with suitable equipment
      2. provide researchers with financial assistance
      3. ensure that research is internationally relevant
    3. The purpose of the Visitors’ Centre is to
      1. provide accommodation
      2. run training sessions
      3. show people what Antarctica is like
    4. Dr Merrywhether says that Antarctica is
      1. unlike any other country
      2.  extremely beautiful
      3. too cold for tourists
    5. According to Dr Merrywhether, Antarctica is very cold because
      1. of the shape of the continent
      2. it is surrounded by a frozen sea
      3. it is an extremely dry continent
    6. Dr Merrywhether thinks Antarctica was part of another continent because
      1. he has done his own research in the area
      2. there is geological evidence of this
      3. it is very close to South America
    Questions 27 and 28

    Complete the table below.



    1870polar search meeting
    (27)……………to………….1st international polar year
    1957Antarctic treaty was proposed
    1959Antarctic treaty was (28)…………………….
    Questions 29 and 30

    Choose TWO letters A-E.

    Which TWO achievements of the Antarctic Treaty are mentioned by the speakers?

    1. no military use
    2.  animals protected
    3.  historic sites reserved
    4.  no nuclear testing
    5.  fishing rites protected

    Section 4: Questions 31-40

    Questions 31-35

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    Left and Right Handedness in Sport

    1. Anita first felt the Matthews article was of value when she realised
      1. how it would help her difficulties with left-handedness
      2. the relevance of connections he made with music
      3. the impressive size of his research project
    2. Anita feels that the findings on handedness will be of value in
      1. helping sportspeople identify their weaknesses
      2. aiding sportspeople as they plan tactics for each game
      3. developing suitable training programmes for sportspeople
    3. Anita feels that most sports coaches
      1. know nothing about the influence of handedness
      2. focus on the wrong aspects of performance
      3. underestimate what science has to offer sport
    4. A German study showed there was greater ‘mixed handedness’ in musicians who
      1. started playing instruments in early youth
      2. Blplay a string instrument such as the violin
      3. practise a great deal on their instrument
    5. Studies on ape behaviour show that
      1. apes which always use the same hand to get food are most successful
      2. apes have the same proportion of left- and right-handers as humans
      3. more apes are left-handed than right-handed
    Questions 36-40

    Complete the table below.


    SportBest lateralityComments
    Hockeymixed laterality– hockey stick has to be used in (36)……………
    – mixed-handed players found to be much more (37)……………than others
    Tennissingle laterality– gives a larger relevant field of (38)…………..
    – cross lateral players make (39)……………….too late
    Gymnasticscross laterality– gymnasts’ (40)……………… important for performances
    Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 2 Section 1 Answers
    1. 27 bank road
    2. (a) dentist
    3. sable
    4. northern star
    5. stolen
    6. Paynter
    7. brother-in-law
    8. (travel(ling/ing)) (to) work
    9. red flag
    10. 450
    Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 2 Section 2 Answers
    1. city bridge
    2. newton
    3. 6.30
    4. (formal) garden
    5. (tower) restaurant
    6. view(s)
    7. history
    8. 7 screen
    9. every 20 minutes
    10. (from/ the) Central Station
    Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 2 Section 3 Answers
    1. B
    2. A
    3. C
    4. B
    5. A
    6. B
    7. 1882 (to / -) (18)83
    8. signed
    9. A or D (In either order)
    10. A or D (In either order)
    Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 2 Section 4 Answers
    1. C
    2. B
    3. C
    4. A
    5. A
    6. 2 directions
    7. confident
    8. lvision
    9. corrections
    10. balance
  • Cambridge IELTS 2 Listening Test 3

    Section 1: Questions 1-10

    Questions 1-4
    1. The respondent works in
      1. the professions
      2. business
      3. other
    2. The respondent has a salary of
      1. £ 0-15,000 a year
      2. £ 15,000-35,000 a year
      3. over £35,000 a year
    3. The respondent watched TV for
      1. relaxation
      2. entertainment
      3. information
    4. Every day the respondent watches TV for
      1. 30 min – 1 hour
      2. 1 hour – 2 hours
      3. more than 2 hours
    Questions 5-7

    Choose TWO letters A-E

    1. The respondent mainly watches TV
      1. in the early morning
      2. around midday
      3. in the afternoon
      4. in the early evening
      5. at night
    2. 6. On the new channel the respondent would like to see more
      1. children’s programmes
      2. documentaries
      3. local service programmes
      4. travel programmes
      5. health programmes
    3. The respondent would advise the new channel to
      1. spend more money on drama
      2. train their broadcasters to higher standards
      3. improve sound quality
      4. broadcast interviews with famous people
      5. talk more to customers
    Questions 8-10

    Circle the correct letter A-C.

    1. The respondent feels that adverts should occur only
      1. 10 minutes
      2. 15 minutes
      3. 20 minutes
    2. The respondent would like to attend special promotions if
      1. expenses are paid
      2. he is invited specially
      3. they are held locally
    3. The respondent would like to receive
      1. no mail
      2. requested mail
      3. all mail

    Section 2: Questions 11-14

    Questions 11-14

    Circle FOUR letters A-G.

    Which FOUR activities of the Union are mentioned by the speaker?

    1. raising money for good causes
    2. political campaigning
    3. running a new agency
    4. running a supermarket
    5. providing cheap tickets
    6. helping with accommodation
    7. providing catering services
    Questions 15 and 16

    Circle TWO letters A-E.

    Which TWO of the following can you get advice about from the Union?

    1. immigration
    2. grants
    3. medical problems
    4. personal problems
    5. legal matters
    Questions 17-20

    Write the appropriate letters A-C against questions 17-20.

    What are the locations of the following places in Radford?

    1. part of the Metro Tower Building
    2. in the main square in the centre of the town
    3. some distance from the centre of the town
    1. the hi-tech fitness centre 
    2. the ice rink 
    3. the new cinema 
    4. the Theatre Royal 

    Section 3: Questions 21-30

    Questions 21-23

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    Hand-in-date: (21) ……………………….
    Length: (22) ………………………. to 
    Extra programme offered on: (23) ……………………….

    Question 24-26

    Complete the table below.


    31 Januarybasic bibliography
    7 February(24)………………..
    February – March(25)……………….
    (26)……………….to……………….write up work
    21 Mayhand in work
    Questions 27-30

    What is Dr Simon’s opinions on the following points?

    Tick column A if he is in favour
    Tick column B if he has no strong opinion either way
    Tick column C if he is against

    27. Buying a computer…..…..…..
    28. Reading previous year’s dissertation…..…..…..
    29. Using questionnaires as main research instrument…..…..…..
    30. Interviewing tutors…..…..…..

    Section 4: Questions 31-40

    Questions 31-37

    Circle the correct letters A-C.

    1. The driest continent is
      1. Australia
      2. Africa
      3. Antarctica
    2. The evaporation rate in Australia is
      1. lower than Africa
      2. higher than Africa
      3. about the same as Africa
    3. Rainfall in Australia hardly penetrates the soil because
      1. the soil is too hard
      2. the soil is too hot
      3. plants use it up
    4. In sandy soils water can
      1. evaporate quickly
      2. seep down to rock
      3. wash the soil away
    5. Water is mainly pumped up for
      1. people to drink
      2. animals to drink
      3. watering crops
    6. Natural springs are located
      1. in unexplored parts of Australia
      2. quite commonly over all Australia
      3. in a few areas of Australia
    7. Underground water supplies
      1. 18% of Australia’s water
      2. 48% of Australia’s water
      3. 80% of Australia’s water
    Questions 38-40

    Circle THREE letters A-E.

    Which THREE of the following uses of dam water are mentioned?

    1. providing water for livestock
    2. watering farmland
    3. providing water for industry
    4. controlling flood water
    5. producing hydro-electric power
    Cambridge IELTS 2 Listening Test 3 Section 1 Answers
    1. B
    2. C
    3. A
    4. B
    5. A, E
    6. A, C
    7. C, E
    8. B
    9. C
    10. B
    Cambridge IELTS 2 Listening Test 3 Section 2 Answers
    1. A
    2. C
    3. E
    4. G
    5. B
    6. E
    7. C
    8. A
    9. A
    10. B
    Cambridge IELTS 2 Listening Test 3 Section 3 Answers
    1. 21 May
    2. 18000-20000
    3. research methods
    4. plan
    5. research
    6. march to may
    7. A
    8. A
    9. C
    10. B
    Cambridge IELTS 2 Listening Test 3 Section 4 Answers
    1. C
    2. B
    3. C
    4. B
    5. B
    6. C
    7. A
    8. B
    9. D
    10. E