Category: IELTS Listening Tests

  • Cambridge IELTS 9 Listening Test 1

    Section 1: Questions 1-10

    Complete the notes below.

    Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer



    • Works at ……a restuarant………
    • Type of work: (1) ………………………….
    • Number of hours per week: 12 hours
    • Would not need work permit
    • Work in the: (2) …………………………….branch
    • Nearest bus stop: next to (3) …………………………
    • Pay (4) £ ………………………. an hour
    • Extra benefits
      • a free dinner
      • extra pay when you work on (5)…………………………….
      • transport home when you work (6)……………………………..
    • Qualities required
      • (7) …………………………………
      • ability to (8) ………………………………..
    • Interview arranged for: Thursday (9) ………………………………….. at 6 p.m.
    • Bring the names of two referees
    • Ask for: Samira (10) …………………………….

    Section 2: Questions 11-20

    Questions 11-16

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


    • a new (11) …………………………………..of an international sports goods company
    • located in the shopping centre to the (12) ………………………………….. of Bradcaster
    • has sports (13) ………………………………….. and equipment on floors 1 – 3
    • can get you any item within (14) ………………………………….. days
    • shop specialises in equipment for (15) …………………………………..
    • has a special section which just sells (16) …………………………………..

    Questions 17 and 18

    Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

    1. A champion athlete will be in the shop
      1. on Saturday morning only
      2. all day Saturday
      3. for the whole weekend
    2. The first person to answer 20 quiz questions correctly will win
      1. gym membership
      2. a video
      3. a calendar
    Questions 19 and 20

    Choose TWO letters, A-E.

    Which TWO pieces of information does the speaker give about the fitness test?

    1. You need to reserve a place
    2. It is free to account holders
    3. You get advice on how to improve your health
    4. It takes place in a special clinic
    5. It is cheaper this month

    Section 3: Questions 21-30

    Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

    Course Feedback

    1. One reason why Spiros felt happy about his marketing presentation was that
      1. he was not nervous
      2. his style was good
      3. the presentation was the best in his group
    2. What surprised Hiroko about the other students’ presentations?
      1. Their presentations were not interesting ‘
      2. They found their presentations stressful
      3. They didn’t look at the audience enough
    3. After she gave her presentation, Hiroko felt
      1. delighted
      2. dissatisfied
      3. embarrassed
    4. How does Spiros feel about his performance in tutorials?
      1. not very happy
      2. really pleased
      3. fairly confident
    5. Why can the other students participate so easily in discussions?
      1. They are polite to each other
      2. They agree to take turns in speaking
      3. They know each other well
    6. Why is Hiroko feeling more positive about tutorials now?
      1. She finds the other students’ opinions more interesting
      2. She is making more of a contribution
      3. The tutor includes her in the discussion
    7. To help her understand lectures, Hiroko
      1. consulted reference materials
      2. had extra tutorials with her lecturers
      3. borrowed lecture notes from other students
    8. What does Spiros think of his reading skills?
      1. He reads faster than he used to
      2. It still takes him a long time to read
      3. He tends to struggle with new vocabulary
    9. What is Hiroko’s subject area?
      1. environmental studies
      2. health education
      3. engineering
    10. Hiroko thinks that in the reading classes the students should
      • A learn more vocabulary
      • B read more in their own subject areas
      • C develop better reading strategies

    Section 4: Questions 31-40

    Complete the notes below.


    Mass Strandings of Whales and Dolphins

    Mass strandings: situations where groups of whales, dolphins, etc. swim onto the beach and die
    Common in areas where the (31) ………………………………….. can change quickly
    Several other theories:

    e.g. some parasites can affect marine animals’ (32) ………………………………….. ,which they depend on for navigation

    Poisons from (33) ………………………………….. or are commonly consumed by whales
    e.g. Cape Cod (1988) – whales were killed by saxitoxin
    Accidental Strandings
    Animals may follow prey ashore, e.g. Thurston (1995)
    Unlikely because the majority of animals were not (34) ………………………………….. when they stranded

    Human Activity
    (35) ………………………………….. from military tests are linked to some recent strandings
    The Bahamas (2000) stranding was unusual because the whales
    • were all (36) …………………………………..
    • were not in a (37) …………………………………..

    Group Behaviour
    • More standings in the most (38) ………………………………….. species of whales
    • 1994 dolphin stranding – only the (39) ………………………………….. was ill
    Further Reading
    Marine Mammals Ashore (Connor) – gives information about stranding (40) …………………………………..

    Section 1 Answers Cambridge 9 Listening Test 1
    1. answering the phone
    2. hillsdunne road
    3. library
    4. 4.45
    5. national holidays
    6. after 11’o clock
    7. clear voice
    8. think quickly
    9. 22 october
    10. Manuja
    Section 2 Answers Cambridge 9 Listening Test 1
    1. branch
    2. west
    3. clothing
    4. 10
    5. running
    6. bags
    7. A
    8. A
    9. A
    10. E
    Section 3 Answers Cambridge 9 Listening Test 1
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. A
    5. C
    6. B
    7. A
    8. B
    9. C
    10. B
    Section 4 Answers Cambridge 9 Listening Test 1
    1. tides
    2. hearing/ ears
    3. plants and animals
    4. feeding
    5. noises
    6. healthy
    7. group
    8. social
    9. leader
    10. networks
  • Cambridge IELTS 8 Listening Test 4

    Part 1: Questions 1-10

    Complete the notes below.



    • Newspaper advert for temporary staff
    • Vacancies for (1) ……………………
    • Two shifts
    • Can choose your (2) …………………… (must be the same each week)
    • Pay: £5.50 per hour including a (3) ……………………
    • A (4) …………………… is provided in the hotel
    • Total weekly pay: £231
    • Dress: a white shirt and (5) …………………… trousers (not supplied), a (6) …………………… (supplied)
    • Starting date: (7) ……………………
    • Call Jane (8) …………………… (service manage) before (9) …………………… tomorrow (Tel: 832009)
    • She will require a (10) ……………………

    Part 2: Questions 11-13

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    Improvements to Red Hill Suburb

    1. Community groups are mainly concerned about
      1. pedestrian safety
      2. traffic jams
      3. increased pollution
    2. It has been decided that the overhead power lines will be
      1. extended
      2. buried
      3. repaired
    3. The expenses related to the power lines will be paid by
      1. the council
      2. the power company
      3. local businesses
    Questions 14-20

    Label the map below.

    Write the correct letter A-H next to questions 14-20.

    Red Hill Improvement Plan
    1. Trees
    2. Wider footpaths
    3. Coloured road surface
    4. New sign
    5. Traffic lights
    6. Artwork
    7. Children’s playground

    Part 3: Questions 21 and 22

    Choose TWO letters A-E.

    In which TWO ways is Dan financing his course?

    1. He is receiving money from the government
    2. His family are willing to help him
    3. The college is giving him a small grant
    4. His local council is supporting him for a limited period
    5. A former employer is providing partial funding
    Questions 23 and 24

    Choose TWO letters, A-E.

    Which TWO reasons does Jeannie give for deciding to leave some college clubs?

    1. She is not sufficiently challenged
    2. The activity interferes with her studies
    3. She does not have enough time
    4. The activity is too demanding physically
    5. She does not think she is any good at the activity
    Questions 25 and 26

    Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

    1. What does Dan say about the seminars on the course?
      1. The other students do not give him a chance to speak
      2. The seminars make him feel inferior to the other students
      3. The preparation for seminars takes too much time
    2. What does Jeannie say about the tutorials on the course?
      1. They are an inefficient way of providing guidance
      2. They are more challenging than she had expected
      3. They are helping her to develop her study skills
    Questions 27-30

    Complete the flow chart below.


    Advice on exam preparation
    Make sure you know the exam requirements
    Find some past papers
    Work out your (27)………………..for revision and write them on a card
    Make a (28)……………….and keep it in view
    Divide revision into (29)…………….about each topic
    Write one (30)…………….about each topic
    Practice writing some exam answers

    Part 4: Questions 31-36

    Australian Aboriginal Rock Paintings

    Which painting styles have the following features?

    Write the correct letter A, B or C next to questions 31-36.


    1. figures revealing bones
    2. rounded figures
    3. figures with parts missing
    4. figures smaller than life size
    5. sea creatures
    6. plants

    Painting Styles

    1. Dynamic
    2. Yam
    3. Modern
    Questions 37-40

    Complete the notes below.



    Aim of project: to identify the (37) …………………… used as the basis for the Rainbow Serpent
    Yam Period:
    • Environmental changes led to higher (38) ……………………
    • Traditional activities were affected especially (39) ……………………

    Rainbow Serpent Image
    • Similar to a sea horse
    • Unusual because it appeared in inland areas
    • Symbolises (40) …………………… in Aboriginal culture

    Section 1 Answers Cambridge 8 Listening Test 4
    1. waiters
    2. day off
    3. break
    4. meal
    5. dark (colored)
    6. jacket
    7. 28 June
    8. Urwin
    9. noon
    10. reference
    Section 2 Answers Cambridge 8 Listening Test 4
    1. A
    2. B
    3. B
    4. C
    5. D
    6. G
    7. B
    8. F
    9. A
    10. E
    Section 3 Answers Cambridge 8 Listening Test 4
    1. B
    2. E
    3. A
    4. C
    5. B
    6. C
    7. priorities
    8. timetable
    9. (small) tasks
    10. (single) paragraph
    Section 4 Answers Cambridge 8 Listening Test 4
    1. C
    2. B
    3. C
    4. A
    5. B
    6. B
    7. animal
    8. sea level
    9. hunting
    10. creation
  • Cambridge IELTS 8 Listening Test 3

    Part 1: Questions 1-3

    Complete the form below.


    Rented Properties Customer’s Requirements
    Name: Steven Godfrey
    No. of bedrooms: 4
    Preferred location: in the (1) …………………… area of town
    Maximum monthly rent: (2) …………………… £
    Length of let required: (3) ……………………
    Starting: September 1st

    Questions 4-8

    Complete the table below.


    AddressRoomsMonthly RentProblem
    Oakington Avenueliving/ dining room, separate kithche£ 550no (4)……………
    Mead Streetlarge living room and kitchen, bathroom and a cloakroom£ 580the (5)………….is too large
    Hamilton Roadliving room, kitchen, diner and a (6)………………..£ 550too (7)…………..
    Devon Closeliving room, dining room, small kitchen(8) £…………..none
    Questions 9 and 10

    Choose TWO letters, A-E.

    Which TWO facilities in the district of Devon Close are open to the public at the moment?

    1. museum
    2. concert hall
    3. cinema
    4. sports centre
    5. swimming pool

    Part 2: Questions 11-16

    Complete the notes below.


    Well known for: (11) …………………..
    Complex consists of: concert rooms, theatres, cinemas, art galleries, public library, restaurants and
    a (12) …………………..
    Historical background: 1940-area destroyed by bombs
    1960s-1970s – centre was (13)………………….. and built in (14) …………………..– opened to public
    Managed by: the (15)…………………..
    Open: (16)………………….. days per year

    Questions 17-20

    Complete the table below.


    DayTimeEventVenueTicket price
    Monday and Tuesday7.30 pmThe Magic Flute(17)………..from £ 8
    Wednesday8.00 pm(18)……………(Canadian Film)Cinema 2(19) £………..
    Saturday and Sunday11 am to 10 pm(20)…………..(art exhibition)Gallery 1free

    Part 3: Questions 21-26

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    Latin American Studies

    1. Paul decided to get work experience in South America because he wanted
      1. to teach English there
      2. to improve his Spanish
      3. to learn about Latin American life
    2. What project work did Paul originally intend to get involved in?
      1. construction
      2. agriculture
      3. tourism
    3. 23 Why did Paul change from one project to another?
      1. His first job was not well organized
      2. He found doing the routine work very boring
      3. The work was too physically demanding
    4. In the village community, he learnt how important it was to
      1. respect family life
      2. develop trust
      3. use money wisely
    5. What does Paul say about his project manager?
      1. He let Paul do most of the work
      2. His plans were too ambitious
      3. He was very supportive of Paul
    6. Paul was surprised to be given
      1. a computer to use
      2. so little money to live on
      3. an extension to his contract

    Questions 27-30

    What does Paul decide about each of the following modules?

    Write the correct letter A, B or C next to questions 27-30.

    27. Gender studies in Latin America
    28. Second language acquisition
    29. Indigenous women’s lives
    30. Portuguese language studies

    A He will do this.
    B He might do this.
    C He won’t do this.

    Part 4: Questions 31-34

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    Trying to repeat success

    1. Compared to introducing new business processes, attempts to copy existing processes are
      1. more attractive
      2. more frequent
      3. more straightforward
    2. Most research into the repetition of success in business has
      1. been done outside the United States
      2. produced consistent findings
      3. related to only a few contexts
    3. What does the speaker say about consulting experts?
      1. Too few managers ever do it
      2. It can be useful in certain circumstances
      3. Experts are sometimes unwilling to give advice
    4. An expert’s knowledge about a business system may be incomplete because
      1. some details are difficult for workers to explain
      2. workers choose not to mention certain details
      3. details are sometimes altered by workers
    Questions 35-40

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY.

    Setting up systems based on an existing process
    Two mistakes:
    Manager tries to:
    • Improve on the original process
    • Create an ideal (35) ………………….. from the best parts of several processes

    Cause of problems
    • Information was inaccurate
    • Comparison between the business settings was invalid
    • Disadvantages were overlooked e.g. effect of changes on (36) …………………..

    • Change (37) …………………..
    • Impose rigorous (38) …………………..
    • Copy original very closely:
    o Physical features of the (39) …………………..
    o The (40) ………………….. of original employees

    1. central
    2. 600
    3. 2 years
    4. garage
    5. garden
    6. study
    7. noisy
    8. 595
    9. B
    10. E

    1. classical music concerts
    2. bookshop
    3. planned
    4. 1983
    5. city council
    6. 363
    7. garden hall
    8. three lives
    9. 4.50
    10. faces of china

    1. C
    2. C
    3. A
    4. B
    5. C
    6. A
    7. C
    8. A
    9. B
    10. C

    1. B
    2. B
    3. B
    4. A
    5. combination
    6. safety
    7. attitudes
    8. controls
    9. factories
    10. skills
  • Cambridge IELTS 8 Listening Test 2 Total Insurance Incident Report

    Section 1: Questions 1-10

    Questions 1-3
    Complete the form below.



    Name: Michael Alexander
    Address: 24 Mainly Street, (1) ……………………………, Sydney
    Shipping agent: (2)……………………………..
    Place of origin: China
    Date of arrival: (3)……………………………….
    Reference number: 601ACK
    Questions 4-10
    Complete the table below.
    ItemDamageCost to repair/ replace
    Televisionthe (4)…………….needs to be replacednot known
    The (5)…………..cabinetthe (6)…………..of the cabinet is damaged(7) $……………
    Dining room tablea (8)…………… split$ 200
    Set of chinasix (9)…………….were brokenabout (10) $……………in total

    Part 2: Question 11-20
    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    1. According to the speaker, the main purposes of the park are
      1. education and entertainment
      2. research and education
      3. research and entertainment

    Questions 12-14
    Label the plan below.



    Questions 15-20
    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    1. When are the experimental areas closed to the public?
      1. all the year round
      2. almost all the year
      3. a short time every year16.
    2. How can you move around the park?
      1. by tram, walking or bicycle
      2. by solar car or bicycle
      3. by bicycle, walking or bus
    3. The rare breed animals kept in the park include
      1. hens and horses
      2. goats and cows
      3. goats and hens
    4. What is the main purpose of having the Rare Breeds Section?
      1. to save unusual animals
      2. to keep a variety of breeds
      3. to educate the public
    5. What can you see in the park at the present time?
      1. the arrival of wild birds
      2. fruit tree blossom
      3. a demonstration of fishing
    6. The shop contains books about
      1. animals
      2. local traditions
      3. the history of the park

    Part 3: Questions 21-30
    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    Questions 21-24

    Honey Bees in Australia

    1. Where in Australia have Asian honey bees been found in the past?
      1. Queensland
      2. New South Wales
      3. several states
    2. A problem with Asian honey bees is that they
      1. attack native bees
      2. carry parasites
      3. damage crops
    3. What point is made about Australian bees?
      1. Their honey varies in quality
      2. Their size stops them from pollinating some flowers
      3. They are sold to customers abroad
    4. Grant Freeman says that if Asian honey bees got into Australia,
      1. the country’s economy would be affected
      2. they could be used in the study of allergies
      3. certain areas of agriculture would benefit

    Questions 25-30
    Complete the summary below. Write ONE WORD ONLY.


    Birds called Rainbow Bee Eaters eat only (25) ……………………………….and cough up small bits of skeleton and other products in a pellet.
    Researchers go to the locations the bee eaters like to use for (26) ……………………………….
    They collect the pellets and take them to a (27) ………………………………. for analysis.
    Here (28) ………………………………. is used to soften them, and the researchers look for the (29) ………………………………. of Asian bees in the pellets.
    The benefit of this research is that the result is more (30) ………………………………. than searching for live Asian bees.

    Section 4: Questions 31-40

    Questions 31-36
    Choose the correct letter A, B or C..

    Research on questions about doctors
    31. In order to set up her research programme, Shona got
    A advice from personal friends in other countries
    B help from students in- other countries
    C information from her tutor’s contacts in other countries

    32. What types of people were included in the research?
    A young people in their first job
    B men who were working
    C women who were unemployed

    33. Shona says that in her questionnaire her aim was
    A to get a wide range of data
    B to limit people’s responses
    C to guide people through interviews.

    34. What do Shona’s initial results show about medical services in Britain?
    A Current concerns are misrepresented by the press
    B Financial issues are critical to the government
    C Reforms within hospitals have been unsuccessful

    35. Shona needs to do further research in order to
    A present the government with her findings
    B decide the level of extra funding needed
    C identify the preferences of the public

    36. Shona has learnt from the research project that
    A it is important to plan projects carefully
    B people do not like answering questions
    C colleagues do not always agree

    Questions 37-40
    Which statement applies to each of the following people who were interviewed by Shona?

    Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-F, next to questions 37-40.

    A gave false dataB decided to stop participatingC refusal to tell Shona about their job
    D kept changing their mind about participatingE became very angry with ShonaF was worried about confidentiality

    People interviewed by Shona

    37. a person interviewed in the street…………..

    38. an undergraduate at the university…………..

    39. a colleague in her department…………..

    40. a tutor in a foreign university

    (37)                  (38)
    (39)                  (40)

    1. milperra
    2. first class movers
    3. 28 november
    4. screen
    5. bathroom
    6. door
    7. 140
    8. leg
    9. plates
    10. 60

    1. B
    2. forest
    3. fish farms
    4. market garden
    5. C
    6. A
    7. C
    8. B
    9. C
    10. A

    1. A
    2. B
    3. C
    4. A
    5. insects
    6. feeding
    7. laboratory
    8. water
    9. wings
    10. reliable

    1. B
    2. B
    3. A
    4. A
    5. C
    6. C
    7. B
    8. F
    9. D
    10. C
  • Cambridge IELTS 8 Listening Test 1 George O’Neill In The Library

    Section 1Questions 1 – 10

    Questions 1 and 2

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C


    • In the library George found
      1. a book
      2. a brochure
      3. a newspaper
    1. In the lobby of the library George saw
      1. a group playing music
      2. a display of instruments
      3. a video about the festival
    1. George wants to sit at the back so they can
      1. see well
      2. hear clearly
      3. pay less
    Questions 3-10

    Complete the form below.

    Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND / OR A NUMBER for each answer.

    NAME:                            George O’Neill
    ADDRESS:                     3 …………………. , West sea
    POSTCODE:                  4 …………………..
    TELEPHONE:               5 ………………….
    DateEventPrice per ticketNo. Of tickets
    5 June  Instumental group   – Guitarrini£7.502
    17 June  Singer (price includes   6 …………………. in the garden)£62
    22 June    7 ……………………. (Anna Ventura)£7.001
    23 June    Spanish Dance & Guitar Concert8 £ …………………9 ……………………
    NB Children / Student / Senior Citizens have 10 …………………discount on all tickets.
    Cambridge IELTS 8 Test 1 Hi, George! Glad you’re back. Loads of people have phoned you.

    ٍSection 2 – Questions 11-20

    Questions 11-15

    Complete the sentences below.



    1. The museum closes at  p.m. on Mondays.
    2. The museum is not open on
    3. School groups are met by tour guides in the
    4. The whole visit takes 90 minutes, including  minutes for the guided tour.
    5. There are  behind the museum where students can have lunch.
    Questions 16-18

    Choose THREE letter A-G.

    Which THREE things can students have with them in the museum?

    1. food
    2. water
    3. cameras
    4. books
    5. bags
    6. pens
    7. worksheets
    Questions 19 and 20

    Choose TWO letters A-E.

    Which TWO activities can students do after the tour at present?

    1. build model dinosaurs
    2. watch films
    3. draw dinosaurs
    4. find dinosaur eggs
    5. play computer games

    ٍSection 2 – Questions 21-30

    Questions 21-26

    Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

    Field Trip Proposal

    1. The tutor thinks that Sandra’s proposal
      1. should be re-ordered in some parts
      2. needs a contents page
      3. ought to include more information
    2. The proposal would be easier to follow if Sandra
      1. inserted subheadings
      2. used more paragraphs
      3. shortened her sentences
    3. What was the problem with the formatting on Sandra’s proposal?
      1. Separate points were not clearly identified
      2. The headings were not always clear
      3. Page numbering was not used in an appropriate way
    4. Sandra became interested in visiting the Navajo National Park through
      1. articles she read
      2. movies she saw as a child
      3. photographs she found on the internet
    Questions 25-27

    Choose THREE letters A-G

    Which THREE topics does Sandra agree to include in the proposal?

    1. climate change
    2. field trip activities
    3. geographical features
    4. impact of tourism
    5. myths and legends
    6. plant and animal life G social history
    Questions 28-30

    Complete the sentences below.


    1. The tribal park covers  hectares.
    2. Sandra suggests that they share the  for transport.
    3. She says they could also explore the local

    Section 4: Questions 31-40

    Complete the notes below.

    Write ONE WORD ONLY.


    Studying geography helps us to understand:

    • The effects of different processes on the (31)……………………………..of the Earth
    • The dynamic between (32)……………………………..and population

    Two main branches of study:

    • Physical features
    • Human lifestyles and their (33) ……………………………..

    Specific study areas:

    • Biophysical, topographic, political, social, economic, historical and (34)……………………………..  geography and also cartography

    Key point:

    • Geography helps us to understand our surroundings and the associated (35)……………………………..

    What do the geographers do?

    • Find data e.g. conduct censuses, collect information in the form of (36)……………………………..  using computer and satellite technology
    • Analyse data – identify (37)……………………………..  e.g. cause and effect
    • Publish findings in the form of:


    • Can show physical features of large and small areas
    • But a two-dimensional map will always have some (38)……………………………..

    Aerial photos

    • Can show vegetation problems (39)……………………………..  density, ocean, floor etc.

    Landsat pictures sent to receiving stations
    • Used for monitoring (40)……………………………..  conditions etc.

    Section 1 Answers Cambridge 8 Listening Test 1 George O’Neill
    1. C
    2. B
    3. 48 north avenue
    4. WS62YH
    5. 01674553242
    6. drinks/ refreshments
    7. pianist/ piano player
    8. 10.50
    9. 4
    10. 50%
    Section 2 Answers Cambridge 8 Listening Test 1 THE DINOSAUR MUSEUM
    1. 1.30
    2. 25 December
    3. car parking
    4. 45
    5. tables
    6. C
    7. F
    8. G
    9. B
    10. E
    Section 3 Answers Cambridge 8 Listening Test 1 Field Trip Proposal
    1. A
    2. C
    3. A
    4. B
    5. B
    6. C
    7. F
    8. 12,000
    9. horses
    10. caves
    Section 4 Answers Cambridge 8 Listening Test 1 Geography
    1. surface
    2. environment
    3. impact/ effects
    4. urban
    5. problems
    6. images
    7. patterns
    8. distortion
    9. traffic
    10. weather