Category: IELTS Listening Tests

  • Cambridge IELTS 11 Listening Test 1

    Section 1Questions 1-10

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN one word only for each answer.


    • Example
      • The main Hall seats …………………200………………………..
    • Room and cost
      • The (1) ……………………………………………… room seats 100
      • Cost of main hall for Saturday evening: (2)……………………………………………… £  + £250 deposit (3)………………………………………………  payment is required)
      • Cost includes use of tables and chairs and also (4) ……………………………………………… 
      • Additional charge for use of the kitchen: £25
    • Before the charge
      • Will need a (5) ………………………………………………  licence
      • Need to contact caretaker (Mr Evans) in advance to arrange (6) ……………………………………………… 
    • During the event
      • The building is no smoking
      • The band should use the (7)………………………………………………   door at the back
      • Don’t touch the system that controls the volume
      • For microphones, contact the caretaker
    • After the event
      • Need to know the (8)………………………………………………   for the cleaning cupboard
      • The (9)………………………………………………   must be washed and rubbish placed in black bags
      • All (10)………………………………………………   must be taken down
      • Chairs and tables must be piled up

    SECTION 2Questions 11-20

    Questions 11-14

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD for each answer.

    Fiddy Working Heritage Farm

    Advice about visiting the farm

    Visitors should
    • Take care not to harm any (11) ……………………………………………… 
    • Not touch any (12) ……………………………………………… 
    • Wear (13) ……………………………………………… 
    • Not bring (14) ………………………………………………  into the farm, with certain exceptions

    Questions 15-20

    Label the map below.

    Write the correct letter A-I, next to questions 15-20.

    Cambridge IELTS 10 Listening Test 1 HIRING A PUBLICH ROOM Questions 15-20
    15. Scarecrow …………………………..16. Maze …………………………..
    17. Café …………………………..18. Black Barn …………………………..
    19. Covered picnic area …………………………..20. Fiddy house …………………………..

    SECTION 3Questions 21 – 30

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    Study on Gender in Physics

    1. The students in Akira Miyake’s study were all majoring in
      1.  physics
      2.  psychology or physics
      3.  science, technology, engineering or mathematics
    2. The aim of Miyake’s study was to investigate
      1. what kind of women choose to study physics
      2. a way of improving women’s performance in physics
      3. whether fewer women than men study physics at college
    3. The female physics students were wrong to believe that
      1.  the teachers marked them in an unfair way
      2.  the male students expected them to do badly
      3.  their test results were lower than the male students’
    4. Miyake’s team asked the students to write about
      1.  what they enjoyed about studying physics
      2.  the successful experiences of other people
      3.  something that was important to them personally
    5. What was the aim of the writing exercise done by the subjects?
      1.  to reduce stress
      2.  to strengthen verbal ability
      3.  to encourage logical thinking
    6. What surprised the researchers about the study?
      1.  how few students managed to get A grades
      2.  the positive impact it had on physics results for women
      3.  the difference between male and female performance
    7. Greg and Lisa think Miyake’s results could have been affected by
      1.  the length of the writing task
      2.  the number of students who took part
      3.  the information the students were given
    8. Greg and Lisa decide that in their own project, they will compare the effects of
      1.  two different writing tasks
      2.  a writing task with an oral task
      3.  two different oral tasks
    9. The main finding of Smolinsky’s research was that class teamwork activities
      1.  were most effective when done by all-women groups
      2.  had no effect on the performance of men or women
      3.  improved the results of men more than of women
    10. What will Lisa and Greg do next?
      1.  talk to a professor
      2.  observe a science class
      3.  look at the science timetable

    SECTION 4Questions 31 – 40

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY.

    Ocean Biodiversity

    • Biodiversity hotspots
      • areas containing many different species
      • important for locating targets for (31) ……………………………………….
      • at first only identified on land
    • Boris Worm, 2005
      • identified hotspots for large ocean predators, e.g. sharks
      • found that ocean hotspots:
        • were not always rich in (32) ……………………………………….
        • had higher temperatures at the (33) ……………………………………….
        • had sufficient (34) ………………………………………. in the water
    • Lisa Ballance, 2007
      • looked for hotspots for marine (35) ……………………………………….
      • found these were all located where ocean currents meet
    • Census of Marine Life
      • found new ocean species living:
        • under the (36) ……………………………………….
        • near volcanoes on the ocean floor
    • Global Marine Species Assessment
      • want to list endangered ocean species, considering:
        • population size
        • geographical distribution
        • rate of (37) ……………………………………….
      • Aim: to assess 20,000 species and make a distribution (38) ……………………………………….  for each one
    • Recommendations to retain ocean biodiversity
      • increase the number of ocean reserves
      • establish (39) ……………………………………….  corridors (e.g. for turtles)
      • reduce fishing quotas
      • catch fish only for the purpose of (40) ………………………………………. 
    Section 1 HIRING A PUBLICH ROOM Answers Cambridge IELTS 11 Listening Test 1
    1. Charlton
    2. £115 / one hundred (and) fifteen
    3. cash
    4. parking
    5. music
    6. entry
    7. stage
    8. code
    9. floors / floor
    10. decorations / decoration
    Section 2 Answers Cambridge IELTS 11 Listening Test 1
    1. animals / animal
    2. tools / tool
    3. shoes
    4. dogs / dog
    5. F
    6. G
    7. D
    8. H
    9. C
    10. A
    Section 3 Answers Cambridge IELTS 11 Listening Test 1
    1. C
    2. B
    3. B
    4. C
    5. A
    6. B
    7. C
    8. A
    9. B
    10. A
    Section 4 Answers Cambridge IELTS 11 Listening Test 1
    1. conservation
    2. foods / food
    3. surface
    4. oxygen / O2
    5. mammals
    6. ice
    7. decline / declining / decrease
    8. map
    9. migration
    10. consumption
  • Cambridge IELTS 10 Listening Test 4

    Section 1Questions 1-10

    Questions 1-6

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN one word only for each answer.


    Customer heard about Thorndyke’s from a
    Name:Eddith (1)……………………………………………………
    Address:Flat 4, (2)……………………………………………………
    Park Flats,
    Behind the (3)……………………………………………………
    Phone number:875934
    Best time to contact customer: during the (4) ……………………………………………………
    Where to park: opposite entrance next to the (5) ……………………………………………………
    Need full quote showing all the jobs and the (6) ……………………………………………………
    Questions 7-10

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN one word only for each answer.

    AreaWork to be doneNotes
    Kitchen– replace the (7)…………… the door
    – paint wall above the (8)…………….
    – fix tomorrow
    – strip paint and plaster approximately one (9)……………in advance
    Gardenone (10)………………..needs replacing (end of garden)

    SECTION 2Questions 11-20

    Questions 11-15

    Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.


    1. Why did a port originally develop at Manham?
      1.  It was safe from enemy attack
      2.  It was convenient for river transport
      3.  It had a good position on the sea coast
    1. What caused Manham’s sudden expansion during the Industrial Revolution?
      1.  the improvement in mining techniques
      2.  the increase in demand for metals
      3.  the discovery of tin in the area
    1. Why did rocks have to be sent away from Manham to be processed?
      1.  shortage of fuel
      2.  poor transport systems
      3.  lack of skills among local people
    1. What happened when the port declined in the twentieth century?
      1.  The workers went away
      2.  Traditional skills were lost
      3.  Buildings were used for new purposes
    1. What did the Manham Trust hope to do?
      1.  discover the location of the original port
      2.  provide jobs for the unemployed
      3.  rebuild the port complex
    Questions 16-20

    complete the notes below

    Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-l, next to questions 15-20.



    PlaceFeatures and activitiesAdvice
    Copper minespecially adapted miners’ (16)………………….take visitors into the mountainthe mine is (17)……………..and enclosed – unsuitable for children and animals
    Village schoolclassrooms and a special exhibition of (18)……………….a (19)………………… recommended
    ‘The George’ (old sailing ship)the ship’s wheel (was lost but has now been restored)children should not use the (20)………………

    SECTION 3Questions 21 – 30

    Questions 21 and 22

    Choose two letters, A-E.

    Which TWO skills did Laura improve as a result of her work placement?

    1.  communication
    2.  design
    3.  IT
    4.  marketing
    5.  organisation
    Questions 23 and 24

    Choose two letters, A-E.

    Which TWO immediate benefits did the company get from Laura’s work placement?

    1.  updates for its software
    2.  cost savings
    3.  an improved image
    4.  new clients
    5.  a growth in sales
    Questions 25-30

    What source of information should Tim use at each of the following stages of the work placement?

    Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to questions 25-30.

    Source of information

    1. company manager
    2. company’s personnel department
    3. personal tutor
    4. psychology department
    5. mentor
    6. university careers officer
    7. internet

    Stages of work placement procedure

    1. obtaining booklet 
    2. discussing options 
    3. getting updates 
    4. responding to invitation for interview 
    5. informing about outcome of interview 
    6. requesting a reference

    SECTION 4Questions 31 – 40

    Questions 31-33

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    Nanotechnology: technology on a small scale

    1. The speaker says that one problem with nanotechnology is that
      1. it could threaten our way of life
      2. it could be used to spy on people
      3.  t is misunderstood by the public
    1. According to the speaker, some scientists believe that nano-particles
      1.  should be restricted to secure environments
      2.  should be used with more caution
      3.  should only be developed for essential products
    1. In the speaker’s opinion, research into nanotechnology
      1.  has yet to win popular support
      2.  could be seen as unethical
      3.  ought to be continued
    Questions 34-40

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY.

    Uses of Nanotechnology

    • Nanotechnology could allow the development of stronger (34)……………………………………………..
    • Planes would be much lighter in weight.
    • (35) …………………………………………….. travel will be made available to the masses.

    • Computers will be even smaller, faster, and will have a greater (36)……………………………………………..
    • (37) …………………………………………….. energy will become more affordable.

    The Environment
    • Nano-robots could rebuild the ozone layer.
    • Pollutants such as (38)……………………………………………..  could be removed from water more easily.
    • There will be no (39) …………………………………………….. from manufacturing.

    Health and Medicine
    • New methods of food production could eradicate famine.
    • Analysis of medical (40) …………………………………………….. will be speeded up.
    • Life expectancy could be increased.

    Section 1 Answers Cambridge 10 Listening Test 4
    1. Pargetter
    2. east
    3. library
    4. morning(s)
    5. postbox
    6. prices
    7. glass
    8. cooker
    9. week
    10. fence
    Section 2 Answers Cambridge 10 Listening Test 4
    1. B
    2. B
    3. A
    4. A
    5. C
    6. trains
    7. dark
    8. games
    9. guided tours
    10. ladder(s)
    Section 3 Answers Cambridge 10 Listening Test 4
    1. A, E (in any order)
    2. A, E (in any order)
    3. B, C (in any order)
    4. B, C (in any order)
    5. D
    6. F
    7. G
    8. B
    9. E
    10. C
    Section 4 Answers Cambridge 10 Listening Test 4
    1. C
    2. B
    3. C
    4. metal(s)
    5. space
    6. memory
    7. solar
    8. oil
    9. waste
    10. tests
  • Cambridge IELTS 10 Listening Test 3

    Section 1Questions 1-10

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    Early Learning Children Centre Enrolment Form

    Parent or guardian: ……………Carol Smith…………….
    Personal details:
    Child’s name: Kate
    Age: (1) ………………………………………………….
    Address: (2) …………………………………………………. Road, Woodside 4032
    Phone: 33459865
    Childcare information
    Days enrolled for: Monday and (3) ………………………………………………….
    Start time: (4)…………………………………………………. am
    Childcare group: the (5)…………………………………………………. group
    Which meals are required each day? ………………………………………………….(6) 
    Medical conditions: need ………………………………………………….(7) 
    Emergency contact: Jenny ………………………………………………….(8) 
    Relationship to child: ………………………………………………….(9) 
    Will pay each ………………………………………………….(10) 

    SECTION 2Questions 11-20

    Questions 11 and 12

    Choose TWO letters, A-E.

    Which TWO things does Alice say about the Dolphin Conservation Trust?

    1.  Children make up most of the membership
    2.  It’s the country’s largest conservation organisation
    3.  It helps finance campaigns for changes in fishing practices
    4.  It employs several dolphin experts full-time
    5.  Volunteers help in various ways
    Questions 13-15

    Choose TWO letters, A-E.

    1. Why is Alice so pleased the Trust has won the Charity Commission award?
      1.  It has brought in extra money
      2.  It made the work of the trust better known
      3.  It has attracted more members.
    1. Alice says oil exploration causes problems to dolphins because of
      1.  noise
      2.  oil leaks
      3.  movement of ships
    1. Alice became interested in dolphins when
      1.  she saw one swimming near her home
      2.  she heard a speaker at her school
      3.  she read a book about them
    Questions 16-20

    Which dolphin does Alice make each of the following comments about?

    Write the correct letters A, B, C or D, next to questions 16-20.


    1. Moondancer
    2. Echo
    3. Kiwi
    4. Samson


    1. It has not been seen this year 
    2. It is photographed more than the others 
    3. It is always very energetic 
    4. It is the newest one in the scheme 
    5. It has an unusual shape

    SECTION 3Questions 21 – 30

    Questions 21-25

    Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

    Theatre Studies Course

    1. What helped Rob to prepare to play the character of a doctor?
      1. the stories his grandfather told him
      2. the times when he watched his grandfather working
      3. the way he imagined his grandfather at work
    2. In the play’s first scene, the boredom of village life was suggested by
      1. repetition of words and phrases
      2. scenery painted in dull colours
      3. long pauses within conversations
    3. What has Rob learned about himself through working in a group?
      1. He likes to have clear guidelines
      2. He copes well with stress
      3. He thinks he is a good leader
    4. To support the production, research material was used which described
      1. political developments
      2. changing social attitudes
      3. economic transformations
    5. What problem did the students overcome in the final rehearsal?
      1. one person forgetting their words
      2. an equipment failure
      3. the injury of one character
    Questions 26-30

    What action is needed for the following stages in doing the ‘year abroad’ option?

    Choose FIVE answers from the box given and write the correct letter, A-G, next to questions 26-30


    1. be on time
    2. get a letter of recommendation
    3. plan for the final year
    4. make sure the institution’s focus is relevant
    5. show ability in Theatre Studies
    6. make travel arrangements and bookings
    7. ask for help

    Stages in doing the ‘year abroad’ option

    1. in the second year of the course 
    2. when first choosing where to go 
    3. when sending in your choice 
    4. when writing your personal statement 
    5. when doing the year abroad

    SECTION 4Questions 31 – 40

    Complete the notes below.

    Write one world only for each answer

    ‘Self-regulatory focus theory’ and leadership

    • Self-regulatory focus theory
      • People’s focus is to approach pleasure or avoid pain
      • Promotion goals focus on (31) …………………………………………
      • Prevention goals emphasise avoiding punishment
    • Factors that affect people’s focus
      • The Chronic Factor
        • • comes from one’s (32) …………………………………………
        • The (33) ………………………………………… Factor
        • • we are more likely to focus on promotion goals when with a (34) …………………………………………
        • • we are more likely to focus on prevention goals with our boss
    • How people’s focus affects them
      • Promotion Focus: People think about an ideal version of themselves, their (35)  and their gains.
      • Prevention Focus: People think about their ‘ought’ self and their obligations
    • Leaders
      • Leadership behaviour and (36) ………………………………………… affects people’s focus
      • Transformational Leaders:
        • • pay special attention to the (37)…………………………………………  of their followers
        • • passionately communicate a clear (38)………………………………………… 
        • • inspire promotion focus in followers
      • Transactional Leaders:
        • create (39) ………………………………………… to make expectations clear
        • emphasise the results of a mistake
        • inspire prevention focus in followers
    • Conclusion
      • Promotion Focus is good for jobs requiring (40) …………………………………………
      • Prevention Focus is good for work such as a surgeon Leaders’ actions affect which focus people use.
    Section 1 Answers Cambridge 10 Listening Test 3
    1. 4
    2. 46 wombat
    3. thursday
    4. 8.30
    5. red
    6. lunch
    7. glasses
    8. BALL
    9. aunt
    10. month
    Section 2 Answers Cambridge 10 Listening Test 3
    1. C, E (In any order)
    2. C, E (In any order)
    3. B
    4. A
    5. C
    6. B
    7. C
    8. D
    9. D
    10. A
    Section 3 Answers Cambridge 10 Listening Test 3
    1. C
    2. A
    3. A
    4. B
    5. B
    6. E
    7. D
    8. A
    9. G
    10. C
    Section 4 Answers Cambridge 10 Listening Test 3
    1. achievement(s)
    2. personality / character
    3. situational
    4. friend
    5. aspirations / ambitions
    6. style
    7. development
    8. vision
    9. structures
    10. innovation(s)
  • Cambridge IELTS 10 Listening Test 2

    Section 1Questions 1-10

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    Transport Survey

    Travelled to town today:
    by …………….bus………………..
    Name:Lusia (1)…………………………………………..
    Address”(2) ……………………………………White Stone Road
    Postcode:(3) ……………………………………
    Occupation:(4) ……………………………………
    Reason for visit to town:to go to the (5) ……………………………………
    Suggestions for improvement:
    – better (6) ……………………………………
    – Have more footpaths
    – More frequent (7) ……………………………………
    Things that would encourage cycling to work:
    – Having (8) …………………………………… parking places for bicycles
    – Being able to use a (9) …………………………………… at work
    – The opportunity to have cycling (10) ……………………………………  on busy roads

    SECTION 2Questions 11-20

    Questions 11-14

    Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

    New city developments

    1. The idea for the two new developments in the city came from
      1.  local people
      2.  the City Council
      3.  the SWRDC
    1. What is unusual about Brackenside pool?
      1.  its architectural style
      2.  its heating system
      3.  its method of water treatment
    1. Local newspapers have raised worries about
      1.  the late opening date
      2.  the post of the project
      3.  the size of the facilities
    1. What decision has not yet been made about the pool?
      1.  whose statue will be at the door
      2.  the exact opening times
      3.  who will open it
    Questions 15-20

    Which feature is related to each of the following areas of the world represented in the playground?

    Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-l, next to questions 15-20.


    A ancient fortsB waterwaysC ice and snow
    D jewelsE local animalsF mountains
    music and filmspace travelI volcanoes

    Areas of the world

    1. Asia 
    2. Antarctica 
    3. South America 
    4. North America 
    5. Europe 
    6. Africa 

    SECTION 3Questions 21 – 30

    Questions 21 and 22

    Choose THREE letters, A-E.

    Which TWO hobbies was Thor Heyerdahl very interested in as a youth?

    1.  camping
    2.  climbing
    3.  collecting
    4.  hunting
    5.  reading
    Questions 23 and 24

    Choose THREE letters, A-E.

    Which do the speakers say are the TWO reasons why Heyerdahl went to live on an island?

    1. to examine ancient carvings
    2.  to experience an isolated place
    3.  to formulate a new theory
    4.  to learn survival skills
    5.  to study the impact of an extreme environment
    Questions 25-30

    Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

    The later life of Thor Heyerdahl

    1. According to Victor and Olivia, academics thought that Polynesian migration from the east was impossible due to
      1.  the fact that Eastern countries were far away
      2.  the lack of materials for boat building
      3.  the direction of the winds and currents
    1. Which do the speakers agree was the main reason for Heyerdahl’s raft journey?
      1.  to overcome a research setback
      2.  to demonstrate a personal quality
      3.  to test a new theory
    1. What was most important to Heyerdahl about his raft journey?
      1.  the fact that he was the first person to do it
      2.  the speed of crossing the Pacific
      3.  the use of authentic construction methods
    1. Why did Heyerdahl go to Easter Island?
      1.  to build a stone statue
      2.  to sail a reed boat
      3.  to learn the local language
    1. In Olivia’s opinion, Heyerdahl’s greatest influence was on
      1.  theories about Polynesian origins
      2.  the development of archaeological methodology
      3.  establishing archaeology as an academic subject
    1. Which criticism do the speakers make of William Oliver’s textbook?
      1.  Its style is out of date
      2.  Its content is over-simplified
      3.  Its methodology is flawed

    SECTION 4Questions 31 – 40

    Complete the notes below.

    Write one world only for each answer


    Business markets

    • greater (31)…………………………………………   among companies
    • increase in power of large (32)…………………………………………   companies
    • rising (33)…………………………………………  in certain countries

    External influences on businesses

    • more discussion with (34) ………………………………………… before making business decisions
    • environmental concerns which may lead to more (35)…………………………………………

    Business structures

    • more teams will be formed to work on a particular (36)…………………………………………
    • businesses may need to offer hours that are (37)…………………………………………  , or the chance to work remotely

    Management styles

    • increasing need for managers to provide good (38)…………………………………………
    • changes influenced by (39)…………………………………………  taking senior roles

    Changes in the economy

    • service sector continues to be important
    • increasing value of intellectual property
    • more and more (40)…………………………………………  workers
    Section 1 Answers Cambridge 10 Listening Test 2
    1. Hardie
    2. 19
    3. GT82LC
    4. hairdresser
    5. dentist
    6. lighting
    7. trains
    8. safe
    9. shower
    10. training
    Section 2 Answers Cambridge 10 Listening Test 2
    1. A
    2. C
    3. C
    4. A
    5. E
    6. F
    7. D
    8. H
    9. A
    10. B
    Section 3 Answers Cambridge 10 Listening Test 2
    1. B, C (In any order)
    2. B, C (In any order)
    3. B, E (In any order)
    4. B, E (In any order)
    5. A
    6. C
    7. C
    8. A
    9. B
    10. A
    Section 4 Answers Cambridge 10 Listening Test 2
    1. competition
    2. global
    3. demand
    4. customers
    5. regulation
    6. project
    7. flexible
    8. leadership
    9. women
    10. self-employed
  • Cambridge IELTS 1 Listening Test 4

    Section 1Questions 1-12

    Questions 1-5

    Circle the appropriate letter

    1. Where is the administration building?
    1. How many people are waiting in the queue?
      1. 50
      2. 100
      3. 200
      4. 300
    2. What does the woman order for lunch?
    1. What does the woman order to drink?
    1. How much money does the woman give the man?
      1. $2.00
      2. $3.00
      3. $3.50
      4. $5.00
    Questions 6-10

    Complete the registration form using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

    Name of student:(6) ………………………………………………………………..
    Address:(7) Flat 5/ ………………………………………………………
    Town:(8) ………………………………………………………………..
    Tel:(9) ………………………………………………………………..
    Course:(10) ………………………………………………………………
    Questions 11-12

    11. What did the man buy for her to eat?

    1. What must the students do as part of registration at the university?
      1. Check the notice board in the Law Faculty
      2. Find out about lectures
      3. Organise tutorial groups
      4. Pay the union fees

    SECTION 2Questions 13- 21

    Complete the notes below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

    Student Banking

    Recommended BanksLocation
    BarclaysRealty Square
    National WestminsterExample: Preston Park
    LloydsCity Plaza
    Midland(13) ………………………………………………..
    Note: May not be allowed all facilities given to resident students.


    • Must provide (14) ……………………………… I can support myself.

    • Services will depend on personal circumstances and discretion of Bank Manager.

    Opening an account

    • Take with me: (15) ……………………………… and letter of enrolment.

    • Recommended account: (16) …………………………………………………

    • Bank supplies: (17) ………………………….. and chequecard which guaranteescheques.

    Other services

    • Cashcard: (you can (18) ………………………………… cash at any time.)

    • Switch/Delta cards: (take the money (19) …………………….. the account.)


    • Must have (20) …………………………………………….

    •Sometimes must pay interest.

    Opening times

    • Most banks open until (21) ……………………………….. during the week.

    • Some open for a limited time on Saturdays

    SECTION 3Questions 22 – 31

    Questions 22-25

    Complete the factsheet.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

    FACTSHEET – Aluminium Cans

    (22)……………………………………………….  produced every day in the US — more cans produced than nails or
    • each can weighs 0.48 ounces — thinner than two

    • can take more than 90 pounds of pressure per square inch — over (25)……………………………………………….  the pressure of a car tyre.

    Questions 26-31

    Label the aluminium can.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

    SECTION 4Questions 32– 42

    Complete the table Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer

    Purpose of the mini lecture

    To experience To find out about (32) …………………………………………….. (33)………………………………………………….

    The three strands of Sports Studies are:

    Sports psychology
    Sports (34) ……………………………………….
    Sports physiology
    The psychologists work with
    aThe psychologists work with (35)…………………………………………………………….

    They want to discover what (36)…………………………………………………………….
    bSports marketing looks at (37)…………………………………………………………….
    Sport now competes with (38)…………………………………………………………….
    Spectators want (39)…………………………………………………………….
    cSports physiology is also known as
    (40) ………………………………………………………….
    Macro levels look at (41) ………………………………………………………….
    Micro level looks at (42) ………………………………………………………….

    Answer Notes:
    ( ): Answer between parenthesis is optional. Example> 21. A lot (of people)
    / : Another possible answer. Example> 22. A lot of people / Too many people

    Section 1 Answers Cambridge 1 Listening Test 4
    1. C
    2. A
    3. B
    4. D
    5. D
    6. Julia Perkins (must be correct spelling with capital letters)
    7. 15 Waratah Road (must be correct spelling of Waratah with capital letter)
    8. Brisbane (must have capital letter)
    9. to be advised / not connected / no phone / none (blank not acceptable)
    10. first year law (must have all three words)
    11. C
    12. D
    Section 2 Answers Cambridge 1 Listening Test 4
    1. C
    2. D
    3. hope street (must have capitals)
    4. evidence
    5. passport
    6. current (account) / student (account)
    7. chequebook
    8. withdraw / draw (out) / take out
    9. directly from / right out of
    10. permission of bank / permission from bank
    11. 4.30 pm or / to 5 pm
    Section 3 Answers Cambridge 1 Listening Test 4
    1. 300 million
    2. paper clips
    3. magazine pages / pieces of paper / pages
    4. three times
    5. thicker
    6. label
    7. (a) dome
    8. flange (correct spelling)
    9. 25%
    10. scored opening
    Section 4 Answers Cambridge 1 Listening Test 4
    1. university lecture
    2. sports studies (programme)
    3. management
    4. top athletes
    5. makes winners / makes them / people win
    6. market forces
    7. (other) leisure activities
    8. entertainment / to be entertained
    9. exercise science
    10. fitness testing / body measurements
    11. cellular research / cellular change / body cells
  • Cambridge IELTS 1 Listening Test 3

    Section 1Questions 1-12

    Questions 1-4

    Circle the appropriate letter


    How does the woman travel every day?

    A by car
    B by bus
    C on foot Answer
    D by train
    1. What are the parking regulations on campus?
      1. undergraduate parking allowed
      2. postgraduate parking allowed
      3. staff parking only allowed
      4. no student parking allowed
    2. The administration office is in
      1. Block B.
      2. Block D.
      3. Block E.
      4. Block G.
    3. If you do not have a parking sticker, the following action will be taken:
      1. wheel clamp your car.
      2. fine only.
      3. tow away your car and fine.
      4. tow away your car only.

    4. Which picture shows the correct location of the Administration office?

    Questions 5-10

    Complete the application form using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS

    Application for parking sticker

    Name: (5)…………………………………………..
    Address: Flat 13 (6)…………………………………………..
    Suburb: (7)…………………………………………..
    Faculty: (8)…………………………………………..
    Registration Number: (9)…………………………………………..
    Make of car: (10)…………………………………………..

    Questions 11 and 12
    1. Cashier’s office opens at
      1. 12.15
      2. 2.00
      3. 2.15
      4. 4.30

    12. Where must the sticker be displayed?


    SECTION 2Questions 13- 23

    Complete the notes below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

    Date the museum was opened(13)
    The museum consists of a building and(14)
    Handicapped toilet door showsExample: a weelchair
    The Education Centre is signposted by(15)
    If you lose your friends, meet at the(16)
    Warning about The Vampire(17)
    How often are the tours of The Vampire?(18)
    Person featured in today’s video(19)
    The Leisure Gallery shows how Australian culture is influenced by(20)
    The Picture Gallery contains pictures by(21)
    Cost of family membership of the museum(22)
    “Passengers and the Sea” includes a collection of(23)

    SECTION 3Questions 24 – 32

    Questions 24-27

    Circle the correct answer.

    1. Mark is going to talk briefly about
      1. marketing new products.
      2. pricing strategies.
      3. managing large companies.
      4. setting sales targets.
    2. According to Susan, air fares are lowest when they
      1. include weekend travel.
      2. are booked well in advance.
      3. are non-refundable.
      4. are for business travel only.
    3. Mark thinks revenue management is
      1. interesting.
      2. complicated.
      3. time-consuming.
      4. reasonable.
    4. The airline companies want to
      1. increase profits.
      2. benefit the passenger.
      3. sell cheap seats.
      4. improve the service.
    Questions 28-32

    Complete the notes using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer

    Two reasons for the new approach to pricing are:

    (28) ……………………………………………………………….. and

    (29) ……………………………………………………………….. .

    In future people will be able to book airline tickets (30) …………………………………………… .

    Also being marketed m this way are (31) …………………………………………………… and

    (32) ……………………………………………………….. .

    SECTION 4Questions 33– 42

    Questions 33-37

    Complete the table Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer


    Questionnaireswhat customers think about(33) …………………………………………………
    (34) …………………………………… customers move around supermarket aisles
    Eye movement (35) ……………………………………..the most eye-catching areas of the shop
    Computer programs e.g. (36) ……………………………….the best (37) …………………………………. for an article in the shop
    Questions 38-42

    Label the cliagiam Wiite NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each anmer


    Answer Notes:
    ( ): Answer between parenthesis is optional. Example> 21. A lot (of people)
    / : Another possible answer. Example> 22. A lot of people / Too many people

    Section 1 Answers Cambridge 1 Listening Test 3
    1. B
    2. D
    3. C
    4. A
    5. Richard Lee (must have correct spelling of“Lee “ and capitals)
    6. 30 Enmore road (must have correct spelling and capitals)
    7. Newport (must have correct spelling and capital “N”)
    8. architecture
    9. LJX058K
    10. Ford
    11. C
    12. (on the) (front) window / windscreen
    Section 2 Answers Cambridge 1 Listening Test 3
    1. November 1991
    2. (historic) ships
    3. green arrows
    4. information desk
    5. stairs to climb / lots of stairs
    6. every hour
    7. captain cook
    8. the sea
    9. Australian artists / painters
    10. $70
    11. souvenirs
    Section 3 Answers Cambridge 1 Listening Test 3
    1. B
    2. C
    3. D
    4. A
    5. law has changed / law changes / changes in law
    6. (powerful) computer programs
    7. from home (computer)
    8. hotels / hotel beds / rooms
    9. hire cars
    Section 4 Answers Cambridge 1 Listening Test 3
    1. displays / products / displays and products
    2. (hidden) TV cameras
    3. recorder / recording
    4. “Spaceman”
    5. position / shelf / spot / place
    6. walk (straight / right) past / ignore / pass
    7. at eye level / near customers’ eyes
    8. hotspots
    9. special offers
    10. chocolates
  • Cambridge IELTS 1 Listening Test 2

    Section 1Questions 1-10

    Complete the notes.

    Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

    Her first impression of the townExample quiet
    Type of accommodation(1)…………….
    Her feelings about the accommodation(2)…………….
    Her feelings about the students(3)…………….
    Name of courseEnvironmental Studies
    Difficulties experienced on the course(4)……………..
    Suggestions for improving the course(5)……………..
    First type of accommodation(6)…………….
    Problem with the first accommodation(7)…………….
    Second type of accommodation(8)…………….
    Name of course(9)……………
    Comments about the coursecomputer room busy
    Suggestions for improving the course(10)………………..

    SECTION 2Questions 11-20

    Complete the notes below by writing NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS in the spaces provided.

    There are many kinds of bicycles available:



    (11) ……………………………………….ordinary.

    They vary in price and (12) ………………………………………… .

    Prices range from $50.00 to (13) ………………………………….. .

    Single speed cycles are suitable for (14) ………………………….. .

    Three speed cycles are suitable for (15) …………………………… .

    Five and ten speed cycles are suitable for longer distances, hills and (16) ……………………………………… .

    Ten speed bikes are better because they are (17) ………………………. inprice but (18) ……………………………….. .

    Buying a cycle is like (19) …………………………… .

    The size of the bicycle is determined by the size of the (20) ……………………………………… .

    SECTION 3Questions 21 – 32

    Questions 21-24

    Circle the correct answer.

    1. At first Fiona thinks that Martin’s tutorial topic is
      1. inappropriate
      2. dull
      3. interesting
      4. fascinating
    2. According to Martin, the banana
      1. has only recently been cultivated
      2. is economical to grow
      3. is good for your health
      4. is his favourite food
    3. Fiona listens to Martin because she
      1. wants to know more about bananas
      2. has nothing else to do today
      3. is interested in the economy of Australia
      4. wants to help Martin
    4. According to Martin, bananas were introduced into Australia from
      1. India
      2. England
      3. China
      4. Africa
    Questions 25-30

    Complete Martin’s notes Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

    Commercially grown banana plant
    • Each banana tree produces (25) ……………………. of bananas
    • On modern plantations in tropical conditions a tree can bear fruit after
    • Banana trees prefer to grow (27) …………………….   and they require rich soil and
    • The fruit is often protected by (29) ……………………. 
    • Ripe bananas emit a gas which helps other (30) ……………………. 

    Questions 31-32

    Circle the TWO correct boxes.

    Consumption of Australian bananas

    1. Europe
    2. Asia
    3. New Zealand
    4. Australia
    5. Other

    SECTION 4Questions 33 – 41

    Questions 33-35

    Circle the correct answer.

    According to the first speaker:

    1. The focus of the lecture series is on
      1. organising work and study
      2. maintaining a healthy lifestyle
      3. coping with homesickness
      4. settling in at university
    2. The lecture will be given by
      1. the president of the Union
      2. the campus doctor
      3. a sports celebrity
      4. a health expert

    According to the second speaker:

    1. This week’s lecture is on
      1. campus food
      2. dieting
      3. sensible eating
      4. saving money
    Questions 36-39

    Complete the notes.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

    A balanced diet
    • A balanced diet will give you enough vitamins for normal daily living.
    • Vitamins in food can be lost through (36)…………………………………..
    • Types of vitamins:
    – Fat soluble vitamins are stored by the body.
    – Water soluble vitamins – not stored, so you need a (37)…………………………………..

    Getting enough vitamins
    • Eat (38)…………………………………..  of foods
    • Buy plenty of vegetables and store them in (39)…………………………………..

    Questions 40-41

    Complete the diagram by writing NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS in the boxes provided.

    Example Answer

    ……………………….sugar, try to avoid

    salt and butter

    40. ……………………………………….. milk, lean meat, fish, nuts, eggs.

    41. ……………………………………….. bread, vegetables and fruits.

    Answer Notes:
    ( ): Answer between parenthesis is optional. Example> 21. A lot (of people)
    / : Another possible answer. Example> 22. A lot of people / Too many people

    Section 1 Answers Cambridge 1 Listening Test 2
    1. student accommodation / hostel
    2. awful food
    3. not friendly / kept to themselves (do not accept “lonely”)
    4. lecturers (too) busy
    5. lectures / fortnightly meetings
    6. family / homestay
    7. lot of noise / children made noise / difficult to study
    8. student house
    9. (Bachelor of) computing
    10. reserve computer time
    Section 2 Answers Cambridge 1 Listening Test 2
    1. mountain
    2. quality
    3. $2000
    4. short / casual rides
    5. town riding / shopping
    6. serious touring
    7. similar / almost the same
    8. better quality (components)
    9. buying clothes
    10. frame
    Section 3 Answers Cambridge 1 Listening Test 1
    1. B
    2. C
    3. D
    4. B
    5. one bunch
    6. 15 months
    7. uphill / on hillsides
    8. lots of water / plenty of water
    9. plastic bags
    10. bananas / ones (to) ripen
    11. C, D ( In any order)
    12. C, D ( In any order)
    Section 4 Answers Cambridge 1 Listening Test 1
    1. B
    2. D
    3. C
    4. cooking
    5. (regular) daily intake
    6. (a) variety
    7. the dark / the fridge / a cool place / a dark place
    8. eat in moderation / not too much
    9. eat lots / eat most
  • Cambridge IELTS 1 Listening Test 1

    Cambridge IELTS 1 Listening Test 1 Sections 1-4

    Section 1Questions 1-10

    Questions 1-5

    Circle the appropriate letter.

    Example Answer

    What has the woman lost? A. a brief case

    A. a brief case B. a suitcase

    C. a handbag D. a wallet

    Questions 6-10

    Complete the form below.

    Write NO MORE THAN three WORDS for each answer.


    NameMary (6)……………………………………………………………………
    AddressFlat 2
    (7)……………………………….(8)……………………………………………………….. Road
    Estimated value of lost item(10) £ ……………………………………………………………………

    SECTION 2Questions 11-21

    Questions 11-13

    Circle the THREE other items which are mentioned in the news headlines.


    1. Rivers flood in the north
    2. Money promised for drought victims – Example
    3. Nurses on strike in Melbourne
    4. Passengers rescued from ship
    5. Passengers rescued from plane
    6. Bus and train drivers national strike threat
    7. Teachers demand more pay
    8. New uniform for QANTAS staff
    9. National airports under new management
    Questions 14-21

    Complete the notes below by writing NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS in the spaces provided.

    The Government plans to give (14)…………………………….. $  to assist the farmers. This money was to be spent on improving Sydney’s (15)……………………………..  but has now been re-allocated. Australia has experienced its worst drought in over fifty years. Farmers say that the money will not help them because it is (16)……………………………..

    An aeroplane which was carrying a group of (17)……………………………..  was forced to land just (18)……………………………..  minutes after take-off. The passengers were rescued by
    …………………………….. The operation was helped because of the good weather. The passengers thanked the (20)……………………………..  for saving their lives but unfortunately they lost their (21)……………………………..

    SECTION 3Questions 22 – 31

    Questions 22-25

    Circle the appropriate letter.

    1. The orientation meeting
      1. took place recently
      2. took place last term
      3. will take place tomorrow
      4. will take place next week
    2. Attendance at lectures is
      1. optional after 4 pm
      2. closely monitored
      3. difficult to enforce
      4. sometimes unnecessary
    3. Tutorials take place
      1. every morning
      2. twice a week
      3. three mornings a week
      4. three afternoons a week
    4. The lecturer’s name is
      1. Roberts
      2. Rawson
      3. Rogers
      4. Robertson
    Questions 26-31

    Complete the notes below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

    Course Requirements

    Tutorial Paper:

    • A piece of work ON A given topic. Students must:
    • (26)……………………………………………………………………………………………  for 25 minutes
    • (27)……………………………………………………………………………………………
    • give to lecturer for marking

    Essay Topic:

    • usually (28)……………………………………………………………………………………………
    • Type of exam:
    • (29)……………………………………………………………………………………………


    • important books are in (30)……………………………………………………………………………………………
    • Focus of course: focus on (31)……………………………………………………………………………………………

    SECTION 4Questions 32 – 41

    Questions 32-33
    Circle the appropriate letter.
    1. The speaker works within the Faculty of
      1. Science and Technology
      2. Arts and Social Sciences
      3. Architecture
      4. Law
    2. The faculty consists firstly of
      1. subjects
      2. degrees
      3. divisions
      4. departments
    Questions 34-36

    Complete the notes with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

    • The subjects taken in the first semester in this course are psychology, sociology, (34)…………………………………………………………………………………………… and ……………………………………………………………………………………………
    • Students may have problems with (35)……………………………………………………………………………………………  and (36)……………………………………………………………………………………………
    Questions 37-41

    Circle the appropriate letter.

    1. The speaker says students can visit her
      1. every morning
      2. some mornings
      3. mornings only
      4. Friday morning
    2. According to the speaker, a tutorial
      1. is a type of lecture
      2. is less important than a lecture
      3. provides a chance to share views
      4. provides an alternative to groupwork
    3. When writing essays, the speaker advises the students to
      1. research their work well
      2. name the books they have read
      3. share work with their friends
      4. avoid using other writers’ ideas
    4. The speaker thinks that plagiarism is
      1. a common problem
      2. an acceptable risk
      3. a minor concern
      4. a serious offence
    5. The speaker’s aims are to
      1. introduce students to university expectations.
      2. introduce students to the members of staff.
      3. warn students about the difficulties of studying.
      4. guide students round the university.

    Answer Notes:
    ( ): Answer between parenthesis is optional. Example> 21. A lot (of people)
    / : Another possible answer. Example> 22. A lot of people / Too many people

    Section 1 Answers Cambridge 1 Listening Test 1
    1. A
    2. C
    3. D
    4. D
    5. C
    6. Prescott (must be correct spelling with capital “P”)
    7. 41
    8. fountain (must have capital “F”)
    9. 752239
    10. £65 / 65 pound
    Section 2 Answers Cambridge 1 Listening Test 1
    1. E, F, H (in any order)
    2. E, F, H (in any order)
    3. E, F, H (in any order)
    4. $ 250 million
    5. roads / road system
    6. too late
    7. school children / boys
    8. 3
    9. boats / pleasure crafty / boats and pleasure craft
    10. pilot
    11. (musical) instruments
    Section 3 Answers Cambridge 1 Listening Test 1
    1. A
    2. B
    3. C
    4. A
    5. talk / give a talk
    6. write up work
    7. can choose
    8. open book
    9. closed reserve
    10. vocational (subjects) / (preparing for) work / employment
    Section 4 Answers Cambridge 1 Listening Test 1
    1. B
    2. C
    3. history and economics
    4. (meeting) deadlines (for essays)
    5. attendance
    6. B
    7. C
    8. B
    9. D
    10. A
  • Cambridge IELTS 10 Listening Test 1

    Section 1Questions 1-10

    Questions 1-5

    Complete the information below.

    Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    City Library

    Head LibrarianExample: Mrs. Phillips
    Hours(1) to 4: 30
    Ground floor(2)……………………………………….
    Second floorAdult collection
    Third floor(3)……………………………………….
    Book carts
    Brown cartbooks to re-shelve
    Black cartbooks to (4)……………………………………….
    White cartbooks to (5)……………………………………….
    Questions 6-10

    Complete the library schedule below.

    Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    ActivityLocationDay and Time
    Story TimeChildren’s Room(6) ……………………at 11:00
    Family (7) ……………………Reference RoomSaturday at (8) ……………………
    Lecture Series(9) ……………………RoomFriday at (10)……………………

    SECTION 2Questions 11-20

    Questions 11-15

    Choose FIVE letters, A-I.

    Which FIVE activities are available at Golden Lake Resort?

    1. swimming
    2. boating
    3. waterskiing
    4. fishing
    5. tennis
    6. golf
    7. horseback riding
    8. hiking
    9. arts and crafts
    Questions 16-20

    Complete the schedule below.

    Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.

    MondayDessert Night
    Tuesday(17)……………………….. Night
    FridayTalent Show

    SECTION 3Questions 21 – 30

    Questions 21-23

    Choose THREE letters, A-E.

    Which THREE thing are the students required to submit to their professor?

    1. a written summary maps
    2. a case study
    3. charts and graphs
    4. a list of resources used
    5. a video
    Questions 24-25

    Answer the questions below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

    What two sources of information will the students use when preparing their presentation?

    What will the students show during their presentation?
    Questions 26-30

    Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.

    1. Only rescue birds that are
      1. all alone.
      2. obviously hurt.
      3. sitting on the ground.
    2. Protect yourself by wearing
      1. gloves
      2. a hat
      3. protective glasses
    3. Put the bird in a
      1. cage
      2. box
      3. bag
    4. Keep the bird calm by
      1. Petting it
      2. talking to it
      3. leaving it alone
    5. When transporting the bird
      1. speak quietly.
      2. play music.
      3. drive very slowly

    SECTION 4Questions 31 – 40

    Questions 31-33

    Complete the information about the Great Barrier Reef.

    Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

    The Great Barrier Reef is made up of 3.000 (31)……………………….. and 600 (32)…………………………………

    Over 400 kinds of (33)………………………….. can be found there.

    Questions 34-38

    Choose FIVE letters, A-I.

    Which FIVE of these kinds of animals inhabiting the Great Barrier Reef are mentioned?

    1. sharks
    2. starfish
    3. seahorses
    4. clams
    5. whales
    6. dolphins
    7. sea turtles
    8. crocodiles
    9. frogs
    Questions 39-40

    Answer the questions below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

    1. What causes coral bleaching?
      • …………………………..
    2. What has been one response to this problem?
      • ………………………..
    Section 1 Answers Cambridge 10 Listening Test 1
    1. 8:30
    2. reference books
    3. children’s books
    4. be repaired/repair
    5. be sold/sell
    6. Thursday
    7. movies
    8. 2:30
    9. meeting
    10. 6:30
    Section 2 Answers Cambridge 10 Listening Test 1
    1. A, B, D, G, I (In any order)
    2. A, B, D, G, I (In any order)
    3. A, B, D, G, I (In any order)
    4. A, B, D, G, I (In any order)
    5. A, B, D, G, I (In any order)
    6. film/movie
    7. discussion
    8. lectures
    9. games
    10. dance
    Section 3 Answers Cambridge 10 Listening Test 1
    1. A, C, E (In any order)
    2. A, C, E (In any order)
    3. A, C, E (In any order)
    4. interviews, journal articles
    5. photos (of birds)
    6. B
    7. A
    8. B
    9. C
    10. A
    Section 4 Answers Cambridge 10 Listening Test 1
    1. individual reefs / coral reefs
    2. islands
    3. coral(s)
    4. A, D, E, H, I (in any order)
    5. A, D, E, H, I (in any order)
    6. A, D, E, H, I (in any order)
    7. A, D, E, H, I (in any order)
    8. A, D, E, H, I (in any order)
    9. rising sea temperatures
    10. shading the reef/shading
  • Cambridge IELTS 9 Listening Test 4

    Section 1: Questions 1-10

    Questions 1-4

    Complete the table below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY.


    Name of centreDoctors’ nameAdvantage
    The Harvey ClinicDr. Greenespecially good with (1) …………………………
    The (2) ………………………… Health PracticeDr. Fulleroffers (3) ………………………… appointments
    The Shore Lane Health CentreDr. (4) …………………………
    Questions 5 and 6

    Choose TWO letters A-E.

    Which TWO of the following are offered free of charge at Shore Lane Health Centre?

    1. acupuncture
    2. employment medicals
    3. sports injury therapy
    4. travel advice
    5. vaccinations
    Questions 7-10

    Complete the table below.


    Talks for patients at Shore Lane Health Centre

    Subject of talkDate/ timeLocationNotes
    Giving up smoking25th Feb at 7 pmroom 4useful for people with asthma or (7) …………………………problems
    Healthy eating1st March at 5 pmthe (8)…………………………(Shore Lane)anyone welcome
    Avoiding injuries during exercise9th March at (9) …………………………room 6for all (10) …………………………

    Section 2: Questions 11-20

    Label the diagram below.

    Choose THREE answers from the box and write the correct letters A-E.

    Questions 14-18

    Where can each of the following items be found?

    Choose FIVE answers from the options and write the correct letter A-G.


    1. in box on washing machine
    2. in cupboard on landing
    3. in chest of drawers
    4. next to window in living room
    5. on shelf of back door
    6. on top of television
    7. under kitchen sink
    1. Pillows
    2. Washing powder
    3. Key
    4. Light bulbs
    5. Map
    Questions 19 and 20

    Complete the notes below.


    The best place to park in town – next to station
    Phone number for takeaway pizzas – (19) …………………………
    Railway museum closed on (20) …………………………

    Section 3: Questions 21 and 22

    Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

    1. In her home country, Kira had
      1. completed a course
      2. done two years of a course
      3. found her course difficult
    2. To succeed with assignments, Kira had to
      1. read faster
      2. write faster
      3. change her way of thinking
    Questions 23-25

    Complete the sentences below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

    1. Kira says that lecturers are easier to than those in her home country.
    2. Paul suggests that Kira may be more than when she was studying before.
    3. Kira says that students want to discuss things that worry them or that them very much.
    Questions 26-30

    Answer the questions below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    1. How did the students do their practical sessions?
    2. In the second semester how often did Kira work in a hospital?
    3. How much full-time work did Kira do during the year?
    4. Having completed the year, how does Kira feel?
    5. In addition to the language, what do overseas students need to become familiar with?

    Section 4: Questions 31-40

    Questions 31-36

    Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

    Wildlife in city gardens

    1. What led the group to choose their topic?
      1. They were concerned about the decline of one species
      2. They were interested in the effects of city growth
      3. They wanted to investigate a recent phenomenon
    2. The exact proportion of land devoted to private gardens was confirmed by
      1. consulting some official documents
      2. taking large-scale photos
      3. discussions with town surveyors
    3. The group asked garden owners to
      1. take part in formal interviews
      2. keep a record of animals they saw
      3. get in contact when they saw a rare species
    4. The group made their observations in gardens
      1. which had a large number of animal species
      2. which they considered to be representative
      3. which had stable populations of rare animals
    5. The group did extensive reading on
      1. wildlife problems in rural areas
      2. urban animal populations
      3. current gardening practices
    6. The speaker focuses on three animal species because
      1. a lot of data has been obtained about them
      2. the group were most interested in them
      3. they best indicated general trends
    Questions 37-40

    Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD ONLY.

    AnimalsReason for population increase in gardensComments
    (37)………………suitable stretches of watermassive increase in urban population
    Hedgehogssafe from (38)…………….when in citieseasy to (39)………………..them accurately
    Song Thrushes– a variety of (40)………………to eat
    – more nesting places available
    large survey starting soon
    Section 1 Answers Cambridge 9 Listening Test 4
    1. babies
    2. Eschol
    3. evening
    4. Gormley
    5. B
    6. E
    7. heart
    8. primary school
    9. 4.30
    10. ages
    Section 2 Answers Cambridge 9 Listening Test 4
    1. B
    2. C
    3. E
    4. B
    5. E
    6. D
    7. A
    8. C
    9. 732281
    10. thursday
    Section 3 Answers Cambridge 9 Listening Test 4
    1. A
    2. C
    3. approach
    4. mature
    5. interest
    6. groups
    7. every 2 days
    8. 2 weeks
    9. confident
    10. education system
    Section 4 Answers Cambridge 9 Listening Test 4
    1. C
    2. A
    3. B
    4. B
    5. A
    6. C
    7. frogs
    8. predators
    9. count
    10. seeds
  • Cambridge IELTS 9 Listening Test 3

    Section 1: Questions 1-10

    Questions 1-5

    Complete the table below.


    ApartmentsFacilitiesOther informationCost
    Rose Garden Apartmentsstudio flatentertainment programme: Greek dancing£ 219
    Blue Bay Apartmentslarge salt water swimming pool– just (1)…………….meters from beach
    – near shops
    £ 275
    (2)………………Apartmentsterracewatersports£ 490
    The GrandGreek paintings and (3)…………..– overlooking (4)………….
    – near a supermarket and disco
    (5) £…………
    Questions 6-10

    Complete the table below.



    Insurance benefitsMaximum amount
    Cancellation(6) £………………….
    Hospital£ 600, additional benefit allows a (7)………………to travel to resort
    (8)……………………departureup to £ 1000 depends on reason
    Personal belongingsup to £ 3000, £ 500 for one (9)……………

    Name of Assistant Manager: Ben (10)………………..

    Section 2: Questions 11-20

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.


    1. Simon’s idea for a theme park came from
      1. his childhood hobby
      2. his interest in landscape design
      3. his visit to another park
    2. When they started, the family decided to open the park only when
      1. the weather was expected to be good
      2. the children weren’t at school
      3. there were fewer farming commitments
    3. Since opening, the park has had
      1. 50,000 visitors
      2. 1,000,000 visitors
      3. 1,500,000 visitors
    Questions 14-18

    What is currently the main area of work of each of the following people?

    Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter A-H next to questions 14-18.

    Area of work

    A advertisingB animal careC buildingD educational links
    E engine maintenanceF food and drinkG salesH staffing


    1. Simon
    2. Liz
    3. Sarah
    4. Duncan
    5. Judith
    Questions 19 and 20

    Complete the table below.


    FeatureSizeBiggest challengeTarget age group
    Railway1.2 kmmaking tunnels
    Go-kart arema(19)…………..sq mtremoving mounds on the track(20)……………..year olds

    Section 3: Questions 21-30

    Complete the notes below.


    Study Skills Tutorial – Caroline Benning

    Dissertation topic: the (21) …………………………
    Strengths: (22) ………………………… and Computer modeling
    Weaknesses: lack of background information
    Poor (23) ………………………… skills

    Possible strategyBenefitsProblems
    Peer group discussionincrease (24) …………………………dissertations tend to contain the same (25) …………………………
    Use the (26) ………………………… serviceprovides structured programmelimited (27) …………………..
    Consult study skills booksare a good source of referencecan be too (28)……………….

    Recommendations: use a card index and Real all notes (29) …………………………
    Next tutorial date: (30) ………………………… January

    Section 4: Questions 31-40

    1. The owners of the underground house
      1. had no experience of living in a rural area
      2. were interested in environmental issues
      3. wanted a professional project manager
    2. What does the speaker say about the site of the house?
      1. The land was quite cheap
      2. Stone was being extracted nearby
      3. It was in a completely unspoilt area
    Questions 33-40

    Complete the notes below.



    • Built in the earth, with two floors
    • The south-facing side was constructed of two layers of (33) …………………………
    • Photovoltaic tiles were attached
    • A layer of foam was used to improve the (34) ………………………… of the building

    Special features
    • To increase the light, the building has many internal mirrors and (35) …………………………
    • In future, the house may produce more (36) ………………………… than it needs
    • Recycled wood was used for the (37) ………………………… of the house
    • The system for processing domestic (38) ………………………… is organic

    Environmental issues
    • The use of large quantities of (39) ………………………… in construction was environmentally harmful
    • But the house will have paid its ‘environmental debt’ within (40) …………………………

    Section 1 Answers Cambridge 9 Listening Test 3
    1. 300
    2. sunshade
    3. balcony
    4. forests
    5. 319
    6. 10,000
    7. relative
    8. missed
    9. item
    10. Ludlow
    Section 2 Answers Cambridge 9 Listening Test 3
    1. C
    2. A
    3. C
    4. E
    5. H
    6. F
    7. C
    8. G
    9. 120
    10. 5 to 12
    Section 3 Answers Cambridge 9 Listening Test 3
    1. fishing industry
    2. statistics
    3. note-taking
    4. confidence
    5. ideas
    6. student support
    7. places
    8. general
    9. 3 times
    10. 25
    Section 4 Answers Cambridge 9 Listening Test 3
    1. B
    2. A
    3. glass
    4. insulation
    5. windows
    6. electricity
    7. floors
    8. waste
    9. concrete
    10. 15 years
  • Cambridge IELTS 9 Listening Test 2

    Section 1: Questions 1-10

    Complete the form below.



    Type of accommodation: hall of residence
    Name: Anu (1) …………………………………..
    Date of birth: (2) …………………………………..
    Country of origin: India
    Course of study: (3) …………………………………..
    Number of years planned in hall: (4) …………………………………..
    Preferred catering arrangement: half board
    Special dietary requirements: no (5) ………………………………….. (red)
    Preferred room type: a single (6) …………………………………..
    Interests: the (7) ………………………………….. and badminton
    Priorities in choice of hall: to be with other students who are (8) …………………………………..
    To live outside the (9) …………………………………..
    To have a (10) ………………………………….. area for socializing

    Section 2: Questions 11-20

    Questions 11-13

    Complete the table below.



    Name of placeOf particular interestOpen
    Halland Commonsource of river Ouse24 hours
    Hot Islandmany different (11) …………………………………..between (12) ………………………………….. and …………………………………..
    Longfield Country Parkreconstruction of a 2,000 year old (13) ………………………………….. with activities for childrendaylight hours
    Questions 14-16

    Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

    Longfield Park

    1. As part of Monday’s activity, visitors will
      1. prepare food with herbs
      2. meet a well-known herbalist
      3. dye cloth with herbs
    2. For the activity on Wednesday,
      1. only group bookings are accepted
      2. visitors should book in advance
      3. attendance is free
    3. For the activity on Saturday, visitors should
      1. come in suitable clothing
      2. make sure they are able to stay for the whole day
      3. tell the rangers before the event what they wish to do
    Questions 17-20

    Label the map below.

    Write the correct letter A-I next to questions 17-20.

    17. bird hide …………………………
    18. dog-walking area …………………………
    19. flower garden …………………………
    20. wooded area …………………………

    Section 3: Questions 21-24

    Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

    Self-Access Centre

    1. Students want to keep the Self-Access Centre because
      1. they enjoy the variety of equipment
      2. they like being able to work on their own
      3. it is an important part of their studies
    2. 22. Some teachers would prefer to
      1. close the Self-Access Centre
      2. move the Self-Access Centre elsewhere
      3. restrict access to the Self-Access Centre
    3. The students’ main concern about using the library would be
      1. the size of the library
      2. difficulty in getting help
      3. the lack of materials
    4. The Director of Studies is concerned about
      1. the cost of upgrading the centre
      2. the lack of space in the centre
      3. the difficulty in supervising the centre
    Questions 25-30

    Complete the notes below.


    Necessary improvements to the existing Self-Access Centre
    Replace computers to create more space
    The level of the (25) ………………………… materials, in particular, should be more clearly shown.
    Update the (26) ………………………… collection.
    Buy some (27) ………………………… and divide them up.
    Use of the room
    Speak to the teachers and organize a (28) ………………………… for supervising the centre.
    Install an (29) …………………………
    Restrict personal use of (30) ………………………… on computers.

    Section 3: Questions 31-40

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY.

    Business Culture

    Power Culture

    Characteristics of organisation:
    – small
    (31) ………………………… power source
    – few rules and procedures
    – communication by (32) …………………………
    Advantages:– can act quickly
    Disadvantages:– might not act (33) …………………………
    Suitable employee:– not afraid of (34) …………………………
    – does not need job security
    Role Culture
    Characteristics of organisation:– large, many (35)…………….
    – specialized departments
    – rules and procedures e.g. job (36) ………………………… and rules for discipline
    Advantages:– economies of scale
    – successful when (37) ………………………… ability is important
    Disadvantages:– slow to see when (38) ………………………… is needed
    – slow to react
    Suitable employee:– does not want (39) …………………………
    Task Culture
    Characteristics of organisation:– project oriented
    – in competitive market or making product with short life
    Advantages:(40) …………………………
    Section 1 Answers Cambridge 9 Listening Test 2
    1. Bhatt
    2. 31 March
    3. nursing
    4. 2
    5. meat
    6. bedsit
    7. theatre
    8. mature/ older
    9. town
    10. shared
    Section 2 Answers Cambridge 9 Listening Test 2
    1. trees
    2. Friday/ Sunday
    3. farm
    4. C
    5. B
    6. A
    7. A
    8. I
    9. F
    10. E
    Section 3 Answers Cambridge 9 Listening Test 2
    1. C
    2. B
    3. B
    4. C
    5. reading
    6. CD
    7. workbooks
    8. timetable
    9. alarm
    10. emails
    Section 4 Answers Cambridge 9 Listening Test 2
    1. central
    2. conversations
    3. effectively
    4. risks
    5. levels
    6. descriptions
    7. technical
    8. change
    9. responsibility
    10. flexible