Category: IELTS Listening Tests

  • Cambridge IELTS 13 Listening Test 2

    Section 1: Questions 1-10

    Complete the notes below.


    South city cycling club

    Name of club secretary: Jim Hunter

    • Full membership costs $260; this covers cycling and (1) ………………………. all over Australia
    • Recreational membership costs $108
    • Cost of membership includes the club fee and ………………………. (2) 
    • The club kit is made by a company called (3) ……………………….

    Training rides
    • Chance to improve cycling skills and fitness
    • Level B: speed about (4) ………………………. kph
    • Weekly sessions
    o Tuesdays at 5.30 am, meet at the (5) ……………………….
    o Thursdays at 5.30 am, meet at the entrance to the (6) ……………………….

    Further information
    • Rides are about an hour and half
    • Members often have (7) ……………………….  together afterwards
    • There is not always a (8) ……………………….  with the group on these rides
    • Check and print the (9) ………………………. on the website beforehand
    • Bikes must have (10) ……………………….

    Section 2: Questions 11-20

    Questions 11-16

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    Information on company volunteering projects

    1. How much time for volunteering does the company allow per employee?
      1. two hours per week
      2. one day per month
      3. 8 hours per year
    2. In feedback almost all employees said that volunteering improved their
      1. chances of promotion
      2. job satisfaction
      3. relationships with colleagues
    3. Last year some staff helped unemployed people with their
      1. literacy skills
      2. job applications
      3. communication skills
    4. This year the company will start a new volunteering project with a local
      1. school
      2. park
      3. charity
    5. Where will the Digital inclusion Day be held?
      1. at the company’s training facility
      2. at a college
      3. in a community centre
    6. What should staff do if they want to take part in the Digital Inclusion Day?
      1. fill in a form
      2. attend a training workshop
      3. get permission from their managers
    Questions 17 and 18

    Choose TWO letters A-E.

    Which TWO things are mentioned about the participants on the last Digital Inclusion Day?

    1. they were all over 70
    2. they never used their computer
    3. their phones were mostly old fashioned
    4. they only used their phones for making calls
    5. they initially showed little interest
    Questions 19 and 20

    Choose TWO letters A-E.

    What TWO activities on the last Digital Inclusion Day did participants describe as useful?

    1. learning to use tablets
    2. communicating with family
    3. shopping online
    4. playing online games
    5. sending emails

    Section 3: Questions 21-30

    Questions 21-25

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    Planning a presentation on nanotechnology

    1. Russ says that his difficulty in planning the presentation is due to
      1. his lack of knowledge about the topic.
      2. his uncertainty about what he should try to achieve.
      3. the short time that he has for preparation.
    2. Russ and his tutor agree that his approach in the presentation will be
      1. to concentrate on how nanotechnology is used in one field.
      2. to follow the chronological development of nanotechnology.
      3. to show the range of applications of nanotechnology.
    3. In connection with slides, the tutor advises Russ to
      1. talk about things that he can find slides to illustrate.
      2. look for slides to illustrate the points he makes.
      3. consider omitting slides altogether.
    4. They both agree that the best way for Russ to start his presentation is
      1. to encourage the audience to talk.
      2. to explain what Russ intends to do.
      3. to provide an example.
    5. What does the tutor advise Russ to do next while preparing his presentation?
      1. summarise the main point he wants to make
      2. read the notes he has already made
      3. list the topics he wants to cover
    Questions 26-30

    Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter A-G next to questions 26-30.

    What comments do the speakers make about each of the following aspects of Russ’s previous presentation?


    1. lacked a conclusion
    2. useful in the future
    3. not enough
    4. sometimes distracting
    5. showed originality
    6. covered a wide range
    7. not too technical

    Aspects of Russ’s previous presentation

    1. structure 
    2. eye contact 
    3. body language 
    4. choice of words 
    5. handouts 

    Section 4: Questions 31-40

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

    Episodic memory
    • The ability to recall details e.g. the time and (31) ………………………. of past events
    • Different to semantic memory- the ability to remember general information about the
    ……………………….  which does not involve recalling (33) ………………………. information

    Forming episodic memories involves three steps:
    • Involves receiving and processing information
    • The more (34) ………………………. given to an event the more successfully it can be encoded
    • To remember a (35) ………………………. it is useful to have a strategy for encoding such information

    • How memories are strengthened and stored
    • Most effective when memories can be added to a (36) ……………………….
    • The (37)  ………………………. of retrieval affects the strength of memories

    • Memory retrieval often depends on using a prompt e.g. the (38)  ………………………. of an object near to the place where you left your car

    Episodic memory impairments
    • These affect people with a wide range of medical conditions
    • Games which stimulate the (39)  ………………………. have been found to help people with schizophrenia
    • Children with autism may have difficulty forming episodic memories – possibly because their concept of the (40)  ………………………. may be absent
    • Memory training may help autistic children to develop social skills

    Cambridge IELTS 13 Listening Test 2 Section 1 Answers
    1. races
    2. insurance
    3. Jerriz
    4. 25
    5. stadium
    6. park
    7. coffee
    8. leader
    9. route
    10. lights
    Cambridge IELTS 13 Listening Test 2 Section 2 Answers

    1. 11. C
    2. 12. B
    3. 13. C
    4. 14. B
    5. 15. B
    6. 16. A
    7. 17. C
    8. 18. E
    9. 19. B
    10. 20. D
    Cambridge IELTS 13 Listening Test 2 Section 3 Answers
    1. 21. B
    2. 22. A
    3. 23. C
    4. 24. C
    5. 25. A
    6. 26. A
    7. 27. C
    8. 28. D
    9. 29. G
    10. 30. B
    Cambridge IELTS 13 Listening Test 2 Section 4 Answers

    1. 31. location
    2. 32. world
    3. 33. personal
    4. 34. attention
    5. 35. name
    6. 36. network
    7. 37. frequency
    8. 38. color
    9. 39. brain
    10. 40. self
  • Cambridge IELTS 3 Listening Test 1

    Section 1: Questions 1-10

    Complete the notes below.

    Areas dealt with: (1) ………………………. and north suburbs
    Rent: from (2) ………………………. £  to £  a month
    Depends on: the area availability of (3) ………………………. garage
    Properties available: West Park Road
    rent (4) ………………………. £  a month
    including (5) ……………………….
    Tithe Road rent £380 a month including (6) ………………………. rental
    Viewing arrangements: meet at office on (7) ………………………. at 5.00 pm
    Need: letter from bank
    reference from (8) ……………………….
    Must: give (9) ……………………. notice of moving in
    give deposit of (10)  ………………………. pay for contract

    Section 2: Questions 11-20

    Questions 11 and 12

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

    1. Who is Mrs Sutton worried about? 
    2. What is the name for a group of family doctors working in the same building together? 
    Questions 13-17

    Complete the form below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    Name of health centreNumber of doctorsOther informationInformation about doctors
    Dean End(13)………………..appointment system (15)…………..than South HayDr. Jones is good with (16)…………patients

    Dr. Shaw is good with small children
    South Hay(14)………………..building less modern than Dean EndDr. Williams helps people with (17)………….
    Question 18


    1. Doctors start seeing patients at the Health Centre from  o’clock.
    Question 19

    Choose TWO letters A-E.

    Which TWO groups of patients receive free medication?

    1. people over 17 years old
    2. unemployed people
    3. non-UK residents
    4. people over 60 years old
    5. pregnant women
    Question 20


    20. The charge for one item of medication is about £ 

    Section 3: Questions 21-30

    Complete the form below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    Name: Jonathan Briggs
    Degree: Economic and (21) ……………………….
    Teaching experience: Volunteer teacher
    Location: (22) ……………………….
    Dates: (23) ……………………….
    Volunteer organization: (24) ……………………….
    Type of school: (25) ……………………….
    Subject taught: (26)  Forms 1, 2 and 3
    English Form (27) ……………………….
    Agriculture science Form 6

    Reasons for wanting to leave in first year: (28) ……………………….
    – Few teaching resources
    Reasons for wanting to extend tour: – success of cattle breeding project
    – Obtained funds for farm building
    Reasons for wanting to train to teach Geography: it is his (29) ……………………….
    It has many (30) ……………………….

    Part 4: Questions 31-40

    Questions 31-36

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    31. Which column of the bar chart represents the figures quoted?

    Cambridge IELTS 3 Listening Test 1 Question 31 chart. Which column of the bar chart represents the figures quoted?
    1. According to the speaker, the main cause of back pain in women is
      1. pregnancy
      2. osteoporosis
      3. lack of exercise
    2. As treatment for back pain the Clinic mainly recommends
      1. pain killers
      2. relaxation therapy
      3. exercise routines
    3. The back is different from other parts of the body because
      1. it is usually better at self-repair.
      2. a back injury is usually more painful.
      3. its response to injury often results in more damage.
    4. Bed rest is advised
      1. for a maximum of two days.
      2. for extreme pain only.
      3. for pain lasting more than two days.
    5. Being overweight
      1. is a major source of back pain.
      2. worsens existing back pain.
      3. reduces the effectiveness of exercise.
    Questions 37-40

    Choose the correct option.

    A – Strongly recommendedB – Recommended in certain circumstancesC – Not recommended
    Example: diet if overweightyes
    37. buy special orthopedic chairs
    38. buy shock-absorbing inserts
    39. wear flat shoes
    40. buy TENS machine
    Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 3 Section 1 Answers
    1. city centre
    2. 250 to 500
    3. garden
    4. 325
    5. water bills
    6. phone
    7. wednesday
    8. employer
    9. 2 weeks
    10. one month’s rent
    Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 3 Section 2 Answers
    1. her daughter Anna
    2. a practice
    3. about 6
    4. about 4
    5. better/ more efficient
    6. old
    7. back problems
    8. 9 am
    9. B and E
    10. 5
    Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 3 Section 3 Answers
    1. politics
    2. africa
    3. 1990 to 1992
    4. teach south
    5. rural cooperative
    6. geography
    7. (form) 5
    8. homesick/ missed
    9. favorite subject
    10. applications
    Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 3 Section 4 Answers
    1. A
    2. B
    3. B
    4. C
    5. A
    6. B
    7. B
    8. A
    9. B
    10. C
  • Cambridge IELTS 2 Listening Test 4

    Part 1: Questions 1-10

    Questions 1 and 2

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.


    Address: Apartment 2, (1) ……………………….  , Newton
    Length of lease: one year
    Date moved in: (2) ……………………….

    Questions 3-9
    Complete the table below. Write

    A if the repair will be done immediately
    B if the repair will be done during the following week
    C if the repair will be done in two or more weeks

    ItemProblemWhen to be done
    Question 10

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    Workman to call between (10) ………………………. and 

    Part 2: Questions 11-20

    Questions 11 and 12

    Circle the correct letters A-C.

    1. At rainforest lodge there aren’t any
      1. telephones or TVs
      2. newspapers or TVs
      3. telephones or newspapers
    2. The guests are told to
      1. carry their luggage to the cabin
      2. go straight to the restaurant
      3. wait an hour for dinner
    Questions 13-15

    Complete the table below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

    Tour NameDetails
    Orchid and Fungiwalking tour
    Four Wheel Drivetour to the (13)………………
    Fishingto catch lunch
    Crocodile Cruisedeparts at (14)………………..daily
    (15)…………………departs at sundown
    Questions 16-20

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

    What THREE items of clothing does the speaker recommend for the rainforest?
    (16) …………………………
    (17) …..…………………….
    (18) …………………………

    Which TWO things in the rainforest does the speaker give a warning about?
    (19)  …………………………. and (20) ………………………….

    Part 3: Questions 21-30

    Questions 21-25

    Circle the correct letters A-C

    1. These sessions with a counsellor are
      1. compulsory for all students
      2. available to any students
      3. for science students only
    2. The counsellor says that new students have to
      1. spend more time on the college premises
      2. get used to working independently
      3. work harder than they did at school
    3. John complains that the resource centre
      1. has limited opening hours
      2. has too few resources
      3. gets too crowded
    4. The counsellor suggests to John that
      1. most other students can cope
      2. he needs to study all the time
      3. he should be able to fit in some leisure activities
    5. Before being able to help John the counsellor needs to
      1. talk with some of his lecturers
      2. consult his tutor
      3. get more information from him
    Questions 26-30

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

    • Pay careful attention to the question
    • Leave time to (26) ……………………….

    • Try to (27) ………………………. lectures
    • Check notes with (28) ……………………….

    • Choose topics of (29) ……………………….
    • Buy a good (30) ……………………….

    Part 4: Questions 31-40

    Questions 31-35

    Circle the correct letters A-C.

    1. John was first interested in the subject because of something
      1. he had witnessed
      2. he had read about
      3. he had experienced
    2. The main research method was
      1. interviews
      2. questionnaires
      3. observation


    1. How many respondents were there?
      1. 50-100
      2. 100-150
      3. 150-200
    2. The most common type of road rage incident involved
      1. damage to property
      2. personal violence
      3. verbal abuse
    Questions 36-40

    Which group gave the following advice?

    Tick Column A if it was mainly women.
    Tick Column B if it was mainly men.
    Tick Column C if it was both men and women.

    Example: do not stop to ask directions
    36. Avoid eye contact with other drivers
    37. Inform someone of your likely arrival time
    38. Ensure car keys are ready when you return to the car
    39. Leave plenty of space when parking
    40. Keep all doors locked
    Cambridge IELTS 2 Listening Test 4 Section 1 Answers
    1. 16 rose lane
    2. 27 June
    3. door broken
    4. C
    5. no locks
    6. bathroom light
    7. A
    8. kitchen curtains
    9. B
    10. 1 pm and 5 pm
    Cambridge IELTS 2 Listening Test 4 Section 2 Answers
    1. B
    2. C
    3. waterfall
    4. 11
    5. spotlight
    6. walking boots
    7. socks
    8. long trousers
    9. snakes
    10. plants
    Cambridge IELTS 2 Listening Test 4 Section 3 Answers
    1. B
    2. B
    3. A
    4. C
    5. C
    6. check work
    7. record
    8. friend
    9. general interest
    10. dictionary
    Cambridge IELTS 2 Listening Test 4 Section 4 Answers
    1. B
    2. A
    3. A
    4. B
    5. C
    6. B
    7. A
    8. C
    9. B
    10. C

  • Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test 1

    Section 1: Questions 1-10

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.


    Cruise on a lake
    • Travel on an old steamship
    • Can take photos of the (1) …,………………….  that surround the lake

    Farm visit
    • Children can help feed the sheep
    • Visit can include a 40 minute ride on a (2) …,………………….
    • Visitors can walk in the farm’s (3) …,………………….  by the lake
    • (4) …,…………………. is available at extra cost

    Cycling trips
    • Cyclists explore the back road
    • A (5) …,…………………. is provided
    • Only suitable for cyclists who have some (6) …,………………….
    o Bikes can be hired from (7)  …,…………………. (near the cruise ship terminal)

    • Cyclists need:
    o A repair kit
    o Food and drink
    o A (8) …,………………….  (can be hired)
    • There are no (9) …,…………………. or accommodation in the area

    • Total cost for whole family of cruise and farm visit: (10) …,…………………. $ 

    Section 2: Questions 11-20

    Questions 11-14

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    Talk to new kitchen assistants

    1. According to the manager what do most people like about the job of kitchen assistant?
      1. the variety of work
      2. the friendly atmosphere
      3. the opportunities for promotion
    2. The manager is concerned about some of the new staff’s
      1. jewelry
      2. hair styles
      3. shoes
    3. The manager says that the day is likely to be busy for kitchen staff because
      1. it is a public holiday
      2. the head chef is absent
      3. the restaurant is almost fully booked
    4. Only kitchen staff who are 18 or older are allowed to use
      1.  the waste disposal unit
      2.  the electric mixer
      3.  the meat slicer
    Questions 15 and 16

    Choose TWO letter A-E.

    According to the manager which TWO things can make the job of kitchen assistant stressful?

    1. they have to follow orders immediately.
    2. the kitchen gets very hot
    3. they may not be able to take a break
    4. they have to do overtime
    5. the work is physically demanding
    Questions 17-20

    Choose FOUR answers from below.

    What is the responsibility of each of the following restaurant staff?


    1. training courses
    2. food stocks
    3. first aid
    4. breakages
    5. staff discounts
    6. timetables

    Restaurant staff

    1. Joy Parkins 
    2. David Field 
    3. Dexter Wills 
    4. Mike Smith 

    Section 3: Questions 21-30

    Questions 21-23

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    Paper on Public Libraries

    1. What will be the main topic of Trudie and Stewart’s paper?
      1.  how public library services are organized in different countries
      2.  how changes in society are reflected in public libraries
      3.  how the funding of public libraries has changed
    2. They agree that one disadvantage of free digitalized books is that
      1.  they may take a long time to read
      2.  they can be difficult to read
      3.  they are generally old
    3. Stewart expects that in the future libraries will
      1.  maintain their traditional function
      2.  become centres for local communities
      3.  no longer contain any books
    Questions 24-30

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

    Study of local library: possible questions
    • Whether it has a (24) ………………………. of its own
    • Its policy regarding noise of various kinds
    • How it’s affected by laws regarding all aspects of (25) ……………………….
    • How the design needs to take the (26) ……………………….  of customers into account
    • What (27) ………………………. is required in case of accidents
    • Why a famous person’s (28) ………………………. is located in the library
    • Whether it has a (29) ……………………….  of local organisations
    • How it’s different from a library in a (30) ……………………….

    Section 4: Questions 31-40

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

    Four business rules
    • Many business values can result in (31) ……………………….
    • Senior managers need to understand and deal with the potential (32) ………………………. that may result

    • During a training course the speaker was in a team that had to build a (33) ……………………….
    • Other teams experienced (34)  ………………………. from trying to collaborate
    • The speaker’s team won because they reduced collaboration
    • Sales of a (35) ………………………. were poor because of collaboration

    • Hard work may be a bad use of various company (36) ……………………….
    • The word lazy in the context refers to people who avoid doing tasks that are (37) ……………………….

    • An advertising campaign for a (38) ………………………. was memorable but failed to boost sales
    • Creativity should be used as a response to a particular (39) ……………………….

    • According to one study on average pioneers had a (40) ………………………. that was far higher than that of followers.

    Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test 1 Section 1 Answers
    1. mountains
    2. horse
    3. gardens
    4. lunch
    5. map
    6. experience
    7. Ratchesons
    8. helmet
    9. shops
    10. 267
    Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test 1 Section 2 Answers
    1. A
    2. A
    3. C
    4. C
    5. A
    6. E
    7. F
    8. C
    9. D
    10. B
    Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test 1 Section 3 Answers
    1. B
    2. C
    3. C
    4. budget
    5. employment
    6. safety
    7. insurance
    8. diary
    9. database
    10. museum
    Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test 1 Section 4 Answers
    1. damage
    2. side effects
    3. bridge
    4. confusion
    5. smartphone
    6. resources
    7. unnecessary
    8. chocolate bar
    9. problem
    10. market share
  • Cambridge IELTS 14 Listening Test 3

    Section 1: Questions 1–10

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD AND/ OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    Flanders Conference Hotel

    Customer Services Manager – Angela

    Date available
    • weekend beginning February 4th

    Conference facilities
    • the (1) ………………………… room for talks, (projector and (2)  ………………………… available)
    • area for coffee and an (3) …………………………
    • free (4) ………………………… throughout
    • a standard buffet lunch costs (5) ………………………… $  per head

    • Rooms will cost (6) ………………………… $  including breakfast.

    Other facilities
    • The hotel also has a spa and rooftop (7) …………………………
    • There’s a free shuttle service to the (8) …………………………

    • Wilby Street (quite near the (9) ………………………… )
    • near to restaurants and many (10) …………………………

    Section 2: Questions 11-20

    Questions 11 and 12

    Choose TWO letters A-E.

    Which TWO activities that volunteers do are mentioned?

    1. decorating
    2. cleaning
    3. delivering meals
    4. shopping
    5. childcare
    Questions 13 and 14

    Choose TWO letters A-E.

    Which TWO ways that volunteers can benefit from volunteering are mentioned?

    1. learning how to be part of a team
    2.  having a sense of purpose
    3.  realising how lucky they are
    4.  improved ability at time management
    5.  boosting their employment prospects
    Questions 15–20

    Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to Questions 15-20.

    What has each of the following volunteers helped someone to do?

    What volunteers have helped people to do

    1. overcome physical difficulties
    2. rediscover skills not used for a long time
    3. improve their communication skills
    4. solve problems independently
    5. escape isolation
    6. remember past times
    7. start a new hobby


    1. Habib 
    2. Consuela 
    3. Minh 
    4. Tanya 
    5. Alexei 
    6. Juba 

    Sect 3: Questions 21-30

    Questions 21–26

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    Background on school marching band

    It consists of around (21) ………………………… students.
    It is due to play in a (22) ………………………… band competition.
    It has been invited to play in the town’s (23) …………………………
    They have listened to a talk by a (24) …………………………
    Joe will discuss a (25) …………………………  with the band.
    Joe hopes the band will attend a (26) …………………………  next month.

    Questions 27 – 30

    Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-F, next to Questions 27-30.

    What problem does Joe mention in connection with each of the following band members?


    1. makes a lot of mistakes in rehearsals
    2. keeps making unhelpful suggestions
    3. has difficulty with rhythm
    4. misses too many rehearsals
    5. has a health problem
    6. doesn’t mix with other students

    Band members

    1. flutist 
    2. trumpeter 
    3. trombonist 
    4. percussionist 

    Section 4: Questions 31 – 40

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer

    Concerts in university arts festival

    Concert 1
    • Australian composer: Liza Lim
    • studied piano and (31) ………………………… before turning to composition
    • performers and festivals around the world have given her a lot of commissions
    • compositions show a great deal of (32) ………………………… and are drawn from various cultural sources
    • her music is very expressive and also (33) …………………………
    • festival will include her (34)  ………………………… called The Oresteia
    • Lim described the sounds in The Oresteia as (35) …………………………
    • British composers: Ralph Vaughan Williams, Frederick Delius

    Concert 2
    • British composers: Benjamin Britten, Judith Weir
    • Australian composer: Ross Edwards
    • festival will include The Tower of Remoteness, inspired by nature
    • The Tower of Remoteness is performed by piano and (36) …………………………
    • compositions include music for children
    • celebrates Australia’s cultural (37) …………………………

    Concert 3
    • Australian composer: Carl Vine
    • played cornet then piano
    • studied (38)  ………………………… before studying music
    • worked in Sydney as a pianist and composer
    • became well known as composer of music for (39) …………………………
    • festival will include his music for the 1996 (40) …………………………

    Cambridge IELTS 14 Listening Test 3 Section 1 Answers
    1. Tesla
    2. microphone
    3. exhibition
    4. wifi
    5. 45
    6. 135
    7. pool
    8. airport
    9. sea
    10. clubs
    Cambridge IELTS 14 Listening Test 3 Section 2 Answers
    1. A
    2. E (in any order)
    3. B
    4. E (in any order)
    5. F
    6. A
    7. E
    8. G
    9. D
    10. C
    Cambridge IELTS 14 Listening Test 3 Section 3 Answers
    1. 50
    2. regional
    3. carnival
    4. drummer
    5. film
    6. parade
    7. D
    8. B
    9. E
    10. F
    Cambridge IELTS 14 Listening Test 3 Section 4 Answers
    1. violin
    2. energy
    3. complex
    4. opera
    5. disturbing
    6. clarinet
    7. diversity
    8. physics
    9. dance
    10. Olympics

  • Cambridge IELTS 13 Listening Test 4

    Section 1: Questions 1-10

    Complete the notes below.


    Alex’s Training

    Alex completed his training in 2014

    About the applicant:
    • At first Alex did his training in the (1) ……………………….  department
    • Alex did not have a qualification from school in (2) ……………………….

    • Alex thinks he should have done the diploma in (3) ………………………. skills
    • Age of other trainees: the youngest was (4) ……………………….

    Benefits of doing training at JPNW:
    • Lots of opportunities because of the size of the organization
    • Trainees receive the same amount of (5) ……………………….  as permanent staff
    • The training experience increases people’s confidence a lot
    • Trainees go to (6) ………………………. one day per month
    • The company is in a convenient (7) ……………………….

    Advice for interview:
    • Do not wear (8) ……………………….
    • Do not be (9) ……………………….
    • Make sure you (10) ……………………….

    Section 2: Questions 11-20

    Questions 11-16

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    The Snow Centre

    1. Annie recommends that when cross-country skiing, the visitors should
      1. get away from the regular trails.
      2. stop to enjoy views of the scenery.
      3. go at a slow speed at the beginning.
    2. What does Annie tell the group about this afternoon’s dog-sled trip?
      1. Those who want to can take part in a race.
      2. Anyone has the chance to drive a team of dogs.
      3. One group member will be chosen to lead the trail.
    3. What does Annie say about the team relay event?
      1. All participants receive a medal.
      2. The course is 4 km long.
      3. Each team is led by a teacher.
    4. On the snow-shoe trip, the visitors will
      1. visit an old gold mine.
      2. learn about unusual flowers.
      3. climb to the top of a mountain.
    5. The cost of accommodation in the mountain hut includes
      1. a supply of drinking water.
      2. transport of visitors’ luggage.
      3. cooked meals.
    6. If there is a storm while the visitors are in the hut, they should
      1. contact the bus driver.
      2. wait until the weather improves.
      3. use the emergency locator beacon.
    Questions 17-20

    Choose FOUR answers from the options below.

    write the correct letter A-F next to questions 17-20

    What information does Annie give about skiing on each of the following mountain trails?


    1. it has a good place to stop and rest
    2. it is suitable for all abilities
    3. it involves crossing a river
    4. it demands a lot of skill
    5. it may be closed in bad weather
    6. it has some very narrow sections

    Mountain trails

    1. Highland trail 
    2. Pine trail 
    3. Stony trail 
    4. Loser’s trail 

    Section 3: Questions 21-30

    Questions 21-26

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    Labels giving nutritional information on food packaging

    1. What was Jack’s attitude to nutritional food labels before this project?
      1. He didn’t read everything on them.
      2. He didn’t think they were important.
      3. He thought they were too complicated.
    2. Alice says that before doing this project.
      1. she was unaware of what certain foods contained.
      2. she was too lazy to read food labels.
      3. she was only interested in the number of calories.
    3. When discussing supermarket brands of pizza, Jack agrees with Alice that
      1. the list of ingredients is shocking.
      2. he will hesitate before buying pizza again.
      3. the nutritional label is misleading.
    4. Jack prefers the daily value system to other labelling systems because it is
      1. more accessible.
      2. more logical.
      3. more comprehensive.
    5. What surprised both students about one flavour of crisps?
      1. The percentage of artificial additives given was incorrect.
      2. The products did not contain any meat.
      3. The labels did not list all the ingredients.
    6. What do the students think about research into the impact of nutritional food labelling?
      1. It did not produce clear results.
      2. It focused on the wrong people.
      3. It made unrealistic recommendations
    Questions 27 and 28

    Choose TWO letters A-E.

    Which TWO things surprised the students about the traffic-light system for nutritional labels?

    1. its widespread use
    2. the fact that it is voluntary for supermarkets
    3. how little research was done before its introduction
    4. its unpopularity with food manufacturers
    5. the way that certain colours are used
    Questions 29 and 30

    Choose TWO letters, A-E

    Which TWO things are true about the participants in the study on the traffic-light system?

    1. They had low literacy levels. 
    2. They were regular consumers of packaged food.
    3. They were selected randomly.
    4. They were from all socio-economic groups.
    5. They were interviewed face-to-face.

    Section 4: Questions 31-40

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

    The history of coffee

    Coffee in the Arab world
    • There was small-scale trade in wild coffee from Ethiopia.
    • 1522: Coffee was approved in the Ottoman court as a type of medicine.
    • 1623: In Constantinople, the ruler ordered the (31) ………………………. of every coffee house.

    Coffee arrives in Europe (17th century)
    • Coffee shops were compared to (32) ……………………….
    • They played an important part in social and (33) ………………………. changes.

    Coffee and European colonisation
    • European powers established coffee plantations in their colonies
    • Types of coffee were often named according to the (34) ………………………. they came from.
    • In Brazil and the Caribbean, most cultivation depended on (35) 
    • In Java, coffee was used as a form of (36) ……………………….
    • Coffee became almost as important as (37) ……………………….
    • The move towards the consumption of (38)  ……………………….in Britain did not also take place in the USA.

    Coffee in the 19th century
    • Prices dropped because of improvements in ……………………….(39) 
    • Industrial workers found coffee helped them to work at ………………………. (40)

    Cambridge IELTS 13 Listening Test 4 Section 1 Answers
    1. finance
    2. maths
    3. business
    4. 17
    5. holidays/ vacations
    6. college
    7. location
    8. jeans
    9. late
    10. smile
    Cambridge IELTS 13 Listening Test 4 Section 2 Answers
    1. A
    2. B
    3. A
    4. C
    5. A
    6. B
    7. B
    8. D
    9. A
    10. E
    Cambridge IELTS 13 Listening Test 4 Section 3 Answers
    1. A
    2. A
    3. C
    4. C
    5. B
    6. A
    7. B
    8. C
    9. D
    10. E
    Cambridge IELTS 13 Listening Test 4 Section 4 Answers
    1. destruction
    2. university
    3. political
    4. port(s)
    5. slaves/ slavery
    6. taxation
    7. sugar
    8. tea
    9. transportation
    10. night

  • Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test 2

    Section 1: Questions 1-10

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    Events during Kenton Festival

    Start date: 16th May

    Opening ceremony (first day)
    • In town centre, starting at (1) …………………….
    • The mayor will make a speck
    • A (2) ……………………. will perform
    • Performance of a (3)  ……………………. about Hele Tungate (a (4)  ) …………………….
    • Evening fireworks display situated across the (5) …………………….

    Other events
    • Videos about relationships that children have with their (6) …………………….
    • Venue: (7)  House
    • Performance of (8)  ……………………. dances
    • Venue: the (9)  ……………………. market in the town centre
    • Time: 2 and 5 pm every day except 1st day of festival
    • Several professional concerts and one by children
    • Venue: library
    • Time: 6.30 pm on the 18th
    • Tickets available online from festival box office and from shops which have the festival (10) …………………….  in their windows

    Section 2: Questions 11-20

    Questions 11-15

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    Theatre trip to Munich

    1. When the group meet at the airport they will have
      1. breakfast
      2. coffee
      3. lunch
    2. The group will be met at Munich airport by
      1. an employee at the National Theatre
      2. a theatre manager
      3. a tour operator
    3. How much will they pay per night for a double room at the hotel?
      1. 110 euros
      2. 120 euros
      3. 150 euros
    4. What type of restaurant will they go to on Tuesday evening?
      1. an Italian restaurant
      2. a Lebanese restaurant
      3. a typical restaurant of the region
    5. Who will they meet on Wednesday afternoon?
      1. an actor
      2. a playwright
      3. a theatre director
    Questions 16-20

    What does the man say about the play on each of the following days?

    Choose FIVE answers from options given below.


    1. The playwright will be present
    2. The play was written to celebrate an anniversary
    3. The play will be performed inside historic building
    4. The play will be accompanies by live music
    5. The play will be performed outdoors
    6. The paly will be performed for the first time
    7. The performance will be attended by officials from the town


    1. Wednesday 
    2. Thursday 
    3. Friday 
    4. Saturday 
    5. Monday 

    Section 3: Questions 21-30

    Questions 21-25

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    Scandinavian Studies

    1. James chose to take Scandinavian Studies because when he was a child
      1. he was often taken to Denmark
      2. his mother spoke to him in Danish
      3. a number of Danish people visited his family
    2. When he graduates James would like to
      1. take a postgraduate course
      2. work in the media
      3. become a translator
    3. Which course will end this term?
      1. Swedish cinema
      2. Danish television programmes
      3. Scandinavian literature
    4. They agree that James’ literature paper this term will be on
      1. 19th century playwrights
      2. the Icelandic sagas
      3. modern Scandinavian novels
    5. Beth recommends that James’ paper should be
      1. a historical overview of the genre
      2. an in depth analysis of a single write
      3. a study of the social background to the literature
    Questions 26-30

    Complete the flow chart below.

    Choose FIVE answers from options given below and write correct letter A-G next to questions 26-30

    1. bullet points
    2. film
    3. notes
    4. structure
    5. student paper
    6. textbook
    7. documentary

    How James will write his paper on the Vikings
    • He’ll read a (26) ……………………. and choose his topic
    • He’ll borrow a (27)  ……………………. from Beth
    • He’ll plan the (28) …………………….  of the paper
    • He’ll read some material and write (29) …………………….
    • He’ll write paper using (30) …………………….

    Section 4: Questions 31-40

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

    Conflict at work

    Conflict mostly consists of behavior in the general category of (31) …………………….
    Often a result of people wanting to prove their (32) …………………….
    Also cause by differences in (33) ……………………. between people
    (34)  conflicts: people more concerned about own team than about company
    Conflict related stress can cause (35) ……………………. that may last for months

    Chief Executives (CEOs)
    Many have both (36) …………………….  and anxiety
    May not like to have their decisions questioned
    There may be conflict between people who have different (37) …………………….

    Other managers
    A structure that is more (38) …………………….  may create a feeling of uncertainty about who staff should report to

    Minimizing conflict
    Bosses need to try hard to gain (39) …………………….
    Someone from outside the company may be given the role of (40) …………………….  in order to resolve conflicts

    Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test 2 section 1 answers
    1. 2.45
    2. band
    3. play
    4. scientist
    5. river
    6. grandparents
    7. handsworth
    8. traditional
    9. outdoor
    10. logo
    Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test 2 section 2 answers
    1. B
    2. C
    3. A
    4. B
    5. C
    6. F
    7. B
    8. E
    9. G
    10. C
    Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test 2 section 3 answers
    1. C
    2. B
    3. C
    4. A
    5. C
    6. E
    7. G
    8. D
    9. C
    10. A
    Cambridge IELTS 12 Listening Test 2 section 4 answers
    1. bullying
    2. superiority
    3. personality
    4. structural
    5. absence
    6. confidence
    7. visions
    8. democratic
    9. respect
    10. mediator
  • Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 3

    Section 1: Questions 1-10

    Questions 1 and 2

    Complete the notes below.


    Type of job required: Part-time
    Student in studying (1) …………………………….
    Student is in the (2)  ………………………. year of the course.

    Questions 3-5
    Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS.

    Position availableWhereProblem
    Receptionistin the (3)…………………evening lectures
    (4)………………….in the child care centretoo early
    Clerical Assistantin the (5)…………………..evening lectures
    Questions 6-10

    Complete the form below.



    Name:Anita Newman
    Address:(6)……………….., room no. (7)…………………
    Other skills:speaks some Japanese
    Position available:(8)…………… the English language centre
    Duties:respond to enquiries and (9)……………….
    Time of interview:Friday at (10)………………am

    Section 2: Questions 11-20

    Questions 11-16

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.


    1. On the holiday, you will be walking for
      1. 6 days
      2. 8 days
      3. 10 days

    12. What proportion of the sponsorship money goes to charity?

    Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 3 Questions 12 What proportion of the sponsorship money goes to charity
    1. Each walker’s sponsorship money goes to one
      1. student
      2. teacher
      3. school
    2. When you start the trek you must be
      1. interested in getting fit
      2. already quite fit
      3. already very fit
    3. As you walk you will carry
      1. all of your belongings
      2. some of your belongings
      3. none of your belongings
    4. The Semira Region has a long tradition of
      1. making carpets
      2. weaving blankets
      3. carving wood
    Questions 17-20

    Complete the form below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY.


    Day 1arrive in Kishba
    Day 2rest day
    Day 3spend all day in a (17)……………
    Day 4visit a school
    Day 5rest day
    Day 6see a (18)……………….with old carvings
    Day 7rest day
    Day 8swim in a (19) ………………..
    Day 9visit a (20) ………………….
    Day 10depart from kishba

    Section 3: Questions 21-30

    Complete the notes below.


    The Robotic Float Project
    • Float is shaped like a (21) ……………………….
    • Scientists from (22) ………………………. have worked on the projects so far

    Questions 23-25

    Complete the diagram below.



    Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 3 THE OPERATIONAL CYCLE
    Questions 26-30

    Write the correct letter A, B or C next to questions 26-30.

    In what time period can data from the float projects help with the following things

    1. understanding of El Nino 
    2. understanding of climate change 
    3. naval rescues 
    4. sustainable fishing practices 
    5. crop selection 
    1. At present
    2. In the near future
    3. In the long term future

    Section 4: Questions 31-40

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    Hotels and Tourist Industry

    1. According to the speaker, how might a guest feel when staying in a luxury hotel
      1. impressed with the facilities
      2. depressed by the experience
      3. concerned at the high costs
    2. According to recent research, luxury hotels overlook the need to
      1. provide for the demands of important guests
      2. create a comfortable environment
      3. offer an individual and personal welcome
    3. The company focused their research on
      1. a wide variety of hotels
      2. large, luxury hotel chains
      3. exotic holiday hotels
    4. What is the impact of the outside environment on a hotel guest?
      1. It has a considerable effect
      2. It has a very limited effect
      3. It has no effect whatsoever
    Questions 35-40

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY.

    A company providing luxury serviced apartments aims to:
    • cater specifically for (35) ……………………….  travellers
    • provide a stylish (36) ………………………. for guests to use
    • set a trend throughout the (37) ………………………. which becomes permanent
    Traditional holiday hotels attract people by:
    • offering the chance to (38) ………………………. their ordinary routine life
    • making sure that they are cared for in all respects – like a (39) ……………………….
    • leaving small treats in their rooms – e.g. cosmetics or (40) ……………………….

    Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 3 Section 1 Answers
    1. business
    2. third
    3. sport(s) centre
    4. (a) cleaner
    5. library
    6. international house
    7. B659
    8. (an) office assistant
    9. answer (the) phone
    10. 11.30
    Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 3 Section 2 Answers
    1. B
    2. C
    3. A
    4. C
    5. B
    6. A
    7. forest
    8. temple
    9. waterfall
    10. village
    Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 3 Section 3 Answers
    1. cigar
    2. 13 (different) countries
    3. activated
    4. 50 km(s)
    5. temperature
    6. A
    7. C
    8. A
    9. B
    10. C
    Cambridge IELTS 7 Listening Test 3 Section 4 Answers
    1. B
    2. B
    3. A
    4. C
    5. business
    6. kitchen
    7. world
    8. escape
    9. baby
    10. chocolate
  • Cambridge IELTS 6 Listening Test 1

    Section 1: Questions 1-10

    Questions 1-4

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.


    Name of club: Kingswell
    Facilities available:
    • Golf
    • (1) ……………………….
    • (2) ……………………….
    Classes available:
    • Kick-boxing
    • (3) ……………………….
    Additional facility:
    • (4) ………………………. (restaurant opening soon)

    Questions 5-8

    Complete the table below.

    Write NO MORE THAN TWO NUMBERS for each answer.


    TypeUse of facilitiesCost of classesTimesJoining feesAnnual subscription fee
    Goldallfreeany time£ 250(5) £…………..
    Silverall(6) £…………..from (7)………….to ……………..£ 225£ 300
    Bronzerestricted£ 3from 10.30 to 3.30 weekdays only£ 50(8) £…………….
    Question 9 and 10

    Complete the sentences below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

    1. To join the centre, you need to book an instructor’s 
    2. To book a trial session, speak to David  (0458 95311).

    Section 2: Questions 11-20

    Questions 11-16

    Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to questions 11-16.

    What change has been made to each part of the theatre?


    1. doubled in number
    2. given separate entrance
    3. reduced in number
    4. increased in size
    5. replaced
    6. strengthened
    7. temporarily closed
    1. box office 
    2. shop 
    3. ordinary seats 
    4. seats for wheelchair users 
    5. lifts 
    6. dressing room 
    Questions 17-20

    Complete the table below.

    Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    PlayDatesStarting timeTickets availablePrice
    Royal Hunt of the SunOctober 13 to (17)……………..(18)…………pmfor (19)…………..and ……………(20) £…………….

    Section 3: Question 21-30

    1. What is Brian going to do before the course starts? 
      1. attend a class
      2. write a report
      3. read a book
    Questions 22-25

    Complete the table below.

    Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

    College facilityInformation
    Refectoryinform them (22)……………..about special dietary requirements
    (23)……………..long waiting list, apply now
    Fitness centrereduced (24)……………..for students
    Computersask your (25)……………….to arrange a password with the technical support team
    Questions 26-30

    Complete the summary below.

    Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

    Business Centre

    This Business Resource Centre contains materials such as books and manuals to be used for training. It is possible to hire (26) ………………………. and (27)  There are materials for working on study skills e.g. (28)  ………………………. and other subjects include finance and (29) ……………………….(30)  ………………………. membership costs £50 per year.

    Section 4: Questions 31-40

    Questions 31-37

    Complete the table below.

    Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

    1st – 4th centuriesproduce from the area was used to (31)……………..the people of London
    5th – 10th centuriesnew technology allowed the production of goods made of (32)…………….and…………..
    11th centurylack of (33)……………….in the East end encouraged the growth of buisnesses
    16th centuryconstruction of facilities for the building (34)………………….stimulated international trade, agricultural workers came from other parts of (35)………………to look for work
    17th centurymarshes were drained to provide land that could be (36)……………….on
    19th centuryinhabitants lived in conditions of great (37)………………..with very poor sanitation
    Questions 38-40

    Which THREE of the following problems are mentioned in connection with 20th century housing in the East End?

    1. unsympathetic landlords
    2. unclean water
    3. heating problems
    4. high rents
    5. overcrowding
    6. poor standards of building
    7. houses catching fire
    Cambridge IELTS 6 Listening Test 1 Section 1 Answers
    1. (a) keep-fit (studio)
    2. swimming
    3. yoga (classes)
    4. (a) salad bar
    5. 500
    6. 1
    7. 10 (am), 4.30 (pm)
    8. 180
    9. assessment
    10. Kynchley
    Cambridge IELTS 6 Listening Test 1 Section 2 Answers
    1. B
    2. G
    3. C
    4. A
    5. E
    6. D
    7. (October(the)) 19th
    8. 7
    9. Monday, Thursday
    10. 18
    Cambridge IELTS 6 Listening Test 1 Section 3 Answers
    1. A
    2. in advance
    3. nursery
    4. annual fee
    5. tutor
    6. laptops OR printers (In either order)
    7. laptops OR printers (In either order)
    8. report writing
    9. marketing
    10. individual
    Cambridge IELTS 6 Listening Test 1 Section 4 Answers
    1. feed
    2. metal AND leather (In either order)
    3. restrictions
    4. ships
    5. england
    6. built
    7. poverty
    8. C OR E OR F (In either order)
    9. C OR E OR F (In either order)
    10. C OR E OR F (In either order)
  • Cambridge IELTS 11 Listening Test 4

    Section 1Questions 1-10

    Questions 1-7

    Complete the table below.


    Jazz bandtickets available for £ 15the (1)…………….schoolalso appearing: Carolyn Hart (plays the (2)……………..)
    Duck races£ 1 per duckstart behind the (3)………………– prize: tickets for (4)……………..held at the end of the festival \
    – ducks can be bought in (5)……………..
    Flower showfree(6)……………….Hallprizes presented at 5 pm by a well known (7)……………….
    Questions 8-10

    Who is each play suitable for?

    Write the correct letter A, B or C, next to Questions 8-10

    A mainly for children
    B mainly for adults
    C suitable for people of all ages


    1. The Mystery of Muldoon 
    2. Fire and Flood 
    3. Silly Sailor 

    SECTION 2Questions 11-20

    Questions 11-16

    What does the speaker say about each of the following collections?

    Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to Questions 11-16.

    A was given by one person
    B was recently publicized in the media
    C includes some items given by members of the public
    D includes some items given by the artists
    E includes the most popular exhibits in the museum
    F is the largest of its kind in the country
    G has had some of its contents relocated
    • Collections
      1. 20th-and 21st-century paintings 
      2. 19th-century paintings 
      3. Sculptures 
      4. Around the world’ exhibition 
      5. Coins 
      6. Porcelain and glass 
    Questions 17-20

    Label the plan below.

    Write the correct letter A-H, next to questions 17-20.

    Basement of museum

    Cambridge IELTS 11 Listening Test 4 basement of museum map Questions 17-20.PNG
    1. restaurant …………………………….
    2. cafe …………………………….
    3. baby-changing facilities …………………………….
    4. cloakroom …………………………….

    SECTION 3Questions 21 – 30

    Questions 21 and 22

    Choose Two letters, A-E.

    Which TWO characteristics were shared by the subjects of Joanna’s psychology study?

    1.  They had all won prizes for their music
    2.  They had all made music recordings
    3.  They were all under 27 years old
    4.  They had all toured internationally
    5.  They all played a string instrument
    Questions 23 and 24

    Choose Two letters, A-E.

    Which TWO points does Joanna make about her use of telephone interviews?

    1.  It meant rich data could be collected
    2.  It allowed the involvement of top performers
    3.  It led to a stressful atmosphere at times
    4.  It meant interview times had to be limited
    5.  It caused some technical problems
    Questions 25 and 26

    Choose Two letters, A-E.

    Which TWO topics did Joanna originally intend to investigate in her research?

     A regulations concerning concert dress
     B audience reactions to the dress of performers
     C changes in performer attitudes to concert dress
     D how choice of dress relates to performer roles
     E links between musical instrument and dress choice

    Questions 27-30

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    1. Joanna concentrated on women performers because
      1. women are more influenced by fashion
      2. women’s dress has led to more controversy
      3. women’s code of dress is less strict than men’s
    2. Mike Frost’s article suggests that in popular music, women’s dress is affected by
      1. their wish to be taken seriously
      2. their tendency to copy each other
      3. their reaction to the masculine nature of the music
    3. What did Joanna’s subjects say about the audience at a performance?
      1. The musicians’ choice of clothing is linked to respect for the audience
      2. The clothing should not distract the audience from the music
      3. The audience should make the effort to dress appropriately
    4. According to the speakers, musicians could learn from sports scientists about
      1. the importance of clothing for physical freedom
      2. the part played by clothing in improving performance
      3. the way clothing may protect against physical injury

    SECTION 4Questions 31 – 40

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

    The use of soil to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere

    • Rattan Lal:
      • Claims that 13% of CO2 in the atmosphere could be absorbed by agricultural soils
      • Erosion is more likely in soil that is (31) ……………………………………
      • Lai found soil in Africa that was very (32) ……………………………………
      • It was suggested that carbon from soil was entering the atmosphere
    • Soil and Carbon:
      • Plants turn CO2 from the air into carbon based substance such as (33) ……………………………………
      • Some CO2 moves from the (34) …………………………………… of plants to microbes in soil
      • Carbon was lost from the soil when agriculture was invented
    • Regenerative agriculture:
      • uses established practices to make sure soil remains fertile and (35) ……………………………………
      • e.g. through year-round planting and increasing the (36) …………………………………… of plants that are grown
    • California study:
      • taking place on a big (37) …………………………………… farm
      • uses compost made from waste from agriculture and (38) ……………………………………
    • Australia study:
      • aims to increase soil carbon by using (39) …………………………………… that are always green
    • Future developments may include:
      • reducing the amount of fertilizer used in farming
      • giving farmers (40) …………………………………… for carbon storage, as well as their produce
    Section 1 Free activities in the Burnham area Answers Cambridge IELTS 11 Listening Test 4
    1. secondary
    2. flute
    3. cinema
    4. concert
    5. market
    6. Bythwaite
    7. actor
    8. A
    9. B
    10. C
    Section 2 Answers Cambridge IELTS 11 Listening Test 4
    1. E
    2. D
    3. G
    4. B
    5. C
    6. A
    7. F
    8. H
    9. C
    10. B
    Section 3 Answers Cambridge IELTS 11 Listening Test 4
    7. C
    8. A
    9. A
    10. C
    Section 4 Answers Cambridge IELTS 11 Listening Test 4
    1. dry
    2. hard
    3. sugar(s)
    4. roots
    5. moist/ damp/ wet
    6. variety
    7. cattle
    8. gardens / gardening
    9. grasses
    10. payment(s) / money
  • Cambridge IELTS 11 Listening Test 3

    Section 1Questions 1-10

    Questions 1-6

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C

    Free activities in the Burnham area


    • The caller wants to find out about events on
      1. 27 June
      2. 28 June
      3. 29 June (Correct Answer)
    1. The Family Welcome event in the art gallery begins at
      1.  10 am
      2.  10.30 am
      3.  2 pm
    2. The film that is now shown in the Family Welcome event is about
      1.  sculpture
      2.  painting
      3.  ceramics
    3. When do most of the free concerts take place?
      1.  in the morning
      2.  at lunchtime
      3.  in the evening
    4. Where will the 4 pm concert of Latin American music take place?
      1.  in a museum
      2.  in a theatre
      3.  in a library
    5. The boat race begins at
      1.  summer pool
      2.  Charlesworth bridge
      3.  Oxford marina
    6. One of the boat race teams
      1.  won a regional competition earlier this year
      2.  has represented the region in a national competition
      3.  has won several regional competitions
    Questions 7-10

    Complete the sentences below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

    Paxton Nature Reserve

    1. Paxton is a good for seeing rare  all year around.
    2. This is a particularly good time for seeing certain unusual 
    3. Visitors will be able to learn about  and then collect some.
    4. Part of the  has been made suitable for swimming.

    SECTION 2Questions 11-20

    Questions 11-15

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C

    Changes in Barford over the last 50 years

    1. In Shona’s opinion why do fewer people use buses in Barford these days?
      1. the buses are old and uncomfortable
      2. fares have gone up too much
      3. there are not so many bus routes
    2. What change in the road network is known to have benefitted the town most?
      1. the construction of a bypass
      2. the development of cycle paths
      3. the banning of cars from certain streets
    3. What is the problem affecting shopping in the town centre?
      1. lack of parking spaces
      2. lack of major retailers
      3. lack of restaurants and cafes
    4. What does Shona say about medical facilities in Barford?
      1. there is no hospital
      2. new medical practices are planned
      3. the number of dentists is too low
    5. The largest number of people are employed in
      1. manufacturing
      2. services
      3. education
    Questions 16-20

    What is planned for each of the following facilities?

    Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter A-G next to questions 16-20

    A it will move to a new location
    B it will have its opening hours extended
    C it will be refurbished
    D it will be used for a different purpose
    E it will have its opening hours reduced
    F it will have new management
    G it will be expanded


    1. railway station car park ………………………………………….
    2. cinema ………………………………………….
    3. indoor market ………………………………………….
    4. library ………………………………………….
    5. nature reserve ………………………………………….

    SECTION 3Questions 21 – 30

    Questions 21-26

    Complete the table below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

    Subject of drawingChange to be made
    A (21) …………………………………………. surrounded by treesAdd Malcolm and a (22) …………………………………………. noticing him
    People who are (23) …………………………………………. outside the forestAdd Malcolm sitting on a tree trunk and (24) ………………………………………….
    Ice shakes on (25) …………………………………………. covered with iceAdd a (26) …………………………………………. for each person
    Questions 27-30

    Who is going to write each of the following parts of the report?

    Write the correct letter A-D next to questions 27-30.

    A Helen only
    B Jeremy only
    C both Helen and Jeremy
    D neither Helen nor Jeremy

    Parts of the report

    1. how they planned the project 
    2. how they had ideas for their stories 
    3. an interpretation of their stories 
    4. comments on the illustrations 

    SECTION 4Questions 31 – 40

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

    Ethnography in Business

    • Ethnography: research which explores human cultures
    • It can be used in business:
      • To investigate customer needs and (31) ……………………………………….
      • To help companies develop new designs
    • Examples of ethnographic research in business
    • Kitchen equipment
      • Researchers found that cooks could not easily see the (32) ………………………………………. in measuring cups
    • Cell phone
      • In Uganda, customers paid to use the cell phones of entrepreneurs.
      • These customers wanted to check the (33) ………………………………………. used.
    • Computer companies
      • There was a need to develop (34) ………………………………………. to improve communication between system administrators and colleagues.
    • Hospitals
      • Nurses needed to access information about (35) ………………………………………. in different parts of the hospital
    • Airlines
      • Respondents recorded information about their (36) ………………………………………. while travelling.
    • Principles of ethnographic research in business
      • The researched does not start off with a hypothesis
      • Participants may be selected by criteria such as age, (37) ………………………………………. or product used
      • The participants must feel (38) ………………………………………. about taking part in the research.
      • There is usually direct (39) ………………………………………. of the participants
      • The interview is guided by the participant
      • A lot of time is needed for the (40) ………………………………………. of the data.
      • Researchers look for a meaningful pattern in the data.
    Section 1 Free activities in the Burnham area Answers Cambridge IELTS 11 Listening Test 3
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. A
    5. C
    6. A
    7. birds
    8. flowers
    9. mushrooms
    10. river
    Section 2 Answers Cambridge IELTS 11 Listening Test 3
    1. C
    2. B
    3. B
    4. A
    5. C
    6. G
    7. A
    8. C
    9. B
    10. F
    Section 3 Answers Cambridge IELTS 11 Listening Test 3
    1. cave
    2. tiger
    3. dancing
    4. crying
    5. grass
    6. scarf
    7. A
    8. C
    9. D
    10. B
    Section 4 Answers Cambridge IELTS 11 Listening Test 3
    1. attitude(s)
    2. numbers
    3. time/ minutes
    4. software
    5. patients
    6. emotions/ feelings
    7. income
    8. comfortable
    9. observation
    10. analysis
  • Cambridge IELTS 11 Listening Test 2

    Section 1Questions 1-10

    Complete the notes below.


    Enquiry about joining Youth Council

    • Example
      • Name …………….Roger………………..
    • Age 18
    • Currently staying in a (1)………………………………………………  during the week
    • Postal address: (2) 17, ………………………………………………   Street, Stamford, Lincs
    • Postcode: (3) ………………………………………………
    • Occupation: student and part time job as a (4) ………………………………………………
    • Studying (5) ……………………………………………… (major subject) and history (minor subject)
    • Hobbies: does a lot of (6) ………………………………………………, and is interested in the (7)  ………………………………………………
    • Will come to talk to the Elections Officer next Monday at (9) ……………………………………………… pm
    • Mobile number: (10) ………………………………………………

    SECTION 2Questions 11-20

    Questions 11 and 12

    Choose TWO letters A-E.

    New staff at theatre

    Which TWO changes have been made so far during the refurbishment of the theatre?

    1.  Some rooms now have a different use.
    2.  A different type of seating has been installed.
    3.  An elevator has been installed.
    4.  The outside of the building has been repaired.
    5.  Extra seats have been added.
    Questions 13 and 14

    Choose TWO letters A-E.

    Which TWO facilities does the theatre currently offer to the public?

    1. rooms for hire
    2. backstage tours
    3. hire of costumes
    4. a bookshop
    5. a cafe
    Questions 15 and 16

    Choose TWO letters A-E.

    1. Which TWO workshops does the theatre currently offer?
      1. sound
      2. acting
      3. making puppets
      4. make-up
      5. lighting
    Questions 17 -20

    Label the plan below.

    Write the correct letter A-G, next to questions 17-20.

    Ground floor plan of theatre

    Cambridge IELTS 11 Listening Test 2 ground floor plan of theater
    1. box office …………………………………………
    2. theatre manager’s office …………………………………………
    3. lighting box …………………………………………
    4. artistic director’s office …………………………………………

    SECTION 3Questions 21 – 30

    Questions 21-26

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    Rocky Bay field trip

    1. What do the students agree should be included in their aims?
      1.  factors affecting where organisms live
      2.  the need to preserve endangered species
      3.  techniques for classifying different organisms
    2. What equipment did they forget to take on the Field Trip?
      1.  string
      2.  a compass
      3.  a ruler
    3. In Helen’s procedure section, Colin suggests a change in
      1.  the order in which information is given
      2.  the way the information is divided up
      3.  the amount of information provided
    4. What do they say about the method they used to measure wave speed?
      1.  It provided accurate results
      2.  It was simple to carry out
      3.  It required special equipment
    5. What mistake did Helen make when first drawing the map?
      1.  She chose the wrong scale
      2.  She stood in the wrong place
      3.  She did it at the wrong time
    6. What do they decide to do next with their map?
      1.  scan it onto a computer
      2.  check it using photographs
      3.  add information from the internet
    Questions 27 and 28

    Choose TWO letters A-E.

    Which TWO problems affecting organisms in the splash zone are mentioned?

    1.  lack of water
    2.  strong winds
    3.  lack of food
    4.  high temperatures
    5.  large waves
    Questions 29 and 30

    Choose TWO letters A-E.

    Which TWO reasons for possible error will they include in their report?

    1. inaccurate records of the habitat of organisms
    2. influence on behaviour of organisms by observer
    3. incorrect identification of some organisms
    4. making generalisations from a small sample
    5. missing some organisms when counting

    SECTION 4Questions 31 – 40

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY.



    • introduction
      • The designer of a public building may need to consider the building’s
        • Function
        • Physical and (31) ………………………………………. context
        • at first only identified on land
    • Location and concept of the Concert Hall
      • On the site of a discussed (32)  ……………………………………….
      • Beside a (33) ……………………………………….
      • The design is based on the concept of a mystery
    • Building design
      • It’s approached by a (34)  ………………………………………. for pedestrians
      • The building is the shape of a (35) ……………………………………….
      • One exterior wall acts as a large (36) ……………………………………….
    • In the auditorium:
      • The floor is built on huge pads made of (37) ……………………………………….
      • The walls are made of local wood and are (38) ………………………………………. in shape
      • Ceiling panels and (39) ………………………………………. on walls allow adjustment of acoustics
    • Evaluation
      • Some critics say the (40) ………………………………………. style of building is inappropriate
    Section 1 Enquiry about joining Youth Council Answers Cambridge IELTS 11 Listening Test 2
    1. hostel
    2. Buckleigh
    3. PE9 7QT
    4. waiter
    5. politics
    6. cycling
    7. cinema
    8. disabled
    9. 4.30 (pm) / half past four
    10. 07788136711
    Section 2 Answers Cambridge IELTS 11 Listening Test 2
    1. A & B (IN EITHER ORDER)
    2. A & B (IN EITHER ORDER)
    3. B & D (IN EITHER ORDER)
    4. B & D (IN EITHER ORDER)
    5. C & E (IN EITHER ORDER)
    6. C & E (IN EITHER ORDER)
    7. G
    8. D
    9. B
    10. F
    Section 3 Answers Cambridge IELTS 11 Listening Test 2
    1. A
    2. A
    3. C
    4. B
    5. B
    6. B
    7. A & D (IN EITHER ORDER)
    8. A & D (IN EITHER ORDER)
    9. C & E (IN EITHER ORDER)
    10. C & E (IN EITHER ORDER)
    Section 4 Answers Cambridge IELTS 11 Listening Test 2
    1. social
    2. factory
    3. canal
    4. bridge
    5. box
    6. screen
    7. rubber
    8. curved
    9. curtains
    10. international